View Full Version : Any Ohio State fans out there wanna celebrate with me?

02-02-2005, 05:22 PM
Well todays the day. This morning I just signed my national letter of intent to play football for Ohio State next year. Im SO excited. I verbally committed like last May or June but it feels good to finally have it official. They offered me a full scholorship to do what I love, play football. This is awesome for me because I never wouldve gone to college any other way. I chose OSU over most PAC10 schools because I was born in Ohio(didnt live their very long though) and have always been a big fan. Incase you care Im 6' 5" 240, going to play sort of a speed/athletic defensive end spot because apparently im not big enough yet to play strongside. I know in 4 or 5 years that will change and Ill get a lot bigger and stronger.

Today, February 2nd, is the National Letter of Intent signing day incase you didnt know so athletes everywhere will be signing to go to colleges its kind of exciting if your into that sort of thing. I dont know if this is the same day for every sport but I know it is for football. And any Buckeye fans I can tell you personally that we got a GREAT recruiting class this year. All 18 or 20 of us get along great and theres really some awesome athletes in the mix. I have met most of them and they are nice guys as well.

Im going A LONG way from home, and pretty much know nobody out there, so if anyone in the Columbus area can tell me some good spots to paintball or snowboard it would be greatly appreciated.

For anyone who wants to play college sports...hard work pays off in the end!

o yea and Ill attach one of the letters because most of you always wanna see proof....and because the letters are kind of cool looking. I have the rest if you get bored and feel like lookin at them.


02-02-2005, 06:08 PM
That's awesome man, good job.

I have so many friend's that would kill to play college football at any school...you are lucky.

02-02-2005, 06:09 PM
nice dood......im only a junior right now, but get letters from duke, iowa, northwestern ...and then sum d2 schools. so i guess ill find out after next season whats up....congrats tho

02-02-2005, 06:12 PM
;) you deserve 5 dancing banana's!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

02-02-2005, 06:34 PM
Congrats, Ryan. Good luck kicking *** next year :)

02-02-2005, 09:23 PM
LOL! You are the 3 star DE from Mission Viejo? Football is religion here. Good choice on schools and welcome to C-bus.

Splatterpark is about the only large place to play paintball, but there are several good small fields around. The OSU paintball team used to be one of the best, but it sucks any more. Allot of the bars on the campus got torn down, but you are probably too young for all that. Several good clubs though, and football players are instant celebrities. Just stay away from the Al Rosa Villa. And keep your nose clean, OSU has a great record of getting players into the pros, if you don't flake out ala Maurice Clarett. Watch out for the boosters, there are some real creeps. But the true fans are some of the best in the nation. You'll know that for sure when some team is trying to drive into the south side of the Shoe and 105,000 people are on their feet screaming for you to knock some poor sap's head clean off.

Look for me on Saturdays. I'll be the guy in the stands, yelling and wearing scarlet and gray.


02-02-2005, 09:31 PM
hes actually 4 star on rivals.com .....im on there but not ranked yet :(


02-02-2005, 11:06 PM
YOUR FREAKING RYAN WILLIAMS??????????????????????????


Thats freaking awesome man, Ive been following OSU Football all my life. Its great to have you on the team, Im down there at least once a month(+ every home game at the Varsity Club) to see my friends and whatnot, let me know when you get in down there and I'll take you partying and whatnot. C-Bus is my second home and you joined the club at the perfect time!

02-02-2005, 11:56 PM
By the way, what happened to Kevin Bemoll, thought he was coming with you?


02-03-2005, 12:54 AM

I am a diehard fan despite that fact I go to WVU (got rejected from OSU). Congrats!

I go to atleast 3 or 4 football games a year. Whenever the go to a National Championship, expect to see me there!

I follow the recruiting of OSU and WVU every season, and I would have never imagined you were Ryan Williams. You came from Mission Viejo correct? Isn't that where Sanchez, the USC QB recruit, went?

