View Full Version : Why spend more than 500 dollars on a marker?

02-15-2005, 08:31 PM
Just wondering,
with all the great deals, new and used, why would on spend more than 500 bucks on a marker?

02-15-2005, 08:34 PM
so you can brag that you have the most expensive gun.

02-15-2005, 08:36 PM
So you can bring the competition to another level. don't make stupid threads.

02-15-2005, 08:37 PM
because its the cool thing to do. ;)

actually, if i had the money to spare well then sure why not. but since i dont and i love to play every week, i have to budget the money i am able to spend.

02-15-2005, 08:45 PM
So you can bring the competition to another level. don't make stupid threads.

Ironic comming from a guy who owns an emag. Keep it civil this isnt pbn. I have made 4500 posts and no seems to complain to loudly :headbang:

02-15-2005, 08:46 PM
Aside from those who want something brand new and/or trendy, paintball guns are a matter of personal preference. If people prefer the feel of a marker that you can't get for $500, and they take the sport seriously enough, they'll spend whatever they need to to make sure they have a setup that is the most comfortable for them.

I personally ended up with a $650 marker (freestyle) but if I had felt that the Alias was best for me, you better believe I'd drop $1000 on one of them. How you feel with your marker plays a lot into how well you perform on the field.

02-15-2005, 08:51 PM
Cause my 950 dollar gun has an LCD.


02-15-2005, 08:53 PM
for quality, and knowing your gun will ALWAYS work.
I have an 04 viking :)

02-15-2005, 08:55 PM
Just wondering,
with all the great deals, new and used, why would on spend more than 500 bucks on a marker?

I know you had an epiphany and all, but hopefully the purpose of this thread isnt to prove that there is no reason to buy a marker for over $500.

There are definately markers in the $1000 + range that I feel arent worth the money, but there are also markers in that range that are so well made that its obvious where the extra money went. I buy those markers because i like the solidity, the quality, the reliability, and the durability, as well as some of the features they offer.

And this subject can apply to almost any product made, be it stereos, cars, dishwashers, etc.

02-15-2005, 08:57 PM
And this subject can apply to almost any product made, be it stereos, cars, dishwashers, etc.

Good call... :D

AO Moderation Team
02-15-2005, 09:00 PM
So you can bring the competition to another level. don't make stupid threads.

3 Day Ban for Disruptive Behavior/Flaming.

02-15-2005, 09:07 PM
for quality, and knowing your gun will ALWAYS work.
I have an 04 viking :)

Well look at timmys and Shockers, the ones at my field allways break down. I seriosly just think its hype, i own a bko myself so call me cheap! yay

02-15-2005, 09:09 PM
Well look at timmys and Shockers, the ones at my field allways break down. I seriosly just think its hype, i own a bko myself so call me cheap! yay

He was reffering to his viking when he mentioned quality and reliability.

02-15-2005, 09:27 PM
I know you had an epiphany and all, but hopefully the purpose of this thread isnt to prove that there is no reason to buy a marker for over $500.

you assume alot, why so nasty? Honestly, how many guns do you think I have owned since I started playing in '98? I have owned an equal number of guns on both sides of the 500 dollar line. The bare honesty is that people on every message board spout alot of crap about products or processes they know nothing about and add little more than thier opinion. I think most of that is a group think or maturity issue, but I digress. Take a look at the first few posts here and you will see what I mean.

How is my thread any different than: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=165057



There is something magical about the 500+ price point. I am not a marketing guy, however we have guys here who are. There must be some kind of magical list of what people are willing to pay per the features. In paintball that seems to be shifting everyday.

At the end of the day I can buy a gun for 2-300 bucks that is relible and shoots way faster than I can pull the trigger. So why else to people spend big coin on a marker?

02-15-2005, 09:41 PM
My apologies, I was not trying to be nasty at all, I just stated that I "hoped" that the purpose of the thread wasnt to prove that there is no reason to buy a marker over $500. I know that you have stated in the past that you felt that the ICD guns did everything you wanted for under $500, so I know where you stand on the subject. Its just that everyone has their own list of what they want in a marker, be it build quality, speed, weight, looks, popularity, etc etc.

02-15-2005, 09:43 PM
lol @ RRfireblade

02-15-2005, 09:57 PM
lol @ RRfireblade
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

that was great fireblade....made my day

02-15-2005, 10:04 PM
I still cant justify buying a $800+ gun. Sure I own an emag. but i bought used. You can find vikings for under $800 used.

I also got my Dark iR3 for under $500. If you look around you can get high quality guns for pretty darn cheap :)

For some spending $800+ can be justified i guess. I dont paintball enough for me to justify it though.

