View Full Version : New way to play paintball

11-14-2001, 09:07 PM
I recently had a back yard paintball war and me and my freinds have anew way to play paintball! We have duals, we each take 10 paces ( alittle over a 10 feet for me) and then we stopo and someone says go and as soon as they say go we each turn around and the person with the most hits is the loser oh I forgot to menchion that we only have 5 paintballs per dual, so nobady gets lit up to bad.

11-14-2001, 09:18 PM
I got a better game. stand 50 feet away from each other and you take turns shotting one shot. If both of you miss you take a huge step in and repeat. But if one of you moves you get five shot at that person instead of one. Those games get interesting.

11-14-2001, 09:54 PM
me and my friend had a bunker war with full hoppers. but instead of bunkers there was no cover for either of us. i would say each of us was hit a good 30 times... at least the ones that broke on us. it is definitly great fun and once u get over being scared to play it, it is insanely fun.

11-14-2001, 10:37 PM
we play civil war ball sometimes.

Two teams line up on a flat field, with no bunkers about 50 yards apart. No hoppers on the guns, and you hold 12 paintballs in your hand. No one is allowed to move, you stand and take it.
Form straight lines, captains on the end of the line yell - "load weapons" "aim" "fire" - you load a single ball, aim and fire on command.
If hit in the body, or head you're out. The rest, take a step forward "load, aim, fire"! Hits walk, the rest step forward.

Its pretty fun, give it a try sometime with about 10 people on each team. Gives you some real insight to what it must have been like, to be standing there in during the civil war battles on the front line, just hoping not to get shot.

11-14-2001, 10:39 PM
we just do hopper tests. stand 40ft from eachother and say go. then unload your hopper on the other guy, the one done first is the winner and the game stops. :D
oh...believe me...it's CRAZY!! :D

11-14-2001, 10:56 PM
I invented a little game called 'FiringSquad' which can involve many people... the more the better. :) The dude getting executed gets blind folded... and we let him have a chest guard. Usually we save this for someone who did something dumb in a game, like TKing (Team Kill) someone... or their gun busted on field and was worthless. Great fun, and good ROF practice. :)

11-15-2001, 08:20 AM
AkaEnder: what do you guys do when you run out of paint? Do a bayonet charge?

11-15-2001, 12:43 PM
team with the most players alive wins ;) bayonet charges proved to be inefficent at gettng people to play.