View Full Version : Brand new ULE detents, not up to the job...

No Excuse
02-15-2005, 09:43 AM
I am not holding out much hope for anything to happen about this, but I thought I would post anyway.

I am from the UK, over here we cant get decent ball detents for love nor money. The ones you can buy from WDP are far to weak for halos.

Using the ULE detent from my mag on my angel I can run a halo fine.

So we ordered 20 ULE detents brand new from AGD in the US through a friend who lives in the US.

The problem on every single one is the ball does not potrude far enough out of the detent to work reliably even with an egg. We run the detents with no oring on them and you can easily make the ball go into and past the detent just by tilting it forwards.

We have spent hours on one or two of the detents trying to wear down the ball to make it stick out firther but it doesnt help.

It seems that AGD have gone the way of WDP by making super weak detents which arent up to the task they are designed for. This is a real shame because up until now AGD has always produced products designed to work well, not designed to pander to public opinion.

Now we are stuck with 20 ball detents which cost us quite alot to order from the US, which are worse than the standard WDP ones we could have got from down the road :cuss:

trains are bad
02-15-2005, 09:58 AM
I don't know what to tell you. Are you saying you can put a ball in the breech and tilt the marker forward and the ball detent becomes depressed? That is WAY too weak. I've never actually seen a ball detent that weak.

Are you sure the angel breech is cut to the same tolerances as an agd breech? IIRC AGD detents, though angel threaded, do not stick far enough into an angel breech to work properly. Conversly, I borrowed an angel detent of a teammate for my mag once and could not screw it in fully or the bolt would bind on it.

Duck Hunt
02-15-2005, 09:59 AM
Taken from Havoc-Online.com

The threading for the AGD detents is the same as the Angel. However, the AGD detents are made with a slightly larger bore around the ball. This gives the ball space to move rather than jamming up when a bolt with a higher boltspeed hits it

The AGD detents are made for AGD guns. Instead of posting a pissed off thread on this message board give them an EMAIL or PHONE CALL (http://www.airgun.com).

I'm sorry you recieved a product that was lesser quality, but I'm sure if you take the right steps to let AGD know they'll be more than happy to help.


No Excuse
02-15-2005, 10:15 AM

Thanks for the replies.

I am not expecting any recourse from AGD, I bought the detents through a friend and live on the other side of the world (nearly), however I will contact them, just to see what they say.

I thought posting on this forum would warn anyone else who is expecting to buy quality detents from AGD like I was.

The ball detents arent any weaker, the ball on the brand new detents sticks out about 3mm (~0.1") less than the one that came on my mag.

I cannot use these new ULE detents on my Angel, my ULE RT or my ULE Emag, the ball doesnt stick out far enough therefore doesn not have enough travel to do its job reliably.

Creative Mayhem
02-15-2005, 10:19 AM
Every detent I have got from AGD works flawlessly. So again, theres nothing that can be done due to the fact that we are here, and you are there ;)

I hope you get things straightend out.

No Excuse
02-15-2005, 10:40 AM
Every detent I have got from AGD works flawlessly. So again, theres nothing that can be done due to the fact that we are here, and you are there ;)

I hope you get things straightend out.

That is what I was thinking :(

Looks like I might have to get all my guns drilled and tapped for two detents.
I have always told people one quality detent is as good as two crap ones, but it looks like you cant buy quality detents anywhere anymore.

PS I really like the silly drop forward people on the right of the banner up top, they really make me laugh and cheer me up... :tard: :D

02-15-2005, 10:46 AM
The ball detents arent any weaker, the ball on the brand new detents sticks out about 3mm (~0.1") less than the one that came on my mag.

I cannot use these new ULE detents on my Angel, my ULE RT or my ULE Emag, the ball doesnt stick out far enough therefore doesn not have enough travel to do its job reliably.

Have you tried the Kila detents? It is not a ball but a plunger. If they dont work they could be trimmed to give greater projection.
Kila Products

No Excuse
02-15-2005, 11:19 AM
Yeah I have two.

The piston corroded on both and now they dont work :mad: :mad: :cuss:

02-15-2005, 11:19 AM
You can also adjust the detent by using lvl 10 orings and lvl 10 shims.

02-15-2005, 11:57 AM
I am not holding out much hope for anything to happen about this, but I thought I would post anyway.

I am from the UK, over here we cant get decent ball detents for love nor money. The ones you can buy from WDP are far to weak for halos.

Using the ULE detent from my mag on my angel I can run a halo fine.

So we ordered 20 ULE detents brand new from AGD in the US through a friend who lives in the US.

The problem on every single one is the ball does not potrude far enough out of the detent to work reliably even with an egg. We run the detents with no oring on them and you can easily make the ball go into and past the detent just by tilting it forwards.

We have spent hours on one or two of the detents trying to wear down the ball to make it stick out firther but it doesnt help.

It seems that AGD have gone the way of WDP by making super weak detents which arent up to the task they are designed for. This is a real shame because up until now AGD has always produced products designed to work well, not designed to pander to public opinion.

Now we are stuck with 20 ball detents which cost us quite alot to order from the US, which are worse than the standard WDP ones we could have got from down the road :cuss:

Why did you go to the trouble of ordering from the states? John Sosta is in Colchester, Essex and is AGDE and is linked to from the main AGD website.

No Excuse
02-15-2005, 01:48 PM

I couldnt see any detents on the AGDE website, the search doesnt work and I looked in every category. Perhaps I am going blind..


I will be sampling one of your detents soon.
How do I select shipping to the UK ?

Thanks all

02-15-2005, 03:37 PM
I am sorry for your troubles. I have gone thru all of our detents here at AGD USA and could not find any of them out of spec. The spec for the ball's protrusion is .070" to .075" new.
The ball is 6 mm in diameter, and would be impossible for it to protrude 3 mm. We have been making them the same way here since our initial release. If you can find a way to return them to AGD USA in the future, we will gladly reimburse you or your stateside friend.
I wish you could have contacted someone here 1st mate.

Again sorry for your troubles,

Dave Zupan
president AGD USA Inc.

02-15-2005, 04:03 PM
I couldnt see any detents on the AGDE website, the search doesnt work and I looked in every category. Perhaps I am going blind..

No I couldn't see them either but then since I see John often enough I would ask him in person but failing that I would call him up. Very often a lot of smaller items are not always listed on websites.

Airgun Designs Europe
Sprawls Farm,
West Bergholt,
CO6 3DN, U.K.
Office hours: 9:30am-5:30 pm (GMT) M - F
Phone: 07710 760176 Office Fax: 01206 243450

Unit 3 Crown Gate,
Wyncolls Road
Severalls Park

Tel 08703 500 055
Fax 01206 756243

02-15-2005, 05:16 PM
but it looks like you cant buy quality detents anywhere anymore.

Sorry for your trouble, but....

I think the really irksome part of the thread is the fact you gripe about the QUALITY of a product when in fact their quality actually seems unquestionable. It's the application that is questionable.

Props to AGD for offering a refund. If I was them I'd be annoyed that my product was slagged for no justifiable reason.

02-15-2005, 05:26 PM
I'm having the same problem with my X-mag. The AGD style detent is not strong enough for my halo and it double feeds. So I've decided to get my breech tapped for double detents.

Currently I'm using two Kila V2 detents on my ULE body for my mech mag and the halo couldn't double feed even if it tried. :dance: