View Full Version : Owner of MI Paintball in Mt. Holly, NJ arrested

02-02-2005, 04:46 PM
I love this.
The owner of a local store, about 2 minutes from my house, was arrested for child porn. I really hope this store goes down, HARD. They are about a half mile away from another paintball store, Fire Em Up, which is owned and operated by the nicest man in the world who has put up with so much crap from MI paintball since they opened last year. FEU has been in business for over 5 years and MI has been bashing them and lieng to there customers to steer them away from Fire Em Up.


02-02-2005, 05:40 PM
im glad he's arrested. go feu.

Archangel Kid
02-02-2005, 06:28 PM
PLEASE LET MI DIE... ok harsh... but all of there teams(when I played) were cocky little 12 year olds that had no skill, but a store to fully stock them with what ever they needed. I really wish I still had my store :(

02-02-2005, 06:42 PM
STOP!! Change the title of this now. The store near you is not affiliated with M.I. Paintball. MI Paintball is trying to get them to take their signs.

Guy gets what he deserves.

02-02-2005, 07:27 PM
I dont care what the owner of the "real" MI paintball says....BUT THEY WERE AFFILIATED! He is just trying to cover it up. They used to have the same logo, same website, same guns, same everything. His response "We sell wholesale to a bunch of dealers". But why sell your custom guns to a store that supposedly stole there name and logo.........

02-02-2005, 07:50 PM
Exactly, they were affliated. But ehh, I dont care much either. Guy's a friggen pervert.

02-02-2005, 08:24 PM
holy crap. i hope this guy gos down hard. i cant say how much this pisses me off. and....this gives paintball a really bad rep around that area. "owner of local paintball field is arrested for child porn."

02-02-2005, 09:09 PM
Hang them high. :mad:

Child molestation should be a capital offense per sentencing guidelines. Scumbags. If I were the parent of any kid who did any business with that store or any of its affiliates I would be seriously pissed right about now.

02-02-2005, 09:54 PM
yeah, id be callin a lawyer or lookin for my baseball bat...

or both

PBX Ronin 23
02-03-2005, 12:43 AM
Haven't you guys ever heard of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY?

Granted the charges are the kind of stuff that people generally find reprehensible, but we live in America. People should not be tried, judged and punished anywhere else outside of our judicial system. Especially not on an internet forum.

02-03-2005, 04:26 AM
Haven't you guys ever heard of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY?

Granted the charges are the kind of stuff that people generally find reprehensible, but we live in America. People should not be tried, judged and punished anywhere else outside of our judicial system. Especially not on an internet forum.

I DO agree with your post.

BUT this is the "New" America. Where information is readily available and easily had. The time when one is judged harshly by the media and public well before trial. Not the way it is suppose to be......

I really hate how our system seems to have going down the toilet with the now--- GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT.......:( :( :( ................

IF this character is guilty.....hope he get it in the end... :shooting:

02-03-2005, 07:09 AM
Ma, git the rope and the whiskey, we is gunna have us a lynchin party!!!

Gossip is no new invention. Seems to me it's been around since, well, the birth of language. The system is no worse off (or better) now than fifty or one hundred years ago, when a jury of white guys could easily acquit another white guy of murdering a black guy simply because they didn't see it as all that wrong. The myth of the "good old days" is simply a product of the memory ( personal or historical) applying a rosy touch to times gone by.

But yeah, there is something to be said for restraint in one's judgment. As in it's a good thing.

Of course, if the man is guilty, then may his punishment aid those who don't engage in ****ty business practices. That crap is just bad form.

02-03-2005, 08:41 AM
Haven't you guys ever heard of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY?

Granted the charges are the kind of stuff that people generally find reprehensible, but we live in America. People should not be tried, judged and punished anywhere else outside of our judicial system. Especially not on an internet forum.

Dang man, You just keep stealing the words right out of my mouth! Everyone in this thread is condemning a man who, before reading this thread, have had absolutely no experience with whatsoever.

OF COURSE I condemn child pornography, for any moron who thinks my above statement has any corellation to my moral values....

Archangel Kid
02-03-2005, 01:10 PM
Dang man, You just keep stealing the words right out of my mouth! Everyone in this thread is condemning a man who, before reading this thread, have had absolutely no experience with whatsoever.

