View Full Version : The Eclipse Ego... heh...

02-04-2005, 07:53 PM
Just a matter of time before I got my hands on one of these...

http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/sego1.jpg (http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/ego1.jpg)
http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/sego2.jpg (http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/ego2.jpg)
http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/sego3.jpg (http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/ego3.jpg)
http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/sego4.jpg (http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/ego4.jpg)
http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/sego5.jpg (http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/ego5.jpg)
http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/sego6.jpg (http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/ego6.jpg)
http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/sego7.jpg (http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/ego7.jpg)
http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/sego8.jpg (http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/ego8.jpg)
http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/sego9.jpg (http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/ego9.jpg)
http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/sego10.jpg (http://www.blazestorm.net/ego/ego10.jpg)

I'll have a video when I get some good paint... :D

02-04-2005, 08:06 PM


02-04-2005, 08:10 PM
that looks really nice. i want to see a vid too :headbang:

02-04-2005, 08:11 PM
This is the most solid feeling marker I've ever held.

It feels soooo nice in my hands I can just tell it's going to be awesome.

02-04-2005, 09:07 PM
I'm sorry but this just irks the hell out of me. Lets take a beautiful marker and lay it on (insert any hard surface likely to scratch said marker) so we can take some pictures of it.

02-04-2005, 09:13 PM
Haha, yes I scratched the hell out of it :rolleyes:

If you take time to think, I rested it against the surface, than directly removed it, taking care not to make jerking movements (causing the gun to rub against the said surface)

Towards the end you can see something on the vertical adapter but that's just some dirt, wiped right off.

02-04-2005, 10:12 PM
Blaze, those shots are purty!

Using neutral or dark colors looks really good, in my opinion.

In fact, other than the profile shot where he lost focus and the background isn't clear, those are some really good shots.

02-04-2005, 10:32 PM
Haha, I just grabbed my dad's Nikon D100 and snapped some shots.

BTW I fixed the links, they now go to much larger pictures (to 3000x2000 pics)

02-04-2005, 10:53 PM
Blaze, those shots are purty!

Using neutral or dark colors looks really good, in my opinion.

In fact, other than the profile shot where he lost focus and the background isn't clear, those are some really good shots.

Sometime you want that background to look blurry. They even have a term for it, bokeh ;) But you are right, the foreground looks a bit out of focus too.

Nice marker!

02-04-2005, 11:06 PM
Why are we rating the pictures again...?

02-05-2005, 01:17 AM
Your ego looks much nicer than any other ego I've seen so far. I'm not usually a big fan of red guns, but it looks great on that gun.

02-05-2005, 01:52 AM
bigger pics plz

02-05-2005, 10:12 AM
bigger pics plz

BTW I fixed the links, they now go to much larger pictures (to 3000x2000 pics)

I think 3000x2000 is big enough :rolleyes:

02-05-2005, 10:57 AM
I think 3000x2000 is big enough :rolleyes:
I think you missed my sarcasm :rolleyes:

02-05-2005, 11:21 AM
goddamn youre a gun whore dude... well hope you like it, it sure looks nice. is there ever anything wrong with the gun you have, or do you just like always having a new gun?

02-05-2005, 12:22 PM
ND Freestyle gave me misc problems that were just a hassle.

a.) Gas Hog... got about a hopper off 1000psi (45ci tank)
b.) Wiring harness fell apart, I had to resolder the eyes twice and the 9vt connector once
c.) Board doesn't rest in place, I had to use foam to get it to stay, and even then it wouldn't
d.) Trigger is horribly sloppy, no way to fix it either
e.) Very finnicky with LPR adjustments, I'd have the gun setup one weekend, leave it, come back the next and it'd be leaking out of 2-3 spots and take 30 minutes to get it to work again.
f.) Continually broke the diablo paint I was shooting, yet other guns (DM4's and Intimidators) were handling the same paint.

These are all the problems that nobody tells you about... but they're there.

The ego so far hasn't had any problems, I put a hopper or two through it and it did break some paint but that paint was zero bounce paint at 1-2 feet up (Consistently.) I had the gun inbetween my legs and was filling the hopper, 4-5 balls spilled and ALL of them broke.

I'll judge it once I get some good paint.

02-05-2005, 12:28 PM
Nice spyder! :rofl: :spit_take :ninja:

Oh come on, let me, just this once. ;)

OK... Ok...

Nice timmy... :rofl: :spit_take

OK... OK...

Nice ego. ;) :D

Planet makes good stuff! Always been a big fan. :headbang:

Just having a little fun. :D

02-05-2005, 12:29 PM
No problem manike. I know how they work... :p

To everyone with an x-mag... same thing as calling it... just a mag...

Now give me dust black empire-b shells. now.

Or camo...

02-05-2005, 12:31 PM
Simon's jealous :tard: :rofl:

02-05-2005, 12:46 PM
eclipse = splash.


