View Full Version : Sponsorship

02-02-2005, 04:03 PM
I live in Cherry Hill, NJ and i was just wondering how you can get sponsored. Is the only way to do it winning tournaments?

02-02-2005, 04:06 PM
generally, yes.

ya gotta give the sponsors a REASON to give you something for free, wether its discounts, equipement, paint etc..

02-02-2005, 04:12 PM
dont send dye a letter.

02-02-2005, 04:24 PM
haha y is that mag?

02-02-2005, 06:28 PM
I always thought it would be funny to try to get sponsored by Larry Flynt or Hue Heffner and have a team called "The Pornstars." Then again, I never was right in the head. :tard:

02-02-2005, 06:52 PM
try a search "how to get sponsored" "sponsors"

theyr is about a thread every week.

basicly you gotta win and palce good as well as be amture non cheating kids that promote a good image for yourselfes and your sponsors . as well as provide seomthing to the sponsor.

02-02-2005, 08:18 PM
try a search "how to get sponsored" "sponsors"

theyr is about a thread every week.

basicly you gotta win and palce good as well as be amture non cheating kids that promote a good image for yourselfes and your sponsors . as well as provide seomthing to the sponsor.

how would you explain all the young idiots that are sponsored now? :D

just look at it from their point of view. Would you give some kid free money/discounts on money that YOUR making?

what can they offer that would make you want to?

02-04-2005, 10:01 PM
Here is how my team got are sponsership. My brother and I were long time customers at the local field. One day we decided rec ball was a waste of time and put a tournament team together. Things got interesting at that point. The formally only sponsored team put in a good word for us without our knowledge to the field owner. He then call us to play for him. We played there for years so it was just a natural. Now there is 3 teams all together so practices are good and we have a good time.
Best thing I could suggest is to try out for an already sponsored team. If you play well there is a good chance you might make it. If you put one together from scratch don't expect the world. Opportunities come and go and they're never there long. Word of mouth and and attending events works for alot of players. Getting noticed by acting/playing professional with good sportsmanship is alot of the times more important than winning to pick up the sponsorship. Maintaining it you need all of the above.

02-05-2005, 04:19 PM
Hey man, I live in Mount Laurel, 2 minutes away from you haha. Here is what you have to do. Get a team setup that has a consistent roster that doesn't always change. Practice! Companies want to see that you are commited to the sport and want to do better. Tournaments! Enter all of the local ones, it doesn't matter if you win. Enter all of them, 3 man, 5 man, 7 man, whatever!

There are alot of companies around where you live who are good with small sponsorship deals. Del Hobbies, Redz, NPS, Fire em Up, On Target, FBM

Practice at Del Hobbies. That is the number 1 field in SJersey for Tournament players. Alot of good teams based out of there. Redz Hurricanes were, I dont know if they still are.

Mr. Mouse
02-05-2005, 04:28 PM
Hey, we should play sometime, i live near cherry hill im in haddonfield, and ya you need to play to get sponsored and stuff

02-05-2005, 04:39 PM
Hey, we should play sometime, i live near cherry hill im in haddonfield, and ya you need to play to get sponsored and stuff
Cherry Hill as in the Harold And Kumar Cherry Hill? Where White Castle was?

02-05-2005, 05:29 PM
Cherry Hill as in the Harold And Kumar Cherry Hill? Where White Castle was?

Yes, same Cherry Hill