02-03-2005, 01:07 AM
yea i thought I was 4 stars by now lol like that even matters.

ntn- that sounds great man. I really know nobody. I have a couple friends and family 40 minutes south or so but other than that I know a couple players and thats it.

O and the Kevin thing....me and him used to be like brothers, untill he got his new stupid gf. He was totally solid on his commitment and then I went on a snowboarding trip and came back to find out he was second guessing it due to the whole Troy Smith/ Maurice Clarret thing going on. I give him a hard time about it and stuff but I cant make his decision for him and he thought Cal would be a better fit. All in all my school had 8 guys to sign today. Im all by myself in the Big 10 but some of my boys including kev are PAC10 so hopefully ill see them in the Rose Bowl in a couple years. :clap:

And ive always been told OSU fans are crazy and love football. And from what im seeing thats completely true. I hate to leave California but I cant help being soooo excited. :cheers:

Arson- the letters always come first just be patient. It will be wierd someday you'll just start getting offers/interest from schools youve never even got mail from. And then some of the schools you get mail from might never talk to you again. Its just how the wierd recruiting system works. Just be patient man, work you *** off in the offseason, and hang in there im sure you'll be fine.

02-03-2005, 01:09 AM
Thats amazing man. I can't believe it. You will have a lot of fun in columbus. The fans are insane and there is nothing like 105,000 fans going nuts on a cool fall day in the Horseshoe. I'll be there for the OSU-Texas game next season :)

02-03-2005, 01:16 AM
yea I was at the Michigan game and it was so intense in the 4th quarter, like you couldnt hear the guy next to you, I dont know how that defense was making calls.

And the Texas game should be a good one.....hopefully I can make the travel group that early.

O yea and PS to everyone: I didnt know so many diehard buckeye fans were here. Ive had enough trouble with reporters quoting me very wrong in a lot of articles, so if you could please refrain from sending anything I type to anyone you know on any of the big buckeye football websites or any sports journalists you know that would be awesome. I just wanna be able to speak freely here without having to worry about whether or not my quotes will be posted up all over the net or in the paper tommorow. Thanks.

02-03-2005, 01:23 AM
Sorry man, i already reported everything you have said to rivals.com, scout.com, espn and si.com........ok ok ok jp man.

I was at the MIchigan game, were you one of the recruits that were standing in the south endzone during part of the game? I was sitting in the student "Block O" section in the south stands. It was so cool to be able to walk onto the field after the game.

02-03-2005, 01:26 AM
Dude, i reported everything you have said to rvials.com, scout.com, espn and si.com........ok ok ok jp man.

I was at the MIchigan game, were you one of the recruits that were standing in the south endzone during part of the game? I was sitting in the student "Block O" section in the south stands. It was so cool to be able to walk onto the field after the game.

Yea I was there. I have a pic around here somewhere of me, Boone, Cordle, Worthington, Kev, Robby Shoenhoft, Denlinger, Hartline, and maybe one more standing in the endzone on the "open" side of the shoe. I guess it was the South endzone. And your right it was sooo cool after the game.

02-03-2005, 01:34 AM
Yea, thats the south endzone

From the Tressel press conference

* On DE Ryan Williams -- “Ryan comes from a great program at Mission Viejo, Calif., He brings an interesting vida. As a young boy, he was sitting with his grandfather at (OSU’s) James Cancer Hospital. He pointed out the window and hoped that one day Ryan would have a chance to play (at Ohio Stadium). Fast forward 14 years and Ryan has a chance to sign with the Buckeyes. That is a special thing for him and we think he will do a great job on the edge.”

02-03-2005, 01:35 AM
here we go...the best game ever.