02-05-2005, 12:55 PM
ND Freestyle gave me misc problems that were just a hassle.

a.) Gas Hog... got about a hopper off 1000psi (45ci tank)
b.) Wiring harness fell apart, I had to resolder the eyes twice and the 9vt connector once
c.) Board doesn't rest in place, I had to use foam to get it to stay, and even then it wouldn't
d.) Trigger is horribly sloppy, no way to fix it either
e.) Very finnicky with LPR adjustments, I'd have the gun setup one weekend, leave it, come back the next and it'd be leaking out of 2-3 spots and take 30 minutes to get it to work again.
f.) Continually broke the diablo paint I was shooting, yet other guns (DM4's and Intimidators) were handling the same paint.

These are all the problems that nobody tells you about... but they're there.

The ego so far hasn't had any problems, I put a hopper or two through it and it did break some paint but that paint was zero bounce paint at 1-2 feet up (Consistently.) I had the gun inbetween my legs and was filling the hopper, 4-5 balls spilled and ALL of them broke.

I'll judge it once I get some good paint.
damn... and i had decided that a fs would be my next marker. did it have a HE bolt? a hopper/100psi is pretty damn low. I could deal with resoldering and i actually liked the trigger of the FS i shot, but i definately dont want to have to fix leaks every day of play. If you dont mind me asking, what marker, out of the ones you've had, have you liked the best?

trains are bad
02-05-2005, 01:10 PM
Wow that looks surprisingly nice. That right there may be the first open bolt electropneumatic that I could see myself playing with.

PBX Ronin 23
02-05-2005, 01:22 PM
So this is that custom Timmy out of the UK that everyone's been raving about....j/k :D

Yeah, I'm a big fan of Planet as well. Always very refined and well-crafted stuff from those guys across the pond. ;)

Jack W., Flash and the rest of the boys have another winner.

02-05-2005, 01:34 PM
It took me three times to go over this thread and realize that it was not, in fact, a 'cocker. :tard:

02-05-2005, 02:17 PM
How does it compare to a cyborg or viking...IMO the current leaders in standard EP operation.

02-05-2005, 02:50 PM
I owned a cyborg and this was MUCH nicer.

The cyborg had a VERY messy internal for the frame, it took me literally an hour to figure out how to wire the eyes so they wouldn't be pinched (Because the solenoid is RIGHT there) it was like a puzzle. I ended up breaking the eye wire right before a tournament and had to order new ones/borrow a gun for the tourney (took 2nd...)

The cyborg shot all right, but I had to solder a 25 gram switch to get it to feel right, and it didn't feel as solid as the Ego.

The FS did have an HE Bolt and I maintained it like no other, but it still was very inefficient. The HE Bolt simply slows down the air flow it does not cut off like they're trying to design it to (But that would require higher pressures = unhappy front bolt o-ring)

The Ego I can already tell is going to be efficient, I shot it out back, did 2 hoppers and probably 150-200 of dry-firing and only used up less than 1500psi. (45ci )

But knowing I won't have to fill after each game is relaxing. I'd start a game out with 1000psi and I'd be shooting 100fps by the end of it. I actually had to use myself as a target to allow my friend to bunker the last guy, I basically just popped out and kept the guys attention, intentionally getting shot to allow my friend to go and bunker him, winning the game.

The freestyle did shoot good, but it had problems.

If I had to rate guns on quality of shooting and problems. It'd probably go Ego - Cyborg - A4 - ND FS - Second Emag (That thing was a pimp, it had auto-aim or something).

The A4 had something about it, even without eyes it didn't break or anything. I had a guy from cartel shoot it and he was like "Dude this has to be ramping or bouncing or something!" I'm like "Nope... strict semi" he was boggled, ended up trading his personal DM4 for it and I traded that DM4 for a mag, speed, tank, and 3 stiffis, still have to sell 2 of them.

The Cyborg was a champ, it wasn't the fastest, but damn it did not have ANY problems that I couldn't deal with within a minute or two. I should have kept it I think, but I was dumb and traded it (On accident) for the A4... I thought it was an A4 Fly the entire time, but I'm retarded.

The Ego is my favorite gun so far, it feels so solid it's not even funny. I've held any gun you can think of, every gun possible. (Except like... Palmer guns... did shoot a blazer once...) Any common gun you can buy off a website, I've probably held, shot, tinkered with.

Can't wait to go play with it.

02-05-2005, 03:03 PM
Some other features I like...

Opto Trigger. No Microswitch, Super Adjustable.
Magnetic Return... oh so sweet...
About 10 different options to prevent bounce. You adjust the electronic timing on the marker through the LCD and buttons (You have to activate that menu by opening the grips).

The grips are super comfy, and you can lube this gun with pretty much any grease, they recommend regular oil for the internals and any grease (They even said vaseline... yes... vaseline...) for the regs.

I still own my barrel from my FS (16" .692 Ultralite) but I put the stock on for pics. They are actually very similar in shooting quality I shot both and they were both hitting a tree about 1 foot wide at 100ish feet. Few strays but ofcourse I was breaking too.

