View Full Version : my parents wont let me trade anymore

02-06-2005, 05:04 PM
Well i finally got screwed over on PBnation. The guy said he wasnt going to send my gun that i traded for :wow: so i had to get my dad to call his mom to make him send the gun. Even though it looks like it is going to work out my parents said i can never trade or buy or sell online again so i started this thread for people to post saying that this kinda **** almost never happens and i should still be able to trade and stuff online. I know this is kinda wierd but just help out a kid here thanks,

02-06-2005, 05:15 PM
Well as much as I would like to say it never happens, It does. It's happened to me 3 times in a row :( This last time I got ripped off, it doesnt look like I'm getting my stuff back. I've been buying selling and trading for 3 years and these last 3 times have been the only ones that have gone bad. Here are some tips though:
Always request delivery conformation. That's how I got ripped off this last time. He told me to not put delivery confirmation on the package because no one was there in the day. I think he gave me a fake adress and just picked the package up off the porch of the house I sent it to.
Always ask for/give the tracking number to the other person.
Always insure the package to protect againt it getting lost in the mail.
Never ever ship first unless the guy is like VERY reputable. I'm never shipping first again in my whole life.
The internet is safe as long as you are safe. Save all your conversations. And keep a watch out for people on PBN. There are a lot of 12 year olds trying to steal stuff over there. I've never gotten ripped off on AO.

02-06-2005, 05:16 PM
parents, don't let your kids surf PBN.

this can be added to my-

"friends don't let friends surf PBN"

hopefully you atleast checked his feedback. if not, then you kinda did it to yourself.

02-06-2005, 05:44 PM
i have been ripped once in, over 30 trades (i got my stuff back, but, he had no intention of sending it) as long as you get feedback, confirm it is theirs, get a phone # (and call before hand) you should be good, also, i have had better transactions on AO than PBN

02-06-2005, 06:00 PM
Ive traded about 20 times in the last 4 months and only once has it gone sour. I was able to work it out, but it would up costing me about 50 bucks to fix the emag that i bought.

02-06-2005, 06:00 PM
I have been screwed a couple times. One person ended up in jail made 14 deals for the same item had pulled in $6000 got busted for mail fraud. Never got my money back. They said that I might get it when they get out of jail.

02-06-2005, 06:04 PM
traded and bought used over 50 times and never been ripped off once. I have get some less then par products, but I can live with that. Never anything completely beat up. Having 45+ feedback and a few thousand posts on pbn really helps. People almost always send first for me.

02-06-2005, 10:07 PM
well with the exception of tony and a few others it sounds like you guys need a third party...

coincidently(sp) :tard: i need an excuse to shoot more guns than i already have!!

honestly if you do have doubts i will third party and i always ship next day air because its next to free for me!!

02-06-2005, 11:01 PM
third party always seemed odd to me, ussualy you both want to choose a certain person, and who's to say that person isnt there best friend and they are in the scheme to rip you off... it would have to be someone who is friends with both people, a go between, or someway to make sure that they definatly wernt on either side. just always seemed finiky to me, these third party things.

02-06-2005, 11:13 PM
Lots of respected members of pbn do third party for really cheap, timebomb does third party on pbn and he definitely won't rip you off. Hes your best bet for a neutral 3rd party.

02-06-2005, 11:13 PM
thats why you ship to a mod or a business.

02-07-2005, 04:50 PM
My dad hated when I bought used stuff off any forum online. I've only bought small items, and traded two guns on here but he thinks that was risky enough. I cant say I got screwed over but I did get my Dark Angel with a lot of scratches then he said there was. But theres always the good with the bad, I got the angel pretty damn cheap and thats why. I'm now 18 and I only buy off moderators on pbnation or buy it new.

02-07-2005, 05:55 PM
just out of curiousity say you do get screwed, and you have the persons address and stuff what do you do? i would figure the cops would laugh at you. i would just like some advice cas my friend just got ripped.

02-07-2005, 06:25 PM
Definitley use a third party for _any_ guns. They're too freaking expensive to just haphazardly ship around. There's very few people whom I'd go thru directly.. and these are all people who I know on a personal level. For instance, I wouldn't go ahead and ship straight to, say, Timebomb. Granted, he's a great guy and has no history of ripping people off, what if he decided he was going to rip me off? Nobody would believe me if I said that he did, and I'd be out a bunch. Hence, third parties. Oh, and coincidentally, www.seckspb.com :)

02-07-2005, 06:35 PM
just out of curiousity say you do get screwed, and you have the persons address and stuff what do you do? i would figure the cops would laugh at you. i would just like some advice cas my friend just got ripped.

Me.. the local police chief is a friend, he calls them, introduces who he is, and takes a bit of info... amazingly effective if I ever need it I'm sure

02-07-2005, 08:05 PM
Definitley use a third party for _any_ guns. They're too freaking expensive to just haphazardly ship around. There's very few people whom I'd go thru directly.. and these are all people who I know on a personal level. For instance, I wouldn't go ahead and ship straight to, say, Timebomb. Granted, he's a great guy and has no history of ripping people off, what if he decided he was going to rip me off? Nobody would believe me if I said that he did, and I'd be out a bunch. Hence, third parties. Oh, and coincidentally, www.seckspb.com :)

Would you trust me? :D

02-07-2005, 08:06 PM
Me.. the local police chief is a friend, he calls them, introduces who he is, and takes a bit of info... amazingly effective if I ever need it I'm sure

Well for those of us who arent the friends of the police chief the thing you can do is file mail fraud with the postal service and that is a cross state crime and it is a felony. But since it was out of state it wouldnt have been worth my effort to sue him in small claims court for it. I think that this post has convinced my parents that Ao is reputable so i can use AO but not PBN which is no big lose to me

02-07-2005, 08:21 PM
so they see the light...the light is good.

02-07-2005, 08:59 PM
Well for those of us who arent the friends of the police chief the thing you can do is file mail fraud with the postal service and that is a cross state crime and it is a felony. But since it was out of state it wouldnt have been worth my effort to sue him in small claims court for it. I think that this post has convinced my parents that Ao is reputable so i can use AO but not PBN which is no big lose to me

Most small town police officers are extremely helpful to those around them... that call may be all you get, they may not go further than that, but that call gets peoples attentions. Otherwise you are right, the postal inspectors are the oldest federal law enforcement officers in the US and are very effective.

02-07-2005, 10:10 PM
Would you trust me? :D

Only if you kissed the package before you sent it! with red lipstick!

02-07-2005, 10:14 PM
Otherwise you are right, the postal inspectors are the oldest federal law enforcement officers in the US and are very effective.


02-07-2005, 10:22 PM
Third party is definitely something to look in on...go through a local paintball store that might be willing to do it for you.


50 cal
02-07-2005, 11:39 PM
Of all my trades, I've only had one go in the crapper. A guy in Mi tried to rip me off. An AO'er there in Mi helped me out. The guy that tried to rip me sent me a pretty heated e mail after the AO'er visited him to get my RT body. The mail was pretty funny. :D
I don't trade online in paintball anymore. Too many swindlers anymore.