02-03-2005, 01:37 AM
Yea, thats the south endzone

From the Tressel press conference

* On DE Ryan Williams -- “Ryan comes from a great program at Mission Viejo, Calif., He brings an interesting vida. As a young boy, he was sitting with his grandfather at (OSU’s) James Cancer Hospital. He pointed out the window and hoped that one day Ryan would have a chance to play (at Ohio Stadium). Fast forward 14 years and Ryan has a chance to sign with the Buckeyes. That is a special thing for him and we think he will do a great job on the edge.”

yea, long time ago. Both my grandparents died in that hospital actually. :(

02-03-2005, 01:40 AM
more pics

02-03-2005, 01:41 AM

02-03-2005, 01:43 AM
sorry for the bad quality, I used my camera phone. My sister and mom have great pictures of that game. My sister gets a press pass for every game, so she can go down on the field. I'll try to get more pics

02-03-2005, 01:46 AM
yea those pics are awesome. It reminded me how insane it was down there after the game.

02-03-2005, 01:55 AM
I was down there a couple hundred yards away from the Michigan game at the Bars with 40,000+ other roudy fans(its my first year over 21)

We made a road trip thursday night from Kent and did the mirrior lake suff where you jump in the like 35 degree lake and then called it an early night.

Friday we started drinking at 2 went from party to party to bars till closing, then back to parties.

At 4AM Saturday we went to a seven Kegger, made a stop for kegs and eggs then back to the party till 9-10(the kegs were tapped)

We then proceded to walk our non sleep getting drunken arses to the Varsity Club and Heine Gate where I had a great time partying and watching the game with the whole state of Ohio.

It was honestly one of the best and craziest times I ever had, but if it lasted anylonger I would have died

02-03-2005, 01:56 AM
i have tons of pics from that game. Just about every camera angle you can get. But if I got it figured out you were sitting right here.....

and its gunna be really wierd if I actually got you in the pic.

02-03-2005, 01:59 AM
I was down there a couple hundred yards away from the Michigan game at the Bars with 40,000+ other roudy fans(its my first year over 21)

We made a road trip thursday night from Kent and did the mirrior lake suff where you jump in the like 35 degree lake and then called it an early night.

Friday we started drinking at 2 went from party to party to bars till closing, then back to parties.

At 4AM Saturday we went to a seven Kegger, made a stop for kegs and eggs then back to the party till 9-10(the kegs were tapped)

We then proceded to walk our non sleep getting drunken arses to the Varsity Club and Heine Gate where I had a great time partying with the whole state of Ohio.

It was honestly one of the best and craziest times I ever had, but if it lasted anylonger I would have died

Yea that sounds about what my official visit was like. Except squeeze in hungover meetings in there with coaches, including coach Tress, and drunken tours of the academic facilities. I was at Heinie gate for about 30 min after the Michigan game too but since im under 21 it was kind of a bust.

02-03-2005, 02:04 AM
HAHA, that sucks...

Do you know when your actually coming to CBus?

02-03-2005, 02:09 AM
Yea I wanna spend my last summer here so ill show up for camp whenever camp starts...which is August I think.

02-03-2005, 07:05 AM
Let me add my congrats to the list.

Totally and completely awesome. Good Luck, and let us know what number you are when you play.

02-03-2005, 08:42 AM
Wicked_Wayz, I am in that pic. Look at the Block "O" Flag, the kid standing behind it with the tan jacket, black hat and red jersey on is me. I'm standing right next to my sister.

02-03-2005, 09:00 AM
Go Bucks !...

Congrats... And welcome to the state great state of Ohio...

I am a die hard buckeye fan... and Coach Tressel is truly a great man... I met him once when he was the coach at Youngstown St.

Best of luck in the program and on the field... And walking out of the tunnel into the 'shoe is truly awe inspiring... " I did it once in H.S. for state track finals" I can only imagine what it is like when it is packed full of fans on game day...

And know they do play paintball over here (( Even though we are still mostly under a foot of snow right now))... Splatterpark is just outide of columblus and is one of the largest and most complete pro shops, mail order, and fields this side of the country... ( got a big game comming up May 21st I think ? )...and Prof. Lumpy's is a big scernio field own'd and ran by Black Cat Productions who runs games all over the country... ( got a 12 hour comming up in march ) on the more "toward the river" ...South...

And even Ohio State had at one time some intermural and a school sponserd paintball team that a good friend of mine play for a short while on back in the early 90's...

