View Full Version : NUBBINS! please help me

02-03-2005, 12:44 AM
i just got my first mag today. i got it on ebay, and it came with lots of extras.
one of the first things i noticed, was that it has no nubbin, and didn't come with a nubbin.
i went outside to shoot it anyways, and it broke balls in the barrel left and right. i'm hopeing this is because of the nubbin. am i correct?
i need one badly, and i dont know if the wire ones fit in the bendy groove on my barrel.
do the wire ones come in those part kits? i'd rather have a plastic one or two, but for now i will live with what i can get.
and, where can i get a parts kit for pretty cheap. i'm thinking tunaman, but i dont know. any help?

oh, and for a few minutes, if i waited about 30 seconds and pulled the trigger, the pull was heavier than normal, and i swear the ball would go 400 fps. whick seal or o-ring would i replace to fix this. the one inbetween the two halves of the valve?


02-03-2005, 12:58 AM
congrats on your first mag!

Not too sure about breaking balls because you dont have a nubin... When i take my nubin out the balls just roll out of the barrel, they dont break.

Tunaman, Roguefactor, or the AGD Store all have great prices on mag parts. :headbang:

02-03-2005, 01:16 AM
also. i have to push/pull like a :cuss: to get the barrel in and out. on the bottom of the barrel latch thingy, there is a screw. i unscrewed it until it was flush with the bottom of the latch thing; and i still have to push/pull that hard to get it in/out. is there any way to make it lighter, so i can get it in and out with ease? maybe a pen spring?

02-03-2005, 02:27 AM
PM me your address, I think I have a spare plastic nubbin I can send you. I live reasonably close to you, so you should have it in a day or 2.

02-03-2005, 02:37 AM
Was the mag double feeding? If so, that was probably why it was breaking balls. Does your new mag have the LX kit in it? I may have some old wire nubbins I could give you. I'll have to check on that. I don't really like the plastic ones. I always had better luck with the old wire ones.

02-03-2005, 04:52 AM
ok yes without a nubbin the mags blend!! this is why when you had the steel nubbins and you chopped it you couldnt get more than 2 shots off with out filling the barrel with paint!! also go with plastic they dont chop!! now second question is yes replace the reg set/thick oring that sits inbetween the two halves of the valve also this is a tech subject so the tech section works well just less responses!

02-03-2005, 06:16 PM
thanks you guys.
nope, no level 10. i'm not chopping. just double feeding and breaking balls.

blennidae: i might send you a PM tonight. gotta ask my parents if i can send my address to a stranger. lol

is there anything i can do about taking the barrel out? its really hard! maybe a different spring in the latch?

02-03-2005, 07:26 PM
No problem on the address, its up to your folks.

To address your problem with a stiff trigger and a first shot hot, I believe that it the reg seat, which is between the halves of the valve.

As for the barrel removal problem, check the condition of the twist lock assembly. Pull the body off and check it. See if the pin is bent or anything. It probably couldn't hurt to put some kind of lubricant on it and the barrel o-rings.

02-03-2005, 11:29 PM
the little pin on it is fine, and i dripped some oil in it. seems to be a tiny bit better. i can survive with it. i'm getting used to it.

blennidae: sent you a PM :)

02-04-2005, 12:02 AM
Sometimes twistlock barrels need to be "broken in". My AA used to take two people to get out, and now I can slip it in and out with ease like my other barrels. Put a ****load of lube all over the threads, then slide it in and run a swab/paper towell in to get any excess lube out. It'll work for now, and gradually get better.

02-04-2005, 12:16 AM
its getting even easier to get in and out now. i'v been playing around with it for a while now