View Full Version : barrel suggestions

02-09-2005, 09:16 PM

I have a RT/Pro with x-valve and lvl-10. I have a Air America "reg" 68/4500 hpa tank. I have two barrels, the stock black with silver tip with no porting and a Dye excel. The gun is new, recently set up and most recently still just "broken in". I shot about 2 cases of paint and dry fires through it. I play mainly back/middle man. I chose my shots well but am not aderse to shooting streams to change a enemy's direction, "push" them into an ambush or hold them at bay till I can rush the bunker. My mainstay is the 1st two shots for a kill. That said I am dissapointed in the Dye barrel. I have not shot the stocker but figured a stock barrel was minimal at best. Unless I am wrong about the stock barrel, I need some suggestions on another barrel. Not brand, but specifically a barrel for my type of play. Any suggestions are welcome.
thank you kindly,
sgt meatsauce noob

02-09-2005, 10:03 PM
This is what to look for in a barrel: A length you like, bore sizes that fit your paint, a good price (optional), and you like how it looks. Longer barrels are handy to poke around with... I prefer 14-16" barrels for this very purpose.

Otherwise, I'm sorry to dissapoint you... but all barrels shoot the same, except that longer barrels and those with more porting tend to use more air - and are also quieter.

02-09-2005, 10:55 PM
"Otherwise, I'm sorry to dissapoint you... but all barrels shoot the same, except that longer barrels and those with more porting tend to use more air - and are also quieter."

This is an important point. I like 14 inch, but I was a Tippman man, The barrels on nearly all the RT/pro's seem to be 8-12 inches. The stock barrel has no porting, perhaps because they know the mag is a bit of a gas hog. My son has identical gun with J&J 12 inch ceramic, same as he had run on his Tippman. He liked it before on the 98 and he likes it now on the mag. His barrel on my gun shot easily 30 ft more then the Dye excel, and more accurately. So that is one on my options. Thanks for any responses or thoughts.

02-10-2005, 07:24 PM
"Otherwise, I'm sorry to dissapoint you... but all barrels shoot the same, except that longer barrels and those with more porting tend to use more air - and are also quieter."

This is an important point. I like 14 inch, but I was a Tippman man, The barrels on nearly all the RT/pro's seem to be 8-12 inches. The stock barrel has no porting, perhaps because they know the mag is a bit of a gas hog. My son has identical gun with J&J 12 inch ceramic, same as he had run on his Tippman. He liked it before on the 98 and he likes it now on the mag. His barrel on my gun shot easily 30 ft more then the Dye excel, and more accurately. So that is one on my options. Thanks for any responses or thoughts.

Tom made them short because he thought that to be closer to an ideal length for a Mag - it's a sufficient length to get the ball accelerated to where it should be, and additional length does not offer a performance benefit.

Well... What the J&J did, is not possible. A different barrel cannot give you more distance or greater accuracy. Accuracy comes from consistent velocity. Distance depends on the velocity of the ball. A ball shot at 300 ft/sec will behave the same as a 300 ft/sec shot from another marker with a different barrel (a regular barrel). This is a different story when you're talking about firearms - these principles do not apply to paintball, and are often confused.

This is good because you can quite literally buy whatever barrel looks good to you, and it'll work fine.

02-11-2005, 11:39 PM
Barrels are all the same. Some may cause a lower fps due to a larger bore size, or more porting, this may be the reason for your 30ft difference...but at the same 300fps all shots will go the same distance, simple physics. (flatline excluded, *most shots at long distances bounce anyway)

I have shot many types of barrels, and my conclusion is that a cheap barrel will shoot as good as a very expensive one, and if you don't care about efficiency then bigger bore is better...like .692..