OF COURSE I condemn child pornography, for any moron who thinks my above statement has any corellation to my moral values....

If you're talking about us not having experience with the owner of MI... I HAVE and I DON'T like him, his store, his teams, or his attitude.

PBX Ronin 23
02-03-2005, 01:29 PM
If you're talking about us not having experience with the owner of MI... I HAVE and I DON'T like him, his store, his teams, or his attitude.
Not liking him, his store, his teams or his attitude is your right to do so. No one can be everything to everyone and you can't make everybody happy.

But assailing someone on the net for being implicated in a crime....trying, convicting and punishing someone on the 'Net without due process through our legal system is WRONG!

If anyone finds it acceptable to profess someone's guilt without giving them the opportunity to exercise their constitutional rights to be assumed innocent until proven guilty, then perhaps you guys really do not understand what it trully is to be an American and to live life in America. That, being so evident on this thread, is nothing short of being a SHAME.

Archangel Kid
02-03-2005, 01:41 PM
ohh... I said nothing about him being guilty or innocent... I just voiced my opinion of him

PBX Ronin 23
02-03-2005, 02:02 PM
ohh... I said nothing about him being guilty or innocent... I just voiced my opinion of him

Huh? So your post that I'm quoting below isn't a condemnation of people who have yet been subjected to due process?


Pleeeeeeeze.....if you back pedal on an issue, at the very least check the tracks that you have left.

02-03-2005, 08:59 PM
yeah, id be callin a lawyer or lookin for my baseball bat...

or both

my lawyer is my baseball bat... :mad:

Archangel Kid
02-03-2005, 09:49 PM
Huh? So your post that I'm quoting below isn't a condemnation of people who have yet been subjected to due process?

Pleeeeeeeze.....if you back pedal on an issue, at the very least check the tracks that you have left.

Yes, I said that, because dum dum dum... I DON'T LIKE MI :eek: NOT because he MIGHT get off watching 5 year olds... but BECAUSE he's another word for a penis.

PBX Ronin 23
02-03-2005, 10:01 PM
This thread only serves to condemn a member of the paintball community who has not yet been given their day in court. It isn't right to ruin peoples' reputations and livelihood over charges that may or may not be true.

Hey Mods, perhaps it's better to closed this thread.

02-03-2005, 10:29 PM
ok, so innocet until proven guilty, but lets look a little closer at our legal system.

he was ARRESTED. As such he either committed the offense while a cop was watching or was served with a warrent. If he was seen i think the evidence speaks for itself. To get a warrent, police luckily must provide a reasonable body of evidence (think writ of habeus corpus style) to show the person is somehow linked to said crimes.

obviously then, this person has SOME kind of link to the offensive material.
In my opinion, anyone having to do with a video of a rape deserves a conversation with a baseball bat.
Anyone having to do with the rape of a 5 year old desrves their own special little place in hell and an express ride ther, but lets not get into an argument about capital punishment. wheh.

Archangel Kid
02-03-2005, 10:30 PM
Its nice that you have this guys back. But don't get mad when people voice there opinions about someone. I say it should stay open until/unless it gets out of hand.

02-03-2005, 11:32 PM
i played mi kids a long time ago once, me and a few other guys that were walkons beat them several times and they kept making lame excuses that they werent trying or some bs like that

anyway, i really do hope MI the company goes down altogether, their guns are overrated pieces of eye candy

PBX Ronin 23
02-04-2005, 12:02 AM
Its nice that you have this guys back. But don't get mad when people voice there opinions about someone. I say it should stay open until/unless it gets out of hand.
I would have anybody's back if they were ever subjected to the lynch mob mentality without having the benefit to either defend themselves in a court of law or in the court of public opinion.

To be arrested doesn't necessarily equate to guilt. Evidence that must be presented in a court of law must prove a person's guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt. To be arrested and have your name bandied out in the open as part of this whole mess is embarassing enough. To have your character assasinated by individuals who are only getting their information through hearsay is even worse.

I don't condone the act of child exploitation and pornography. The thought of it makes me sick to my stomach. But I also can't accept the type of lynch mob mentality that comes as a natural reaction to somethng like this. Our soceity is based on the assumption of innocence. If you're more suited to living in a soceity based on the assumption of guilt, then just imagine for a moment what it would feel like to wear the shoes of the accused.

