View Full Version : choosing a new gun

captian pinky
02-08-2005, 05:06 PM
ok guys i have a speed demon a mag that is xvalved and i have a sweet sniper 2 that i absoultuly love well i need help i want a faster more accurate gun i was thinkinga trix for speed and accuracy and becasuse i can pic one up for 500 used with a cp reg and it out runs a halo :shooting: but i cant decide to go with a dm3 or to save for ever and a hlaf to get a dm5 :shooting: or new faster gun to come out any help would be greatly appreciated i no pros and cons about both looking for personal complaints or dos and donts anything helpfull :hail: :hail: :hail:

struggleing recballer to become decnet tourney player

02-08-2005, 05:14 PM
Any of those guns are fast, but not necessarily more accurate. In order to maintain accuracy, you must have a good paint / barrel match. Better consistancy doesn't hurt either. ;)

02-08-2005, 05:15 PM
no marker is more accurate than any other marker
trixes will only outrun a halo if you can outrun a halo, keep that in mind (well, without ramping, ect, but thats just no fun) for cost-performance ratio, a DM5 is not worth more than double the price of an upped DM3.
markers i would concider-

DM3- the one i had was awesome, great marker, i wasnt fond of the overall feel, but, if you liek the feel, i would recommend one
freestyle- im currently looking into picking one up
viking- just solid, fast, great markers
timmys-not bad, but, like the trix, not my style
Proto perhaps- just picked one up, not here yet, but, shipping soon, looks like a nice DM4/5 alternative, but, smaller and lighter than either. I will have more about it when mine arrives.

if you do decide on a DM5, it will not be any faster, or more accurate than a DM3, or any other high end electro, actually, if you want to get tachnical about theoretical speed, DM5's have been tested wiht full auto and a Q loader and only been found to fire ~22bps max due to the spool valve operation (like a 22bs cap will slow anyone down :rolleyes: )

02-08-2005, 05:21 PM
You could always look into a Devilmag.

captian pinky
02-08-2005, 06:00 PM
i could look in to a devil mag but im keepin that mech for thosedays every gun people i nos gun goes under and the thank me and i let them borrow it but its mainly for my dad who doesnt play much but well he gets the job done with my angel 2 but im limiting his paint next time p.s. it dosent dounce yet :rolleyes: :rolleyes: i do think i will go with the dm3 over the dm5 becuz of more options triggers feednecks back plates breeches breechrods lprs and such anything else would be appreciated

Eatem Alive
02-08-2005, 06:07 PM
i have a dm3 and a dm5 and the dm5 is 200% better. it comes with a clamping feedneck, a bearing trigger, it's lighter, smaller, better on air (mine is), smoother, less kick... just all around an awesome marker. best one i've owned yet...especially when you put a tadao musashi chip in it. you're looking at the difference between $1280 and $600-ish. the dm5 is worth every cent though.

but that's just my opinion.

captian pinky
02-08-2005, 07:04 PM
i do no what paint to barrel match is just so yall no and i do no many other things for accuracy as far as i no som eguns are better as far as stock barrels and shooting good with trash barrels not saying that ii will have one on it but im just saying that some do have some what more consistancy in shot patern than others

02-08-2005, 08:01 PM

02-08-2005, 08:56 PM

yeah, not great wording, but, ill answer what i could understand
paint to barrel match involves having a barrel kit and matching teh size of your paint to the bore of your barrel, one of the biggest factors of accuract in paintball.

captian pinky
02-08-2005, 09:16 PM
sorry guys i understand paint to barrel match but comparing 2 diferent guns with the sam barrel and paint will have differerent reactions on accuracy and i no that u need to have good paint to barrel match got that part but back to the topic i dont need help with accuracy i asked about a dm3 compared to a dm5 and both being used sorry for prior confuccions oo and i cant spell

02-08-2005, 09:34 PM
Get a DM3....PM me. :D

02-08-2005, 09:36 PM
Oh yeah...I have a DM5 too so....whatcha want to know?

02-08-2005, 10:24 PM
What do you think of the shooting profile compared to the mags?

02-08-2005, 10:30 PM
I would love to answer your post but this is AO, not pbn. For God's sake please fix your first post so it resembles some form of English. I am the worst speller here, however that garbage is unreadable.

02-08-2005, 10:31 PM
Asking me?

Which one compared to a Mag?

