View Full Version : vert frame opinions

02-06-2005, 06:42 PM
i just want your opinions on a vert mag frame, i was thinking of getting one, but can't find a good solid helpful revies on them. so please help and post your opinions.


02-06-2005, 07:25 PM
i always wasnt really interested in them to be honest.

i saw some on mags and that was cool..

at the time i had a bushmaster and went to an ir3

the ir3 had a vert and i was iffy about it but i actually liked it ALOT and was good shooting in any position(i vary shooting positions depending on the game and circumstances ;))

i had a y-grip and it was awesome, comfortable when playing tight but i couldnt shoot the gun straight or sideays as wel.. :( ...

saw the vert frames for mags, bought the better one for me and put it on and played.

it felt balanced and sturdy when i set it up. played with it..liked it alot..kept it :D

Target Practice
02-06-2005, 08:44 PM
In before the ROGUE PWNS COOLHAND/ROGUE SUX, LOGIC RAWKS Crapfest that threads like this usually turn into.

I had a Rogue Vertframe, and I loved it. Felt good, filled the hand, and looked better (IMHO) than the Logic.

02-06-2005, 08:46 PM

always try a search there are several similar threads that turn into biased comments.

also i ahve seen ALOT fo what you ask to ahve been found in an easy search.

i hate to be a search nazi but AO really has a search feature that isnt used as much as it should.

02-06-2005, 09:50 PM
they are both the same quality, i have a logic vert grip and rogue rail and body, The nice thing about the logic frame is the trigger it comes with adjustable contact point and stop, also looks pretty cool. Really good quality.

02-06-2005, 10:09 PM
i con't find prices... need help there and also are there any customizeable options on either frame? (ex: trigger stops, color, grip etc... )

02-06-2005, 10:33 PM
The selling point for me was the adjustability of the Logic Frame. Yes, the Viperblade has adjustability, but not as much and it costs extra $$. Logic's frame has a wider trigger and built in Dovetail. There are also other reasons I didnt buy from Rogue, but that will just turn this into what no one wants.

02-06-2005, 11:06 PM
check the dealer threads, youll find the basic info and pricing there. as for me...i have a logic frame, and used to have the old logic frame because of the wider trigger/ adjustment and overall look. see if you can try both out if possible and make a decision. otherwise look into the features that each offers and go from there.

02-06-2005, 11:09 PM
If presented an opportunity, I would get my hands on either of the frames. I've fired a few Angels and love the vert feel, but the mag's shooting profile is tough to beat IMO.