View Full Version : What you think about XBALL paintballs

02-13-2005, 07:48 AM
I will be purchasing some paintballs for my field and I was wondering what you all might think of the Braxxus XBall paint. I haven’t used them but I have heard a couple people say good things about them. Dose anybody know the difference between the XBAll Gold, Silver, and Bronze? And which would you prefer?

I appreciate any advice or knowledge you have of this paint, thanks. :cheers:

02-13-2005, 08:27 AM
Please anybody out there. Help a brother out. We need some good paint over in Okinawa. Keep up the good work T. Your always working bro.

02-13-2005, 11:21 AM
I was wondering bout those too i geuss you will just have to buy them and try for yourself then inform us how they worked.

02-13-2005, 11:30 AM
I shot some this weekend. I liked them, but nothing special. I didnt have a few more breaks with Silver. It is made by Draxxas.

02-13-2005, 11:33 AM
My new local field uses xball. They sell gold and bronze. I've only used bronze. I believe gold is more of a brittle, tourny paint. Bronze is rec ball paint. I use rec paint whenever I can get my hands on it since I have the qloader. It's not exactly soft enough on paint for the brittle stuff. But it's all good quality. My friends use it regularly and it shoots pretty well.

Big Weapons
02-13-2005, 12:15 PM
The blue fill stays on you pretty good. It actually stained my skin, but came off as I was showering. Kinda chalky fill if you ask me, but it's shoots pretty well.

02-13-2005, 02:48 PM
I got a chance to use Xball bronze last weekend....my local indoor field is changing over to it. I like it. Shot pretty straignt and broke on target...from what I hear about the differences is the shell is a bit thinner on the Gold and the fill is a bit more viscous. Overall the bronze was nice....I did like Draxxus Inferno a bit better, but it's probally more comparable to the silver, like the Gold is closer to Hellfire.

Went through an entire case of bronze..no breaks at all with my Freestyle. Same with an Eblade 2 and a cocker....everybody else there was pretty happy with the stuff.


02-13-2005, 02:52 PM
We got a case of bronze just to try it. Friends shot it and said it worked just fine, i still haven't opened my bag yet.

02-13-2005, 07:01 PM
So far Xball is all I've used this winter. I've mostly stuck with silver, it doesn't seem to dimple as easily as bronze. So far I have no complaints and the few bad stories I've heard are a result of poor storage practices on the users end. Even the best paint turns to crap if you store it wrong. :tard: It is hard to beat for the price (usually $55 a case for silver here). Mine seemed to be fairly temperature tollerant.

02-13-2005, 07:19 PM
really really good from what i've used

02-13-2005, 09:06 PM
Thanks for all your information; I'll probably try some Gold and Silver. I will let you guys how it works for us.
Storage is very important. I have a dehumidifier running all day and night. It can get so humid that paint will go bad and look like golf balls in a few days. We current use Hellfire, Inferno, Blaze, Midnight, and Nightmare. I am thinking in Getting Xball Gold, Silver, Blaze, and Diablo Heat for the people that don't have much to spend. It's pretty cheap.

Again, I appreciate all your info. Thanks.