As for snowboarding most of the better stuff would be in the northern part of the state 2-3 hours up the interstate "toward the lake" mean's north here in O-Hi-err... Brandywine Ski Resort is just one of the few that are up that way...

If you need anything or want to know more I'll be happy to do anything I can... send me a PM here or e-mail me at dusty@wilkshire.net

P.S. - Be sure to learn the words to "Hang on Sloopy"...

02-03-2005, 11:01 AM
In old Ohio (Columbus) there's a team,
That's known thru-out the land;
Eleven warriors, brave and bold,
Whose fame will ever stand,
And when the ball goes over,
Our cheers will reach the sky,
Ohio Field will hear again
The Buckeye Battle Cry.
Drive! Drive on down the field;
Men of the scarlet and gray;
Don't let them thru that line,
We have to win this game today,
Come on, Ohio!
Smash thru to victory,
We cheer you as we go;
Our honor defend
So we'll fight to the end
For O-hi-o.

02-03-2005, 01:28 PM
Oh! Come let's sing Ohio's praise,
And songs to Alma Mater raise;
While our hearts rebounding thrill,
With joy which death alone can still.
Summer's heat and Winter's cold,
The seasons pass, the years will roll;
Time and change will surely show
How firm thy friendship -- O hi o.

02-03-2005, 03:33 PM

02-03-2005, 03:49 PM
how much are they paying you??


go purdue =D

02-03-2005, 04:02 PM


02-03-2005, 04:03 PM
Go Bucks !...

Congrats... And welcome to the state great state of Ohio...

I am a die hard buckeye fan... and Coach Tressel is truly a great man... I met him once when he was the coach at Youngstown St.

Best of luck in the program and on the field... And walking out of the tunnel into the 'shoe is truly awe inspiring... " I did it once in H.S. for state track finals" I can only imagine what it is like when it is packed full of fans on game day...

And know they do play paintball over here (( Even though we are still mostly under a foot of snow right now))... Splatterpark is just outide of columblus and is one of the largest and most complete pro shops, mail order, and fields this side of the country... ( got a big game comming up May 21st I think ? )...and Prof. Lumpy's is a big scernio field own'd and ran by Black Cat Productions who runs games all over the country... ( got a 12 hour comming up in march ) on the more "toward the river" ...South...

And even Ohio State had at one time some intermural and a school sponserd paintball team that a good friend of mine play for a short while on back in the early 90's...

As for snowboarding most of the better stuff would be in the northern part of the state 2-3 hours up the interstate "toward the lake" mean's north here in O-Hi-err... Brandywine Ski Resort is just one of the few that are up that way...

If you need anything or want to know more I'll be happy to do anything I can... send me a PM here or e-mail me at dusty@wilkshire.net

P.S. - Be sure to learn the words to "Hang on Sloopy"...

thanks man...and why again do I need to memorize that phrase?

02-03-2005, 04:03 PM
Wicked_Wayz, I am in that pic. Look at the Block "O" Flag, the kid standing behind it with the tan jacket, black hat and red jersey on is me. I'm standing right next to my sister.

man thats pretty cool. but really random at the same time... :wow:

02-03-2005, 04:25 PM
Shall we?


02-03-2005, 04:56 PM
Congratulations man, that's a huge accomplishment. Keep up the hard work and you can do anything (except in HS where you can be the hardest worker... a senior... and still never get to play damnit).

BTW, is anyone here currently attending Ohio State? I'm looking at going up there this weekend to buy a Red 93 Toyota MR2 Turbo. Maybe someone's seen it around campus? I was wondering if someone could do a quick look over before I do the 8 hour treck to Ohio.

02-03-2005, 05:07 PM
thanks man...and why again do I need to memorize that phrase?

