View Full Version : What improvements over 3.2 are sought

02-08-2005, 09:39 AM
Honest question - what are we looking to gain over 3.2 with new software, what do you as a player think your going to gain over 3.2 with a new upgrade. Ramping? I see a use for a ramping upgrade considering the current rules, but 4.XX did not have that.

I see a sudden influx of very vocal people wanting 4.XX - I'm curious as to what they think they will gain. I had an E-mag with a trigger job by BlackVCG - it was one of the fastest markers I owned, easily keeping up with my Shockers in semi-only mode. I just greatly disliked the lack of ACE on the thing, and that was the reason I went away from it, more than the other concerns that I had that I have documented before.

02-08-2005, 10:33 AM
There are two features that 4.x has that 3.2 is missing. They are a BPS counter that I believe is accurate and an electronic "safety" that still spins the warp when the trigger is pulled. Having "Hitech" display when it booted was nice, but I don't have that anymore. :(

Evil Bob
02-08-2005, 11:01 AM
1) The BPS counter
2) Custom start up msg
3) The electronic safety (was cool for tuning the trigger without firing the noid)
4) The fact that 4.x was a complete re-write of the code base which resulted in the program execution being smaller and more efficient. This may be where the "feel" issue comes into play, things seem to happen a tad quicker with the 4.x software over the 3.2.
5) Miscue wrote it.

-Evil Bob

02-08-2005, 11:07 AM
There are two features that 4.x has that 3.2 is missing. They are a BPS counter that I believe is accurate and an electronic "safety" that still spins the warp when the trigger is pulled. Having "Hitech" display when it booted was nice, but I don't have that anymore. :(

Is 4.0 "faster" than 3.2 was in reality? I mean, do you notice a difference when shooting it? I understand the hypothetical difference of a "better" code but did it make a noticeable difference?

02-08-2005, 11:18 AM
custom start up display :D
honestly, I'd be happy with that. But since you're asking, programmable bps full auto (i.e. able to set the bps for full auto). maybe 3 or 6 round burst so I can use that jumper pin I bought but never got to use. autoresponse, turbo, ramping, whatever. I'd only use semi auto in games, but being able to waste a hopper or two in different ways at the end of the day is always a plus in my book.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with 3.2, this is all hypothetical (sp)

02-08-2005, 11:24 AM
3) The electronic safety (was cool for tuning the trigger without firing the noid)
-Evil Bob

quick question that I forgot to add in my post. how is this different than 3.2's trigger on/off display with the safety on?

Evil Bob
02-08-2005, 11:34 AM
It would spin your warp :)

Also very handy for either priming or emptying your warp without firing the marker and having to push the little white button on the warp. Guys like me have a very tight warp setup that make it difficult to reach that little button since it's butted right up next to the HPA tank.

-Evil Bob

02-08-2005, 01:12 PM
I want a damn internet connection. I need to surf AO while on the field. Until someone gives me this software, I am happy with 3.2.

02-08-2005, 07:34 PM
I want a damn internet connection. I need to surf AO while on the field. Until someone gives me this software, I am happy with 3.2.

Well, all we need to do is use a "Pocket PC" with WiFi as the computer and setup a WiFi access point at the field and your good to go. How much is it worth to ya? ;) Maybe we can start getting field owners to setup "hot spots" at their fields. :rofl:

02-08-2005, 07:35 PM
It would spin your warp :)

It also allows you to switch the marker to mech. and retain the warp "intelli-feed". :D

02-08-2005, 08:45 PM
ahhhhhhhhhhh, thank you.

02-08-2005, 09:31 PM
something named 4.0

02-09-2005, 01:01 AM
from what i felt it was alot better than 3.2!! but also cuz i have already had my shot counter reset, the gun runaway, would love to have a custom boot up screen and a bps counter!! but mainly there is a performance difference between the two or my fingers were more on that night i shot 4.01 than they normally are since ive owned my xmag!! i get on any other gun than my xmag and its a nice consistent stream of fire on my xmag i can only get a burst!!

02-09-2005, 02:03 AM
At Shattner this last year I asked one of the techs at the AGD booth is it really quicker, easier to use, just plan ripping over to 3.2 and the answer was yes. Big guy, sorry I can't remember his name. I'm just terrible with names! Who are you dude? I know your on here. They were testing the 4.2 that weekend during the game on some problem 4.1 guns with good results I was told.

02-09-2005, 02:31 AM
Over above ,but including the 3.2 I'd like these things. Adj dwell/ debounce settings, a real bps shot counter, game timer. Basically I like to be able to tweak it to suit me and it be able to tell some simple information. Though the 4.xx cap at 26bps isn't obscene to me. It offends seeming half of AO, so cap it at 20bps like the 3.2 board. I just want to be able to do more with it than set shot buffering and bps that it never reaches and just get the most out of it.

stop whining buy a mag
02-09-2005, 06:49 AM
3.2 feels a lot slower than 4.XX. I've played with 4.00 and shot 4.01 but they all have their glitches. We need 4.2 if we want an upgrade. Nobody wants to drop the $$$$ for a morlock or predator board when the software upgrade does exist but being denied to everyone.

02-09-2005, 02:22 PM
3.2 feels a lot slower than 4.XX. I've played with 4.00 and shot 4.01 but they all have their glitches. We need 4.2 if we want an upgrade. Nobody wants to drop the $$$$ for a morlock or predator board when the software upgrade does exist but being denied to everyone.

Thats just it. Alot of poeple are dropping the money on these boards because there isn't any support from AGD. Most companys like money in there pockets. I guess AGD doesn't want our business.