View Full Version : Airsoft with 6mm paintballs

11-14-2001, 04:12 PM
When I was back in Europe I picked up a SWEET 6mm airsoft Beretta replica.. before I'd heard of paintball of course.

It's a mostly metal replica. The clip holds 20 6mm BBs and is charged with gas, so the clip ( inserted like a normal beretta ) is ammo and power in one. It's semi auto with blowback which gives a nice kick back.

It's broken ;-)

I've just seen that you can now get 6mm paintballs for these. They fire at 275fps and I'm wondering ( if I fixed it ) would it be allowed as a side arm at regular paintball fields. Has anyone seen these used?

I've been checking out some of the airsoft websites.. They have skirmishes like we do - but I can't find ANY safety gear information. A video I downloaded shows some people wearing goggles - others with what look like paintball masks.

I see the major difference between airsoft and paintball is that airsoft people go way out of their way in airsoft to simulate miliary / terrorist / law enforcement scenarios. I wear camo but that's because it's good for hiding in the woods.. not because I want to pretend I'm in the military.

Interesting though. Some of the replicas are sweet.


11-14-2001, 04:21 PM
I doubt you could use airsoft guns in paintball games because they wouldn't leave a big enough splat.


11-14-2001, 04:24 PM
Good point.

I wonder how big a paintball would have to be to make a quarter sized splat at close range... 8mm.. 9mm? If a manufacturer could take one of their airsoft products and create something for us to use as a side arms they would sell ALOT!


11-14-2001, 04:32 PM
I own an airsoft glock, and I have to say it looks enough like a firearm that I don't think the average pb field would allow it in a regular pb game. One thing I've always thought might be interesting is if pb fields had the occassional airsoft scenario games, provided there was player interest, because airsoft can be a lot of fun by itself(no need for the 6mm paint pellets). In my opinion airsoft really is geared towards the military/police scenario enthusiasts. I don't see anything wrong with this as long as the players are mature minded. Doubters might want to consider that airsoft bbs are considerably less expensive than paintballs, and full auto is always an option not to mention really cool. The bbs don't seem to hurt nearly as much, but you still need a mask and players still need to be courteous about lighting people up at close range.