The on/off is so unbelievably easy, you can turn it on with one finger (easily) and turn it off with your pinky. It's awesome.

Even with the rail backwards, it prevents anything from sticking out down there except macro, and is still balanced.

The gun is small light balanced, just overall a kickass gun. I have more confidence in playing with this gun, I wanna go out and play now. I was never really excited about my Freestyle.

02-05-2005, 03:12 PM
Wow, sounds sweet... nice pics too. Enjoy!


02-05-2005, 03:29 PM
I think you missed my sarcasm :rolleyes:

You'd be surprised how many people will actually completely miss the fact that they can click on the pictures to get bigger images even though he says it in the post. Your post won't exactly dripping with sarcasm either :tard:

a.) Gas Hog... got about a hopper off 1000psi (45ci tank)[/b]

What pressure were you running it at? I've heard of bad efficiency if you didn't run the HPR high enough. Yeah, I know it's a moot point now, but I'm just curious.

02-05-2005, 06:12 PM
wow, blaze you just reconfirmed my urge to get one of these for my next gun ive never bought a gun new, untill now, just need some cash, i gots around 600 once i sell the cocka ill have enuff, man im excited

02-05-2005, 06:37 PM
You'd be surprised how many people will actually completely miss the fact that they can click on the pictures to get bigger images even though he says it in the post. Your post won't exactly dripping with sarcasm either :tard:

What pressure were you running it at? I've heard of bad efficiency if you didn't run the HPR high enough. Yeah, I know it's a moot point now, but I'm just curious.

I used to run at anywhere between 350-400 to get 280fps, but then for whatever reason it would run 300-310 for 280fps. Still only getting a hopper for 1000psi...

02-05-2005, 11:10 PM
:) :( :cool:

You traded your Freestyle?

02-05-2005, 11:13 PM
Sell freestyle w/o barrel - 1015
Buy Ego w/ Overnight Shipping - 975

I am leet at finding deals.

02-06-2005, 01:22 AM
I saw one of these in person today, man this thing is TINY! Looked very nice.

02-06-2005, 02:00 AM

Can you bend it over the hood of my truck for a few pics??

Then I'll exploit your gun all over cyberspace!! :rofl:

Eatem Alive
02-06-2005, 02:29 AM
got the opportunity to watch xsv and their ego's scrim against avalanche and their nme's today. the ego's were flat out ripping, they looked real good from the sidelines...the nme's did too. there was nothing that would make me run right out and by one though.

02-06-2005, 07:05 PM
Thanks a lot blaze, now I have to order one:( Wait, just got one for 1010 shipped. Should be here wednesday :D

02-06-2005, 09:27 PM
Where do you guys bought it for so cheap?
PM'me with the contacts!

02-06-2005, 09:54 PM
You put your rail on backwards :)

02-06-2005, 10:01 PM
I did that on purpose, it gets the knob out of the way for gripping and is actually more balanced.

It's near perfectly balanced. :D

02-06-2005, 10:04 PM
Where do you guys bought it for so cheap?
PM'me with the contacts!
exactly what i was woundering

i think blaze has connections :ninja:

02-06-2005, 10:04 PM
Where do you guys bought it for so cheap?
PM'me with the contacts!

Used=good, look on pbn, a guy under the user name bill is selling them for 1025 shipped. Brand new.

02-07-2005, 12:33 AM
I need to get some cash to buy one of these!


02-07-2005, 01:26 AM
This gun is so sick. I was about to get a freestyle since I've been borrowing a friends for the last few weeks and I must say without even getting to put any paint through it the Ego is gonna rock the FS. It's about the same over all size as the FS but just feels even more balanced some how and just overal lighter. Not to mention you can just tell it's made at a higher standard just from the quality machining of Eclipse unlike ICD.

And yeah, even with the new bolt and running the HPR at the right settings it's still ungodly uneficient. I went out onto the field with 2000psi in a 45/4500 and got through a hopper and about half way through a pod and it started choking for air and let me tell you it's not fun trying to bunker 2 people at once when you can't get a ball to break since your gun is only shooting 100fps.

02-07-2005, 10:00 AM
Just look at the build quality.......oh man, Im saving right now :)

02-07-2005, 06:24 PM
I'm just curious what you could say for a comparison between the ego, borg, and freestyle in terms of shooting quality. Put aside whatever technical problems there was and efficiency. With my freestyle, I absolutely love it and have had no problems at all other than efficiency. I'm not a hardcore tourney baller that shoots 5 pods a game so it's no biggy for me.

I owned a borg before and there was nothing really impressive to me. Shot pretty much the same as a timmy or up'd bushy. The freestyle on the other hand was like WOW ! So smooth, so quiet, such a low profile. I had a chance to hold an ego and the build quality is definitley there, but what's your opinion on the feel of the shooting in comparison?