02-15-2005, 10:06 PM
For some spending $800+ can be justified i guess. I dont paintball enough for me to justify it though.

Crap, lately I haven't paintballed enough to justify an E-rex :(

02-15-2005, 10:09 PM
Crap, lately I haven't paintballed enough to justify an E-rex :(

I havn't really paintballed enough to justify ANYTHING actually:(


02-15-2005, 10:26 PM
My apologies, I was not trying to be nasty at all, I just stated that I "hoped" that the purpose of the thread wasnt to prove that there is no reason to buy a marker over $500. I know that you have stated in the past that you felt that the ICD guns did everything you wanted for under $500, so I know where you stand on the subject. Its just that everyone has their own list of what they want in a marker, be it build quality, speed, weight, looks, popularity, etc etc.

No I am not here to pimp ICD, really its almost a used v. new and <500 v >500 thread. just getting thoughts.

I think jay hit this on the head.

02-15-2005, 10:29 PM
No I am not here to pimp ICD, really its almost a used v. new and <500 v >500 thread. just getting thoughts.

I think jay hit this on the head.

Crap, if we are talking about used vs new I am with you 100%. I much prefer to let someone else eat the initial depreciation. But some poor sucker has to be the one to pay the "new" price so I can buy it used later on :D

02-15-2005, 10:31 PM
some people just throw their $100000 markers in the closet after a day of paintball and actually expect it to work. if you do proper maintenance and preventice maintenance they should work ok. they may be a little more tempermental than mags but its not always the markers fault.

with some markers though, i definately do think their is a lot of hype, when they try to sell the whole low pressure closed bolt garbage like it actually matters. i've shot those kind of markers and they're almost no different than my mag, if anything my high pressure, openbolt, xmag is better. and every test i've ever seen regarding those features (from warpig.com and pbstar.com) basically show that it really doesn't make any difference, i can't believe that people still buy into it though.

02-15-2005, 10:42 PM
yes, some people do buy guns to make statements, aka gun whores
take me for example.
I am getting a devilmag. I need a gun to play with since they are not out yet. I first tried an eblade, liked it but it did not like me. I got it because it was cheaper, and it was nice in my opinion. After it clunked out on me I was screwed, no warranty. I moved on, I tried out dm4s, protos, angel flys, timmys, and i felt nothing special about them. I went to a local store (the matix center) and tried out a dm5.......I was sold. I know for a fact I paid too much for my dm5, but it was the only gun I wanted. It was the very first brand new gun I have ever bought. I have a lifetime warranty so no worries from me, and I absolutely love it! If I felt comfy with a spyder i would have play with it, but I did not so I tried everything I could get my hands on.

You buy what you want in most cases.

02-15-2005, 10:51 PM
I personally ended up with a $650 marker (freestyle)

Where did you find a freestyle for 650?

02-15-2005, 10:52 PM
3 Day Ban for Disruptive Behavior/Flaming.

Good call mods. And the reason I would spend more than $500 is because the guns I truly want are over that...(my dream gun is a x-mag, but I know that will never happen :(, so I will have to deal with a karta, emag with the ups I want :)....someday.)

02-15-2005, 10:54 PM
[QUOTE=FSU_Paintball]I personally ended up with a $650 marker (freestyle)

Where did you fing a freestyle for 650. I don't know how to do this quote thing yet.

02-15-2005, 11:07 PM
Ooh Ahh Lease (cheaper to lease,going to turn back in right after sale)____________$100


02-15-2005, 11:26 PM
Because it is very hard to buy an Emag for less than 500 bucks. Well, aleast not a plain jane bone stocker. Even then it is difficult sometimes.

02-15-2005, 11:42 PM
Good call mods. And the reason I would spend more than $500 is because the guns I truly want are over that...(my dream gun is a x-mag, but I know that will never happen :(, so I will have to deal with a karta, emag with the ups I want :)....someday.)

Dude, there going to come in around the same cost. I got around 950 in the Emag thus far in just the marker and nothing else. Had I gone karta it would be roughly 1150/1200. The cost of the xmag and with out ACE. Pricey devils. Even if you snagged an e for $400, karta and say Predator. your looking at 950/1000 w/eyes. Devil mag is right up there to. My advice is buy what you want. If it is too high, save. Never buy less than what you really want becuase it ends up costing more in the long run.

Recon by Fire
02-15-2005, 11:45 PM
There are two things that influence players top buy $500+ markers: disposable income/cost ratio; and we just like certain toys!

02-16-2005, 12:42 AM
why buy something under 500$?? so far i havent been impressed by anything outside of the 800$ range so i dont go cheap. and you buy new because of the warrenty and the assurance that it hasnt been abused!

