View Full Version : Shipping assistance

02-09-2005, 06:54 AM
I was just curious if anyone reguarly ships stuff to say canada? Do you use UPS or USPS? what type of service? and how much your packages usually weigh?

Can I use USPS's GPM boxes? I don't wanna order them only to find out that it's the compleatly wrong thing to use? My local USPS hub is a little exausted with the type of boxes I use to ship stuff and I want to make their life easier. But since they are always super busy I don't want to be inconsiderate to the ppl behind me in line. Help is appresiated

02-09-2005, 10:08 AM
well i have had a lot of stuff shipped to me from the US.i would recomment using USPS!
UPS just plain sucks,,they are way more expensive and when the package arrives here in Canada we have to pay brokerage fees to them.
example,,,,i bought a minimag form a guy in the US,he shiped it to me using UPS.cost him $60 to ship it and when it got here i had to pay UPS $85 in brokerage fees.

whenever i have had something shipped to mu using USPS AIR i have never had to pay and duty on anything.
NEVER,NEVER list on the package a paintball gun,,,,,always say a paintball marker!!!
save yourself time and money and use USPS AIR.! :)

02-09-2005, 05:18 PM
well i have had a lot of stuff shipped to me from the US.i would recomment using USPS!
UPS just plain sucks,,they are way more expensive and when the package arrives here in Canada we have to pay brokerage fees to them.
example,,,,i bought a minimag form a guy in the US,he shiped it to me using UPS.cost him $60 to ship it and when it got here i had to pay UPS $85 in brokerage fees.

whenever i have had something shipped to mu using USPS AIR i have never had to pay and duty on anything.
NEVER,NEVER list on the package a paintball gun,,,,,always say a paintball marker!!!
save yourself time and money and use USPS AIR.! :)

I send stuff to europe once in a while. my parents live there. One time it was a marker. On the declarations I called it pneumatic sport equipment :P

do you know how they are shipped to you? is it just parcel post or what?

02-09-2005, 10:37 PM
i always have people use USPS AIR MAIL.i have found that to be the best service for the best price.

02-09-2005, 11:35 PM
It seem that USPS is probably the best for anything out of the US. That's all I use when possible.

02-09-2005, 11:46 PM
Use USPS Global Express, not too bad price wise (like a quarter of UPS) and it clears customs faster. For guns I usually write paintball accessories, or just marker. My friend shipped a barrel there and on the the declaration wrote sextoys.