View Full Version : WAS says no to PSP.

02-11-2005, 03:51 PM
Finally, WAS says something smart http://www.wickedairsportz.com/psp.htm . :clap:

02-11-2005, 03:53 PM
Someone beat you to it http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=167055

02-11-2005, 03:58 PM
Ooops, I didn't search for the right thing I guess. :tard:

02-11-2005, 04:27 PM
Okay, I read it. But he makes it seem like the PSP is saying ALL MARKERS MUST RAMP. And he is taking a stand and refusing to follow that rule. Sorry, but that is not what PSP said. There is a difference between saying you will not make ramping illegal, and saying that if your marker does not ramp it is illegal.

So unless I am missing something, the following is moot since I didn’t see anywhere that it stated that all markers MUST ramp or be considered illegal.

We will be making new firmware available for the Intimidator and Viking Equalizer boards that basically is the same firmware we have been using for the Impulse, NME, Pimp Kit, etc. for quite some time. This new firmware allows the rate of fire to be set from 10 to 30 bps. However, we will not comply with the ramping rule.

I agree that ramping should not be allowed, but from what I have read allowing it is a far cry from saying you MUST have it…. as he is trying to make it look. Not doing something that is not even required is far from being the rebel who will “not comply” with a rule that does not exist.

It has been a very long day so I may have missed something. Did I miss something?

(hold on….. checking something….. )

I just went and actually READ the PSP rules and can find NO rule that states that a marker MUST ramp. There are rules which dictate the amount of shots per trigger pull, but these rules do not state that you MUST have a marker that does any more than one shot per pull of the trigger.

Again, unless I am somehow missing something.

I understand the popularity that stating such outrage can bring to WAS, but isn’t that a bit dishonest in itself? To claim to not comply with a rule that simply does not exist while wrapping it up in a lot of techno speak IMHO is just typical WAS form.

Please, tell me I am missing something…. And then show me what it was. Thanks.

02-11-2005, 08:22 PM
I never got any feeling that he said that PSP said, it must ramp, where did you see that? I may have just missed it.

02-11-2005, 08:57 PM
he is mad because it is UNSAFE! if he actually means that, which is does seem, he seems to be a stand up guy. he is more worried about how easy it to pull off 15bps and people getting injured-overshot than the ramping is legal issue. good for him!

02-11-2005, 09:07 PM
Wait a minute, Jim Drew at WAS is actually saying cheater boards are unsafe :rofl: :rofl:

Of all companies, WAS, that is great. :rofl:

02-11-2005, 09:07 PM
he is mad because it is UNSAFE! if he actually means that, which is does seem, he seems to be a stand up guy. he is more worried about how easy it to pull off 15bps and people getting injured-overshot than the ramping is legal issue. good for him!

LMAO... you don't recall some of the more memorable Jim Drew moments if you think he's a great stand up guy. Sorry Jim, one incident does not sway most peoples opinions.

02-11-2005, 09:53 PM
Hey, I still don't like anything WAS, just thought it was about time someone with some influence said something.

02-11-2005, 11:43 PM
i think i agree with WAS, what is wrong with a 15 cap that is all semi?

02-11-2005, 11:50 PM
Wait a minute, Jim Drew at WAS is actually saying cheater boards are unsafe :rofl: :rofl:

Of all companies, WAS, that is great. :rofl:

lol i was thinking the same thing :p

02-12-2005, 01:11 AM
Sam - A few things I seem to think your missing considering the level you play at ( Not a knock )

If your playing a team that has ramping software that allows them to mow at 15bps easy they dont have to work at it. And your playing with fully Semi software you are at a competitive disadvatage. As a manufacture of an "performance" aftermarket part if you part is deemed slower than B product then its not as good and your sales drop.

The reason WAS is any where is he was the first to program his boards with a way to control the way the borad interpts electrical switch bounce. A programable filter and some nifty programs and the Intimidator go from dud to stud.

Now there is all kinds of custom boards/chips and crap that do all sorts of things. The PSP is taking the easy way out and just putting a BPS cap on things.

I picked up a Timmy because to be honest even with a hAir I was at a bit of a disadvantage playing back corner. When 2 or 3 guys with TADEO chips turn on you and you throwing 13-16 bps down tape and you have a combined 50+ coming back you tell me who ends up winning that battle ?

