View Full Version : My old E-mag is cursed (to me)

02-14-2005, 12:29 PM
Ok, I had an E-mag last year, now this is not a diss on AGD at all, I'm just incredibly unlucky with this marker. After fixing it nearly everday last year I sold it to the field owners nephew, the marker was there yesterday and I needed something to play with, so I gassed it up. I would like to point out that he has not had any problems with this marker since he got it.

Put air to it, blow the macro line fitting.. no big deal I replace it

On the field, first game.. all of the sudden the marker is shooting a multitude of balls at once - and I'm not force feeding, using a Ricochet. Pull the detent out and part of its missing... the ball. So I fix that.

Next game... I'm just ripping - god I remember why I loved this marker, the Black VCG trigger job is wonderful. Sad I sold it... then bang... chop one, then two... about four balls in a row. Clean it out... start a string.. start chopping again. Game ends with me cleaning.

Next game... level ten starts leaking.. by now I'm a tad bit ticked. Playing anyways and just blowing balls all over. Make a run up field to bunker down the tape line - take the first one out turn and trip, marker and hopper go flying and hopper lands to fill with snow.

Clean the marker and hopper out - and set the SOB down. Played with a rental the rest of the day without problems.

I swear, that particular marker (not mags in general) just hates me.

02-14-2005, 12:45 PM
I agree, my e-mag was cursed also. I had all I could do without breaking down and just melting it into a paperweight.

02-14-2005, 02:27 PM
You must become one with machine to truely understand it.

02-14-2005, 02:34 PM
This particular marker and I have had several "parting of ways" then I'd wander the dozen feet or so to retrieve it and put the air tank back on :D . Couldn't do it this time, it wasn't mine anymore.

02-14-2005, 03:23 PM
I had similar problems, but with a cocker. I loved that thing, but it is was way too much trouble for me.

02-14-2005, 03:34 PM
i have problems with my rt ule custom. everyday fixing something. right now (have a thread on this in tech) i have a leak that i cant stop. its from the side of my valve. and the level 10 never resets, at all.

02-14-2005, 03:55 PM
you need to learn how to handel her ;) Once they get going , they cant be stopped :shooting:

02-14-2005, 03:56 PM
:D :D :D :p no problems at all here! my mags working just fine...

........crap, i just sentenced myself to having my gun die on me this weekend, didnt i? :rolleyes:

02-14-2005, 03:59 PM
Treat your gun like your woman, if it doesnt work out, dump it.

02-14-2005, 04:01 PM
I have owned numerous mags... and never had any problems with them - it is just this particular marker that... well was pissy.

02-14-2005, 04:03 PM
i know how to take everything apart, valve, rail, body, gripframe, just i didnt know what this was.

02-14-2005, 05:02 PM
The last thing that drove me nuts was the Classic Rt chopping. I stored it away until I seen the lvl 10. In this case, I had to wait for the technogy to catch up with the marker. I have never given up completly with any issue involving my mags perfection.
Some people just were not ment to be around technology. For instance This 15yr old I know just has no luck. 3 boards through his matrix, countless other e markers just shot. He isn't perticulary hard with them, but he just has bad something, maybe demons. I worry about letting him occasionally use the Emag, but it has been blessed by my priest. AGD and God what could go wrong? :D

50 cal
02-14-2005, 05:08 PM
I had an Autococker that was like that. It just would not work right fromt he day I bought it used (bad sign). I ended up parting it out and got more than I originally had in it.
Have a cocker now that runs flawless. My E Mag and Classic RT run great too. Would never get rid of either one of them.

02-15-2005, 02:30 AM
i have this luck with anything and everything i touch!!!

just got a new truck so far ive replaced almos the entire 4x4 and now have to change out the front hub.. old car i blew the motor replaced then ended up having to redo all the wiring and a new ecu!!

my classic mag developed an odd case of the bolt sitting foward and it not feeding!! xmag has had problems with level 10 to the fireblade being milled to much in the recess to blowing a reg piston the hour before a tournament!! cocker i boworred in that tourney suddenly develops a lag in the eyes just for that game. half block that i boworred stopped working i think it was double feeding! shocker developed fdso so bad it wouldnt shoot the first shot!! nerve developed bolt stick after my hopper went crazy mid game i get it up and running get bunkered the very second after test gun and blam bolt stick!! dm4 shot so nice that i went to get a pod and left my arm out ending my time with that gun! starting with my xmag that was all over a 2 day period!! you dont wanna hear how my truck was during that same weekend!

02-15-2005, 09:23 AM
i had a mag like that back in 93. I swear that gun a had a mind of its own & it flat out hated me. Sold it to a teammate & it worked flawlessly for him. I asked him what he had done to it? He said not a thing. :tard: My new mag worked perfect for me. :headbang:

02-15-2005, 12:42 PM
I agree, my e-mag was cursed also. I had all I could do without breaking down and just melting it into a paperweight.

with the warp body you had on it, i had a problem with the hopper falling off, otherwise the thing ripped.

02-15-2005, 03:06 PM
I am glad to know its not just me. Although I tend more often to see the other end of that. Most of the markers I have ever owned were perfect in my hands and the moment I loaned them out they turned into HUGE POS...I would get them back and demonstrate how they worked fine while using it another game and the marker I was just using would go awry. My mags were always real bad about doing this. I could use a classic w/ lvl7 all day and never chop. Loan it out and it comes back dripping.