View Full Version : MAGS-usable with CO2 or no?!

11-14-2001, 07:22 PM
ok im sorry for bringing this topic up and im sure u covered this a billion times already but i am new to this forum and to the gun specs because i just bought a minimag off a friend. He gave me a c02 tank to play with, and the thing kept shooting out c02 out the barrel like a non-stop fire extinguisher after i took 10 shots or so.

I did not experience this problem when my c02 tank was low on pressure. Many people say mags suck and tend to freeze up when used with c02, can someone clarify that its the c02 and hopefully nothing inside the bolt

11-14-2001, 08:06 PM
YO mags don't suck just to let u no for whoever said that. Do you have an expansion chamber on the gun or a anti siphon co2 cuz that i believe would help clear up your problem. But yes mags do work better on nitro or compressed air.

11-14-2001, 08:07 PM
Sounds like you might have gotten liquid CO2 into the gun. Bad things happen when liquid gets into a mag. You should invest in a low cost nitro tank. If that is not an option, at least get a good expansion chamber and an anti-syphon co2 tank. Mags can run on co2, they've been doing it for years..... but they sure run a WHOLE lot better on HPA!

11-14-2001, 08:11 PM
the guy who sold it to me said the expansion chamber was good for nitrogen he didnt know if it would help c02

btw whast HPA? (dont yell at me!)

11-14-2001, 08:18 PM
First off, the expansion chamber is for co2, not hpa. HPA is short for High Pressure Air, N2 is short fo nitrogen(nitro), and CA is short for copmpressed air. Mags really like HPA over co2. Hope this helps, and welcome the the forums...we usually don't yell....:cool:

11-14-2001, 08:48 PM
I like you recently got a great deal on a Minimag. It came with an HPA tank but I have my own refill station for CO2, so I tried to set it up for CO2. I bought a big CMI expansion chamber and a KAPP foregrip extender to mount it farther forward. It feels nice but it still lets in liquid. I feel that once I put my anti-syphon tubes in my tanks this should solve the problem. You have bought a great gun! Once you start to look around you will find no other company like AGD.

11-14-2001, 10:01 PM
dude dont stress its simple evry one is saying it spend the $5.00 on an anti syphon and all ur problems will be greatly reduced

11-14-2001, 11:28 PM
zeb's got the right answer for you. if your "expiation chamber" is for HPA then it's probably just a gas through grip, but hey what do you do.
also if you find a good price on a decent reg that will help your liquid problems even more then an expiation chamber will. I used a mag with the stock WGP reg on it and an syphon CO2 tank, and it worked ok. (I'm not being condescending but incase you don't know a syphon tank is what you get when you take an anit-syphon tank and turn it upside down. the straw touches the bottom wall of the tank in the liquid instead of the top in the gas.) the reason you didn't get any clouds when you tank was nearly done was because there was no more liquid to pull into the gun.

have fun with your new weapon of mass destruction. er... I mean paintball gun... yeah that it paintball gun... ;)
and welcome to AO, we don't bite... often... :D

11-14-2001, 11:45 PM
Yeah, I ran CO2 for years (yes, really). I used an expansion chamber and ran remote (I still like remote for my HPA setup). I had an very nice expansion chamber (AA Whipsering Death, not avalible anymore) and never ran into liquid problems. A remote and expansion chamber will pretty much solve your CO2 liquid proplems.

Or, if you wanna stick with the tank on the gun get an anti-syphon (the idea is that it feeds off the top gas in the CO2 tank, not the liquid part on the bottom) and an expansion chamber. I wouls suspect that you would have no problems with that setup either.

HPA on a mag is basicly a paintballer's dream come true. Almost no shootdown on normal AIR valves, and zero shootdown on ReTro and RT valves (same thing internally). Super consistant performance and easy to fill (if your field can do so).

11-15-2001, 03:12 PM
MINIMAGMAN, I have had the exact same problem with my mag. My 68 Classic Mag is powered by a 20oz anti-syphon tank.<p>
When I first got my Mag, I had a four stage expansion chamber on it, and only shot CO2 through it with no problems at all. Then one day I got this sweet looking forgrip. So I took of my expansion chamber, and put in an anti-syphon tube in my tank. This didn't work out as I planned. Now what happens without that chamber is about every ten shots or rapid fire, I will get a barrel leak. This is because the CO2 is not getting a chance to expand before it hits my valve due to the high rate of fire. But the problem doesn't exsist when I fire slowly. To fix this, what I have to do is fire my gun about 20 times fast to get a good leak out of it. Then I take the tank off, take out my valve, then let the valve sit in the sun for about ten minutes. After that, I can shoot all day, as fast as I want with no leaks. For some reason after I freeze the valve, then heat it back up, it doesn't leak anymore. <b>Give it a try and please tell me your results. My e-mail is Wesley01@ij.net.</b> In conclusion, a Mag works great on C02, <b>as long as you have a good expansion chamber.</b>

11-15-2001, 04:40 PM
u guys are all too nice by telling me how to fix the c02 problem, but what about getting nitro? Whats a good tank for an ol' newbie like me

11-15-2001, 04:46 PM
I ran my mag for YEARS with the Co2 tank in the vertical position. Always worked great. Just screw it in the Vert adapter and try not to tip the gun over too much!

11-15-2001, 05:45 PM
Pretty much all Nitro tanks are the same kind of tank (within reason) with different output regulators. There are 3000psi tanks and 4500psi tanks.

I have an Air America Apocalyse 114ci 3000psi system (I run remote, and I got it before 4500psi systems existed). I love it. It's fully adjustable output wise (not so big of a deal on a standard Mag, but very important on RTs and ReTros).

Rock solid construction
Basicly an AGD mag regulator, so all parts are the similar.
That makes finding soft parts super easy.
Versitile setup (outputs can be place on either side for RH or LH use)
Tank gague and Output Gague
On/Off switch

Heavy (remember that rock solid bit)
On/Off is hard to move, need pliers pretty much
If not careful, you can blow the output gague if you put the fill station on the output nipple (which is about 1" away from the input)

11-15-2001, 05:46 PM
short answer yes, long answer no with a but...........

11-15-2001, 06:37 PM
how much heavier is a steel tank from a carbon fiber wrapped one? whats the diff i have a minimag i should just get a tank thats already pre-set to around 800-900 psi, atleast thats what AGD reccomends