If they would just enforce a Semi only 15 bps cap then it would be all good. Make the rules like the NPPL, cought with a cheater gun the teams is DQ. That simple


02-12-2005, 02:13 AM
When he said " we will not comply with the ramping rule" he" did not mean that the board/gun in use is illegal but that the boards will not have a "ramping" feature that the PSP rule now allows

my take on ramping...these new rule changes are going to cause serious injuries these next couple of seasons. Just when paintball was making headway to become a mainstream televised sport, decisions like these are going to bring a dark cloud back over us.

Example: I was watching a practice @ S.C. about 3-4 months ago. On the break a player superman dived into the snake hitting his head on a weight that had been put there. He was knocked out or atleast dazed enough to not move and was bombed on by the back right player. By the time he realized the guy was hurt about 20+ balls had broke on him and around him. He was ok but this just shows what could happen. Back then ramping was still "illegal" now that everyone can do it freely it will get worse.

Be safe out there.

02-12-2005, 06:24 AM
Sam - A few things I seem to think your missing considering the level you play at ( Not a knock )

If your playing a team that has ramping software that allows them to mow at 15bps easy they dont have to work at it. And your playing with fully Semi software you are at a competitive disadvatage. As a manufacture of an "performance" aftermarket part if you part is deemed slower than B product then its not as good and your sales drop.

The reason WAS is any where is he was the first to program his boards with a way to control the way the borad interpts electrical switch bounce. A programable filter and some nifty programs and the Intimidator go from dud to stud.

Now there is all kinds of custom boards/chips and crap that do all sorts of things. The PSP is taking the easy way out and just putting a BPS cap on things.

I picked up a Timmy because to be honest even with a hAir I was at a bit of a disadvantage playing back corner. When 2 or 3 guys with TADEO chips turn on you and you throwing 13-16 bps down tape and you have a combined 50+ coming back you tell me who ends up winning that battle ?

If they would just enforce a Semi only 15 bps cap then it would be all good. Make the rules like the NPPL, cought with a cheater gun the teams is DQ. That simple

LOL This is too funny Rob. You think that because I don’t play “competition” paintball I can not grasp that concept? I understand that you were not trying to knock me. But I am just pointing out that what you posted was rather comical.

I understand what he said, and I AGREE with it. I am not saying the overall feel for what he said was wrong. He is correct in most of what he said.

I also know everything you posted, and could have told YOU that myself. Guess what? I have been saying most of it (only a little different) ever sense electronic triggers hit the market and different firing modes were introduced, as well as bounce and ramping…. even cacheing.

What I said, which has nothing to do with whether I think ramping should be allowed, is that WAS insinuates that by not having a ramping board it is somehow “not complying” with the new PSP rule. And it is quite clear that this is not the case. That is like saying “This road has a 150MPH speed limit and I am not going to comply with the law by only driving 65MPH.” Well…. sorry, the driver is still in compliance with the law. And that was my point, and nothing more. That as long as WAS does not BREAK the PSP rules on ramping and shots per pull, he is indeed complying with the PSP rules.

The reason I mentioned it is that WAS has always tried to win arguments by technicalities and clever wording. Well, it is clear that he slipped up this time. And it doses not matter if folks “know” what he was trying to say, only what he DID say.

Again, please do not try to explain how a Semi only 15 BPS rule is best…. Because not only is it not a concept that I can’t grasp because I don’t play in a “tournament”, but I AGREE with it… and always have.

I will also point out that even if two people were coming at you and BOTH were shooting the SAME PBS that you were, you would still be at a disadvantage to some degree (I say some because a defensive position is usually at a slight advantage to begin with). ;)

But thank you for making me smile first thing in the morning. :rofl:

02-12-2005, 11:58 AM
we may as well exchange paintballs for marbles LOL

02-12-2005, 12:14 PM
I'm not sure how you deciphered in the rules that the boards MUST ramp, only that they CAN ramp.
I can see however, if you are playing that league, you better have a ramping board to get you in the mix.

02-12-2005, 12:32 PM
I'm not sure how you deciphered in the rules that the boards MUST ramp, only that they CAN ramp.
I can see however, if you are playing that league, you better have a ramping board to get you in the mix.

I think BPS is overrated, it is now, and may be more so after these ramping rules. Now saying that I will admit I personally like to use ramping. The best players I know do not depend on BPS and I have very seldom seen them exceed about 5BPS on the field.