View Full Version : Look at this idea for a scenerio

11-14-2001, 06:32 AM

In the early days of the 21st millennium the unthinkable became reality. NUCLEAR WAR. It all happened overnight. One night the world went to sleep in much the same way as it always had, and the next morning, those who were among the lucky few to see another dawn rose to find nearly everything and everyone they had once cared for gone. Now the world as they knew it was replaced by a nightmare from which there is no waking. Whole cities were pounded into rubble. Those that weren't atomized were left resembling graveyards rather than the glittering, modem homes of thousands of American citizens. Now, in the AFTERMATH of nuclear fallout the wasteland is all that remains. With RADIATION POOLS(areas completely saturated with radiation), WARPSTORMS(radioactive storms that scour the wastes at random)and MANMADE PLAGUES(biological weapons unleashed by the various governments) only a few meager bands of survivors have been able to carve a place for themselves in this new and hostile world. But there is a rumor of a device that was created shortly before the end of civilization called the 'R.S.G.'(Radiation Screen Generator) that would allow a small area to be completely shielded from the effects of the fallout radiations, as well as make them completely invulnerable to attack. Most people think it a rumor, but some aren't so sure. But everyone knows that if someone were to possess such a device they would rule the wastes with an unstoppable iron fist. There are four groups trying to take this prize for themselves...

THE RAIDERS-A group of ruthless ex-mercenaries turned bandits who have designs on total domination of the entire wastes. They will stop at nothing on their road to absolute power and no one is going to stand in their way.

THE BROTHERHOOD OF WAR-the remnants of the U.S. military stationed at NORAD who have proof of the R.S.G.'s existence and whose ultimate goal is the rebirth of the United States of America with the military as the supreme executive power.

THE MOUNTAINEERS-A group of hardy outdoorsmen who, at the first hint of trouble headed for the most remote comers of the country and as a result have avoided the majority of the radioactive dangers. Their survival skills will serve them well in their bid for survival in this new and hostile environment.

THE MUTANTS-horribly disfigured by exposure to radiation and mercilessly persecuted by the 'pure-blood' humans, their only hope for survival is to take the R.S.G. for themselves. Not that they need it to survive, because they are immune to radiation themselves.

This is your world, you are a survivor, and your sole objective is to obtain the R.S.G. for your group so that you can rule the wastes. You MUST rule the wastes. Failure is NOT an option. Failure means slavery or death or worse. Do you have what it takes to survive in the wastes? We'll just have to wait and see...

the four groups will compete for points at the same time as they are competing for the R.S.G. this is because it is entirely possible that the teams will be too evenly matched to complete the device. he-he, good thing this is gonna be a series of scenarios huh?
at any rate the points will be provided roughly like this(although I might have some fabulous epiphany that leads me to enhance the game even further):
1)capturing a piece of the machine 500 pts(only the first time it's found, but if you steal it from another town you still get a hundred points and possession of a valuable game prop.)
2)wiping out a town and turning the arrow on that field to the opposite end from that town's color 500 pts. ex.-the mutants go to attack the brotherhood and the raiders come and eliminate the guards left at the mutants base and they turn the mutants arrow upside down...500 pts., yea.
3)relics from pre-war America, 100 pts. each. there will be quite a few of these I hope, and you can sell them back to the wanderer.