02-16-2005, 01:14 AM
why buy something under 500$??

Not everyone has $500 to put into a marker...

02-16-2005, 01:20 AM
start saving!!! but no in reality the question was why people spend that much and im telling there is a difference between every sub 500$ gun i have ever shot and the 850+ dollar markers thats why you save up and live off of top ramen noodles for years!!

02-16-2005, 01:29 AM



Cause that's how much $1000 markers cost?

It's just the math really:

Marker____________________________________________ __________________$1000

Cost to Build Overseas__________________________________________ ______$100
Time on rumour mill prior to release______________________________________$250 (it's a big mill)
Run thru Hype Machine___________________________________________ _____$200
Maintanance on Hype machine___________________________________________ $100
Prestige tax_______________________________________________ ____________$50
Cost of Anticipation______________________________________ ______________$200
Ooh Ahh Lease (cheaper to lease,going to turn back in right after sale)____________$100
Packaging_________________________________________ ____________________$.01
U.S. Labor to put Marker in Packaging_______________________________________$9 9.99

Total_____________________________________________ _________$1100

Turns out it's actually quite a bargin.

Plus....I'm going to tell everyone on the internet I paid less than wholesale and say I sold it afterwards for more than the MSRP.

Where were you confused?

i thought the hype machine was 250 + maintanance?

spending 500+ on a marker is very very silly in my opinion. I have done it 3, maybe 4 times now and don't know why.

My dm4 shoots great though (1000). But my dm3 shot the same(800). But my emag shot the same(600), and I bet a ION would shoot the same... maybe it just isnt run through the hype machine?

02-16-2005, 01:32 AM
start saving!!! but no in reality the question was why people spend that much and im telling there is a difference between every sub 500$ gun i have ever shot and the 850+ dollar markers thats why you save up and live off of top ramen noodles for years!!

haha, yeah there is obviously a difference in build quality and overall feel when you compare a beginer gun to a pro gun. But what i mean is not everyone cares enough about paintball to sink that much money into the sport. They just want something that they can use once and awhile so that they dont have to use craptastic rentals. For their purpose, sub $500 guns are perfect.

02-16-2005, 12:50 PM
[QUOTE=FSU_Paintball]I personally ended up with a $650 marker (freestyle)

Where did you fing a freestyle for 650. I don't know how to do this quote thing yet.

Go to www.awolpaintballsupply.com and call their phone number

Mine is an 04 Gen 2 that came with a certificate for the HE bolt

02-16-2005, 01:03 PM
I ordered a Devilmag because it had the base things I wanted (PSP ramping, break beam yes, 9V battery, adjustable trigger) because it is "special"

I ordered an ION because I need seomthing while I wait - note that it has all the necessities I demanded.

I really don't expect there to be a ton of difference in the level I play at between teh Devilmag and the Ion (not I did not say ability of marker). Factually I ordered a DevilMag because I wanted one - very little to do with function. I think its the same with any expensive marker - hence why I beleive that there is a place for Prestige marketting in paintball.

02-16-2005, 03:53 PM
You getwhat you pay for, thats why

02-16-2005, 04:10 PM
I'd definately say most of the cost past $500 for any marker is going to be non performance related. Fancy milling, custom anodizing and flashy parts.
Sure, some cost over $500 can be better quality control and nicer tolerances.

As for buying new over used. Buying my Emag lowers from Tunaman new gave me better assurances things would be taken care of if anything was troublesome. And not getting stuck with a lemon where the board is fried or the internals replaced with gummy worms.

02-16-2005, 09:52 PM
Why do people spend over 100g on a car. Its the same principle, guys like their toys.

02-18-2005, 05:59 PM
Where did you fing a freestyle for 650. I don't know how to do this quote thing yet.
you hit the quote button on the bottom of their post. and you can get 04 freestyles for 688 or something at shorepaintball, its a link on icd's site

and ill probably sell my angel and pick up an 05 bko when they come out, i want cash and they look nice for 350, but ill have to buy a new bolt and regs which will add another 150 or so. all in all i might not gain much :confused:

02-18-2005, 07:10 PM
Mo money, Mo money, Mo money.

Yep RR's been right on with his posts in this thread ...

But I think the only real answer to the question of why will someone buy a marker with a price tag over $500 ?

It is real simple... because there is a marker for sale for over $500 ... And someone somewhere convinced someone else it's somehow worth it...

Welcome to America Baby ... Can ya smell the capitalisum ? :cheers: But luckily I still haven't bought into the hype that I need a high priced beer to drink...

02-19-2005, 03:02 AM
If you can, why not???? I'll be glad to buy one.