02-04-2005, 09:57 AM
we had a local field owner around here (I went to his field once and got the feeling he was a WACK JOB and never went back) be arested and convicted for molesting some younger male players.
I HATE to hear about things like this sooooo much

02-04-2005, 11:52 AM
Evidence that must be presented in a court of law must prove a person's guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Common and unfortunate misconception. The correct concept is REASONABLE doubt.

BIG difference.

PBX Ronin 23
02-04-2005, 12:43 PM
Common and unfortunate misconception. The correct concept is REASONABLE doubt.

BIG difference.

Nonetheless, it is morally reprehensible to assail the accused based on hearsay without the benefit of due process.

This thread should be closed down.

02-04-2005, 01:10 PM
I would not be defending this person at all. Even if he is innocent, the fact that they had enough evidence to arrest him is enough to not make him upstanding citizen and someone I would not want to be associated with.

EDIT: Also, there is nothing wrong with the public commenting on a press release. It's not like this is a rumor. It's not even like this is just some news agency releasing this info. It's the NJ Attoney General's office. Again, I would not want little kids going to this guys field, guilty or not.

PBX Ronin 23
02-04-2005, 01:21 PM
I would not be defending this person at all. Even if he is innocent, the fact that they had enough evidence to arrest him is enough to not make him upstanding citizen and someone I would not want to be associated with.

EDIT: Also, there is nothing wrong with the public commenting on a press release. It's not like this is a rumor. It's not even like this is just some news agency releasing this info. It's the NJ Attoney General's office. Again, I would not want little kids going to this guys field, guilty or not.

I agree with your sentiments. But from what I heard, some people on that list just so happen to have been sent the file without asking for it. Their sin seems to have been opening and trying to find out what the file content was. If they opened it and found the contents morally reprehensible and deleted the file, they are still technically guilty according to the authorities.

Wading through the truth and finding justice in there somewhere is not the province of anyone outside the criminal justice system. That is exactly what I'm professing.

02-04-2005, 01:34 PM
I would not be defending this person at all. Even if he is innocent, the fact that they had enough evidence to arrest him is enough to not make him upstanding citizen and someone I would not want to be associated with.

You are assuming that law enforcement never makes any mistakes. Try having your door kicked down and having sub-machine guns pointed at your head, because they are serving a warrant to the wrong address. :mad:

They sometimes make mistakes, or are deliberately deceived.

02-04-2005, 03:31 PM
You are assuming that law enforcement never makes any mistakes. Try having your door kicked down and having sub-machine guns pointed at your head, because they are serving a warrant to the wrong address. :mad:

They sometimes make mistakes, or are deliberately deceived.

Too true. In Canada we have Donald Marshall Jr., David Milgaard and Guy Paul Morin as evidence the Police and Justice system are not always upstanding. They were all handed life sentences for murder and are lucky we don’t have the death penalty. That's if you consider spening 20 odd years in prison lucky.

As for the American justice system, there are plenty of examples as well. Think Rubin "Hurricane" Carter was guily of something so deserved being arrested and jailed?

Then consider the following: http://www.truthinjustice.org/child-abuse.htm
And in particular the part and links titled: False Allegations of Sexual Abuse.

The lives ruined by false accusations are enough reason to not judge people based on arrests and wait until there’s a conviction.

PBX Ronin 23
02-04-2005, 06:16 PM
The lives ruined by false accusations are enough reason to not judge people based on arrests and wait until there’s a conviction.


02-04-2005, 07:12 PM

02-04-2005, 07:43 PM

Quoted For Truth

02-04-2005, 09:58 PM
Was this one of the guys on the front page of The Trentonian the other day? Every person caught on this sting had there pictures, age, and addresses right on the front page! There was a 16 year old from my town but his picture or name wasnt there because he was a minor.

02-05-2005, 12:26 AM
"he said it was an accident, he was lookin up porn on the internet and it came up on accident"

02-05-2005, 01:08 AM
Well, hell, we've all been there, right?


"he said it was an accident, he was lookin up porn on the internet and it came up on accident"

02-05-2005, 01:35 AM
Well, hell, we've all been there, right?


*/ Crickets Chripping in the back ground.