Both Trixes are taller no question. The 5 is a bunch thinner than the 3 but still thicker than my Xmag by a tiny bit. The Xmag is shorter overall by like 1/2 -3/4 inch if you line up the bottom of the grip frames. It's a little less than a full barrel thickness.

02-08-2005, 10:33 PM
I hope you are not refering to my post, but I'll rephrase.
How does the shooting profile (the look of the marker as it is shouldered and ready to fire) of a DM3/5 compare to the profile of an Automag?
EDIT: Talk about a snafu; sorry GT, thought you were refering to my post. ;)
Yes, I was asking about your opinion of the DM series, Fireblade. I personally dislike the extra height, just wanted another POV.

02-08-2005, 10:36 PM
sorry guys i understand paint to barrel match but comparing 2 diferent guns with the sam barrel and paint will have differerent reactions on accuracy and i no that u need to have good paint to barrel match got that part but back to the topic i dont need help with accuracy i asked about a dm3 compared to a dm5 and both being used sorry for prior confuccions oo and i cant spell

with the same paint to barrel match, one marker will not be more inheriently accurate than another

02-08-2005, 10:42 PM
Yes, I was asking about your opinion of the DM series, Fireblade. I personally dislike the extra height, just wanted another POV.

It's kinda wierd tho,as it's not as bad as it seems like it might be.

Maybe because the DM5 body is taller than the Xmag but the Xmag grip frame is longer than the DM5.Not enough to equal out but it's closer than you'd think if you didn't have them side by side.

'Course when you add my no-rise CCM feedneck mod to an Xmag your not likely to ever find something that'll beat that profile. :D

02-08-2005, 10:45 PM
It's kinda wierd tho,as it's not as bad as it seems like it might be.

Maybe because the DM5 body is taller than the Xmag but the Xmag grip frame is longer than the DM5.Not enough to equal out but it's closer than you'd think if you didn't have them side by side.

'Course when you add my no-rise CCM feedneck mod to an Xmag your not likely to ever find something that'll beat that profile. :D
My thoughts exactly. I've been looking around for a high-level electro, but I just cannot get used the the new look. Oh well, I guess a X or Devilmag will have to do...

02-08-2005, 10:46 PM
Holy run-on sentence Batman!

If you want a modern trix: Try for a used proto matrix (Hey! that rhymed!). Less $ that a dm4 and from what I've heard it out-performs it as well.

02-08-2005, 10:48 PM
EDIT: Talk about a snafu; sorry GT, thought you were refering to my post. ;)

remember all of those AO is turning into pbn threads? I am trying to do my part to steer some of our newer members into the right direction. Besides, I would rather do it that have one of the mods blamed for suppression of constitutional rights.

02-08-2005, 10:49 PM
Not 'out performs' but basically equals.

Also not quite built as well but pretty close and great overall marker for the price.

02-08-2005, 10:53 PM
remember all of those AO is turning into pbn threads? I am trying to do my part to steer some of our newer members into the right direction. Besides, I would rather do it that have one of the mods blamed for suppression of constitutional rights.
Yeah, I know what you're saying. Keep being the grammar nazi, you have my support.

The Action Figure
02-09-2005, 08:29 AM
get a shocker (dont shoot me) :)

02-09-2005, 09:03 AM
yeah, i'm pretty sure a shocker can beat any gun as far as profile goes, even an e/xmag.

02-09-2005, 01:21 PM
yeah, i'm pretty sure a shocker can beat any gun as far as profile goes, even an e/xmag.

The Profile is almost identical, not including the foregrip. It is a lot lighter, but I'll take an Xmag over it any day...in fact I already have.:)

captian pinky
02-09-2005, 04:02 PM
ok guys im sorry for my spelling errors but i wanted help on this and now i am getting some thankyou and just so everyone knows i am not a member of pbn thank god i would bunker my self if so and as far as proofile i dont care to much about it cuz it will be run on a uniumount or a shocktech drop nothing to big and would also have a lowrise or no rise feed neck and i despise shockers there ok i guess

02-09-2005, 05:26 PM
If you want profile, go with a FreeStyle. I'd personally go with a Viking / Excal myself. The performence would be near the same, but the only thing you have to do to a Viking is put 3 drops of oil in it.

captian pinky
02-09-2005, 06:47 PM
i think i have decided to go with the dm3 thanks for the help guys

02-09-2005, 07:23 PM
i think i have decided to go with the dm3 thanks for the help guys

I do have a Dye '04 for sale if your interested. PM for more info.