View Full Version : Airbrush Question

02-12-2005, 04:23 PM
hey guys right now i have a new guitar on order and its going to be one i keep for a while so i was thinking of doing some painting on it to give it a personal touch to it without looking like crap, so i was thinking i could airbrush some basic designs just by masking off the parts i dont want paint on so if i screw up masking i dont ruin something...

so i was wondering if i could get some recommendations on an airbrush for that purpose, also note the guitar wont come in to some time around may so i have plenty of time to practice on other things as well. along with paints to use and all that

EDIT: also im hoping to keep the budget kinda low i dont want to buy a paint booth for something i will most likely only use a couple times other than to mess around

02-13-2005, 05:25 PM
hey bro here are some ideas for you. First since a buget is what it is ....Wal Mart has good set ups and even air can set ups. Now these work wonders for anything you want to do. I have 3 that use the air can and then you can buy tips from any hobby store. Now for the paint ok read very carfully......... testers :headbang: and I don't care what people say that's what I have used fot years. My cars guitars paint guns and anything I have air brushed all with testers. I hope I have helped out and would love to see the art you do when it's finished. Oh yeah have fun and practice all you can

02-13-2005, 06:30 PM
thanks man, think you can give me some recommendations on what kinds of things i should get? im pretty sure im gunna get white paint and then get a gray to maybe shade the designs a bit but other than that i need to find everything i need to paint something lol