View Full Version : Another St00pid Question

11-15-2001, 03:18 AM
Lo again duys..

Right.....i know you can andoize (sp?) all the Alu' parts of the gun, but what about the Stainless Steel part of the stock??? what can i do with it to change its appearance??? i read some people have polished ones, is this a process i can do or a different part altogether?

Once Again Thanx

:rolleyes: Neil :rolleyes:

Load SM5
11-15-2001, 07:14 AM
You can polish, chrome plate, paint (not recommended) or have it powdercoated. Do a search for a guy on these forums called Redrider. He does some pretty cool simple fades or solid color powdercoating for cheap.

11-15-2001, 01:44 PM
Thanx Load,

is there any FAQ's about polishing anywhere???



11-15-2001, 05:13 PM
Run a search, somewhere there is a really long thread about polishing.

11-16-2001, 11:53 AM
good thinking batman :)))


11-16-2001, 12:06 PM
So.... I basically sand the coprolite outta it underwater, in more and more steps untill nice and shiny?


11-16-2001, 02:22 PM
well of course you could have it powdercoated
but another thing that i have done to my tippmanns and a guy named dan did to his mag is fish tape. there is a tape they sell at fishing stores for decorating cleos and spinners for fishing it can be bought in 2 inch by 1 foot lengths usually, and it is really durable. most times people think our guns are anodized but they come in many paterns you wont ever see on an anodized gun and at any time you can change the color by taking it off and cleaning it with a solvent then putting a new color on. you just want to make sure you get it on without any wrinkles so it requires a little practice if you arent artistically talented but for less then 5 bucks and much less time then polishing i think it is one of the best cosmetic upgrades you can do. I can probbaly dig up pictures somewhere of the tippmans.

11-17-2001, 03:25 AM
that reminds me of load and some adhesive vinyl.......after all of my work I could never lay it without bubbles. I used up all of it and still couldn't get it. I would go with redrider, he's cheap and fast.

11-17-2001, 04:59 AM
I'd love to.... but i'm in the UK, and i really don't trust the postal service :|


11-17-2001, 05:14 PM
I know a much better way to polish your body. It works really good if you have the right equipment. I did it to mine and it has a mirror finish. e-mail or private message me for info.:)

Load SM5
11-18-2001, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by X-Plosive
that reminds me of load and some adhesive vinyl.......after all of my work I could never lay it without bubbles. I used up all of it and still couldn't get it. I would go with redrider, he's cheap and fast.

Well some talent is a must when laying that stuff.;) I'm a signmaker so I deal with it all the time. If you ever want to try that route send me your body and rail and I'll do it for you no charge. I can do just about any color you want.

11-18-2001, 04:07 PM
sounds like a plan... but alias that great bunch chuck of water commonly know as the atlantic ocean is in the way, and i don't trust postal services very much (bad exp in the past)

also Rudy, have you got a pic of ya gun...would be cool to see how it looks