Your more than welcome... because you will be carrying the well wishes of nearly an entire state... We got two Pro Teams here, and several more are very close to Ohio borders...And I think 7 or 8 D-1 football teams, but none carry the loyal die hard fan base of so much of the state and surounding area and this "IS" football country... They didn't put the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Ohio for nothing... I drive by it nearly daily... :rolleyes:

And why do you need to memorize it.... Hummm... Well firsts it's a song not a phrase.... And for a reason... well I guess because it is a catchy little tune that will get kinda engrained into your head after you hear nearly 50,000 chanting the lyrics...

O - H - I - O


02-03-2005, 08:44 PM
Hang on Sloopy is Ohio State's official rock song

02-03-2005, 10:02 PM
wow congrads wicked :cheers: your practicly famous already ;)

02-04-2005, 04:09 AM
Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy hang on
Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy hang on

Sloopy lives in a very bad part of town
And everybody yeah, tries to put my Sloopy down
Well, Sloopy I don't care what your daddy do
Cause' you know Sloopy girl I'm in love with you

And so I say now

Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy hang on
Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy hang on

Sloopy let your hair down girl, let it hang down on me
Sloopy let your hair down girl ,let it hang down on me

Come on Sloopy, Come on Sloopy
Come on, come on
Come on Sloopy, Come on Sloopy
Come on, Come on

Well it feels so good
Come on, Come on
You know it feels so good
Come on, Come on

Well, Shake it, Shake it, Shake it Sloopy

Come on, Come on

Well, Shake it, Shake it, Shake it Yeah

Come on, Come on

Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy hang on
Hang on Sloopy, Sloopy hang on

02-04-2005, 11:56 AM
Osu Sucks!!! Go Michigan!!!

02-04-2005, 12:22 PM

02-04-2005, 02:51 PM
I'm a Michigan fan, but congrats man, that's awesome. As much as I rip on my buckeye friends it's a good school!

02-04-2005, 03:11 PM


02-05-2005, 06:13 PM
Osu Sucks!!! Go Michigan!!!

ban him!


02-05-2005, 08:46 PM
ban him!


Perm ban. Michigan Go Blow!

02-05-2005, 09:10 PM
Congrats! It's awesome to play any sport at a school like OSU. Hawk and Nugent both came out of my school and A.J.'s parents live down the street from us.

02-05-2005, 10:04 PM
Osu Sucks!!! Go Michigan!!!

Us ohioans are so passionate about our OSU team. Don't be surprised if you have a mob outside your door with pitchforks....and guns...and chainsaws.......... :mad:

02-05-2005, 10:30 PM
Osu Sucks!!! Go Michigan!!!
Well, you hear about the OSU / Michigan basketball game today? Yeah, let's just say it was "dunktastic". For OSU, not you.

02-05-2005, 11:29 PM
Dang dude, you are huge... Nice job on the scholarship and earning a spot on the team too!

I've been a Michigan fan since I was a little kid (Dad went there), but since we can't afford to pay for a Michigan education (ROTC denied me based on a peanut allergy) I MIGHT just end up going to OSU with the decent academic scholarship they gave me. I'm pretty sure they have a paintball team because I could have sworn I saw their jersey's before.

02-05-2005, 11:36 PM
Dang dude, you are huge... Nice job on the scholarship and earning a spot on the team too!

I've been a Michigan fan since I was a little kid (Dad went there), but since we can't afford to pay for a Michigan education (ROTC denied me based on a peanut allergy) I MIGHT just end up going to OSU with the decent academic scholarship they gave me. I'm pretty sure they have a paintball team because I could have sworn I saw their jersey's before.

Your dad will disown you.

02-06-2005, 04:26 PM
Congrats! It's awesome to play any sport at a school like OSU. Hawk and Nugent both came out of my school and A.J.'s parents live down the street from us.

My family is good friends with the Hawk's also. I dont know where anything is in ohio but I was born in washington courthouse, but I dont know where that is in relation to dayton.

02-06-2005, 08:39 PM
"I'm pretty sure they have a paintball team because I could have sworn I saw their jersey's before."

They do, but they haven't been good in nearly ten years. They used to win MICTs right and left, but they haven't been any better than 20th in anything I an remember lately.