View Full Version : Alright, need your opinions.

02-11-2005, 07:16 AM
He guys, I have been out of paintball for around 2 years now. I used to be a loyal agd users, having an e-mag when they first came out and an RT as my backup. Well, I am getting back into the game and have around 1100 dollars to start out with (I want a tourney gun, don't want to do the gradual better and better gun every 3 months approach). So I have boiled the options down. First, I wanted a matrix, then a dm4 but everyone around has them. So upon much debate and many other choices I have boiled it down to an Angel 4 Rasta or a Vision Shocker with nerve programming. I was at pbnation asking questions, but I wanted advice from guys I can trust, so now place is better than AO to me. Which gun would you prefer? The gun will be fed with a Halo. What are the advantages/disadvantages of each gun? Thanks and God Bless.

02-11-2005, 12:28 PM
c'mon guys. help me out here.

02-11-2005, 12:30 PM
theres been alot of what to get threads and frankly there annoying.

one up per day please.

all high end guns are about the same its just pref on what you want in a marker. try em out and see what others think, do some reseach.

02-11-2005, 12:38 PM
Screw both of those guns. Get an Ego. Or a Proto Trix.

Or, out of those two, may as well get the Shocker and save yourself a couple hundred on the anno..

02-11-2005, 12:39 PM
Do you have US$ 1,100 for the gun alone or is that for gun, tank and hopper?

Either DM4/4/Proto or Angel Fly are great choices. I went with Proto because I wanted to try a spool valve design marker and the price on these make it one of the best deals around inmy opinion.

02-11-2005, 12:44 PM
you want a trix, everyone has a dm4, get the proto matrixe, use the otherr 300 you'll have left over and get a nice setup or just save the money

02-11-2005, 12:54 PM
Well I have 1100 for an entire setup. At paintballgateway.com they have A4 rastas on sales for 995 w/ 70/45 wgp tank, unimount, and volumizers (dye). I don't really want a mtrix of any kind, that is the only high end gun people shoot around here and I'm tired of seeing them.

02-11-2005, 01:15 PM
well, if I were you I would CALL paintball outlet and see if they have any specials. When I got my Proto I could have gotten gun, tank and hopper for a little over that.

But still with that deal at PB Gateway you could probably do the same with that Rasta

Oh, and I would get something with eyes if I were you...

02-11-2005, 02:15 PM
I'd get an 05 speed since i've read of quality issues with the wiring on the protos. I've always thought angels were quality guns. My next gun will be an 05 dust black vert speed


02-11-2005, 06:22 PM
Do the rasta. Mag easy on maintenance & rare enough to pull down some hard looks. great gun.