View Full Version : Paintball Gun Regulation

02-13-2005, 04:39 PM
With a recent jolt in Taser guns as a form of civilian self defense, and the regulation that is soon to follow. Could this open the door for regulation of paintball markers.

Tasers are not classified under firearms, because they do not use gun powder but rather compressed Nitrogen, much like our paintball markers

The regulation of Tasers could thus lead to an umbrella in which paintball markers could possibly fall under.

Just a thought that came to me when reading this article Safety Concern Over Tasers (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=2027&ncid=2027&e=2&u=/chitribts/20050213/ts_chicagotrib/taseraimsathomemarketassafetyconcernsmount)


02-13-2005, 07:05 PM
Very interesting topic. I hope Markers don't fall under this kind of scrutiny. I can't believe the number of people that have died after being shot with this type of restraining device.

Although paintball markers aren't nowhere near as lethal (in reference to the number of documented cases of people that have died after being stunned with a Tazer), I can see where legislators might want to umbrella markers with Tazer's. I hope they don't.

There is that lethal aspect to Markers, I mean that people could die if they were shot with a Marker. Safety is always the most important factor in determining regulation standards. We have to all remember to be always play safe. Make sure our friends and family members do the same.