View Full Version : What Best Paint for the RT ULE Custom

02-14-2005, 12:08 PM
Greetings from a soon to be owener of a New RT ULE Custom. :clap:
Now I am probably opening up a can of worms with this thread, but I have been out of Paintball for several years, and need some help. My last 2 guns were a Spyder TL and SP Impulse. Last time I played was Nov 2000 (When the Impulse was 1st out) I have since sold the Impulse and given my lil girl the TL. I figured I might as well get a Paint ball gun thats really good and sorta bullet proof. From what I have hearda and seen the RT fits the bill. I am a fan of the semis: ya know 1 pull 1 ball :D but thats just me.

Since this is probably the last Paint ball gun Ill buy, I am going to get the RT ULE Custom with the ULE Trigger kit, Y Grip, X valve, Main body and Ricoceht 2K hopper (all in blue), and a Crossfire 92 ci 4500 psi (high pressure) N02 tank. I am not sure about the barrel, Ill see how the Dye Xcel will shoot, if I dont like it may try a freak Barrel set.

Ok heres the Can of Worms: Which Quality Paintball will work best in the RT I am getting. The last paint I used was orange an black (Tiger stripes) with bright orange fill (sorry I cant remember the name). But it was a very nice paint, hehehe and Hard to hide or wipe when ya got hit.and very very few barrel breaks. Specially in Forrest camo :shooting:

Also I saw some threads on the forum about leakage. Am I going to have any problems with a cross fire tank threads being too long or short and causing leaks :confused:

Unfortunately I wont be able to play with it until June :cry: beacuse there are not a lot of paint ball fields here in Afghaistan. I am having it shipped to my cousins place and were gonna have a Ball when we hit the fields. Wives an kids again me an the cousin :D

Any help is appreciated


Kerry Weeks
Retired U. S.Navy K9 Handler

02-14-2005, 12:35 PM
even certain paints can very on size depending on temp and the batch and other stuff.

something smaller like pmi should be best, or maybe nitro duck.

as long as its not an offbrand or seconds it should be ok.

btw just thought i would add the ult is overrated and im not a fan.