View Full Version : For all those 'Snipers' out there

02-15-2005, 10:27 PM
Here is a link to a thread over at specialopspaintball.com where there is some discussion about the new ad in the April issue of APG.

Longbow Mod for Tac-One (http://www.specialopspaintball.com/invboard/index.php?act=ST&f=2&t=2358&hl=longbow%20sniper&st=0)

Just thought some of you might be intersestd.


MR :cool:



*** Update ***

Here is the link to their store page with mod available to pre-order.

Longbow Mod Store Link (http://www.specialopspaintball.com/articles/specops_longbow.asp)

Have Fun :dance: :dance:

MR :shooting:

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-16-2005, 09:47 PM
....and what's wrong with a 200 round hopper?
This upgrade is pretty bulky and should have been designed to be more compact. 10 shot clip capacity would have been ideal since there are such things as 10 round tubes and not 21 round tubes. site rails are raised too high to even be effective (if they are even effective).

The stock is a pretty nice idea and a good design but other than that, this thing is just gonna get in the way

02-16-2005, 09:54 PM
that thing is huge, i really dont think its practical

02-16-2005, 10:01 PM
Like I've said, crosshairs aimed at someones head at 150 feet isn't going to bag you a hit. You'll probably hit the tree next to them or something.

02-16-2005, 10:39 PM
This is the third post with one of these things as the subject, one in PB Talk, one in Tech, and one here... Oh well, here are my personal thoughts.

I agree with Alpha on the issue of a scope, I really don't think you will hit them.

An 18 inch barrel full of holes will send your gas effeciency to the drain, although an unported one might not be as bad. A bit of noise might result though.

Mags are consistent yes, but that is because of the valve design, however the RT Valve is designed as a shooting platform (In my humble opinion) I say this because it has a reactive trigger and a very high recharge rate, limiting it to 21 balls seems a little silly.

I think the push-button-clip-replacement is a wonderful idea, seems like it would make life a bit simpler than dealing with screwing or unscrewing something.

Being able to move the stock out of the way for chrono purposes is a very smart idea, props to them on that one.

I wish they would publish their studies showing that 18 in barrels are more accurate than shorter ones...

And you would add sight rails to a Tac-1 why?

Stealth with a 3ft gun how?

If anyone sticks this on an E-mag or a Phantom I will cry. I love the Phantom and would hate to see it bogged down with all that weight and ungraceful stuff. It has a sight rail and a small stock would work wonderfully. Also, an E-mag with a 21 round magazine? Doesn't really make sense.

Q: How does the Longbow increase accuracy?
A: Paintball gun accuracy is a combination of factors. The Longbow Kit maximizes each of these factors to allow you to achieve maximum results. One of the most important factors effecting accuracy is the use of a sight or scope. Because the hopper usually interferes with a sight or scope on most paintball guns, the Longbow uses a horizontal magazine instead of a hopper. You will be amazed at how naturally you're able to sight across the flat, uncluttered top of the Longbow. Also, the ergonomics of a paintball gun drastically effect first-shot accuracy. With perfect trigger pull (distance from the butt to the trigger) and the same balance point as a military assault rifle, the Longbow comes to aim very quickly and accurately. While barrels aren't the greatest factors effecting accuracy, they do play a noticeable role. Eighteen-inch barrels have shown a greater degree of accuracy in our studies than shorter barrels. So, the Longbow calls for a quality eighteen-inch barrel of your choice. Lastly, the Airgun Designs Tac-one, eMag and RT Pro were selected as the first models of the Longbow to be released because of their superior consistency in velocity. These tournament-quality guns have long proven very accurate, especially when used in conjunction with compressed air (aka. "nitro.") When all is said and done, no paintball sniper rifle would be complete without premium paint. Neither the Longbow Sniper, nor any other paintball gun, can maximize accuracy without the use of premium paint. Since you'll be shooting so much less paint, you can afford to spend some money on the best paint money can buy.

Q: Can I use the Longbow Kit on other paintball guns besides the Airgun Designs models mentioned above?
A: Currently, only the AGD Tac-one, eMag and RT Pro accept the full Longbow Kit and only in center-feed versions. Soon, we will release versions for the CCI Phantom pump, the WGP Sniper pump and possibly the WGP VF-Tactical. Because of the direct-feed nature of the Longbow Magazine System, it is unlikely that a horizontal magazine will be developed for angle-fed paintball gun models. However, the Longbow Stock will soon be available for the Tippmann A-5, Model 98 and 98 Custom.

Q: What is an air-through buttstock and why should I go remote?
A: You don't have to go remote with the Longbow system, but it's a good idea. By going remote, you remove the heavy tank from your gun and increase the ergonomic balance in a huge way. Once the tank is off your gun, you will notice that it balances much better – like a military assault rifle. With better balance comes better aim and greater readiness. When you're carrying all your weight out-front on your gun, you tire more quickly and you drop your aim. With your air tank on your back (not to mention the loss of hopper weight) you will be more inclined to patrol "at the ready" and you will connect with quicker, more accurate first shots. As we all know, paintball games are often won with expert first-shots. To make carrying a remote tank even easier, SpecialOps Paintball has designed all of their stocks (including the Longbow) to be air-through compatible. By running the airline through the stock, your remote hose can connect to a nipple near the butt-plate of your stock. This tucks the coiled remote up under your arm and out-of-the-way. When you carry your tank in the middle of your back or on the side of your harness, the distance between the tank valve and the nipple on your air-through stock is very short. So, your hose is much less likely to hang up on branches. Keep an eye on the SpecialOps Paintball website for the release of shortened remote hoses and coiled remote sheathes coming soon. In sum, going remote and using an air-through buttstock is the solution to heavy paintball guns and poor gun balance. Try it and you'll see – you're a much better shot when your gun is lean and balanced.

02-16-2005, 11:34 PM
If anyone sticks this on an E-mag or a Phantom I will cry. I love the Phantom and would hate to see it bogged down with all that weight and ungraceful stuff



02-16-2005, 11:46 PM

What did you do to it!!!

Although I must concede the pump would look nice on another style of pump... Like an Illusion... Or something other than a Phantom...

02-17-2005, 11:13 AM
i just paid the freight,

Punishers Customs did the alterations

seen the Crowd Buster?

02-17-2005, 11:15 AM
I have and it looks very nice. I just love my normal VSC Phantom, it is light, easy to run with, fun to play with, I just don't need or want more. And besides, those are classy mods, not some huge hulking commado unit. I am willing to bet that the sight rails, stock, and all that junk weigh more than the gun.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
02-17-2005, 04:41 PM
those look nice, but the tac-one design looks bad

Recon by Fire
02-17-2005, 05:15 PM
I will stick with mine thank you :)


10-20-2005, 07:52 PM
i have a tac-one with a qloader and stock. with a stiffi barral i love it im using 30 dollor paint and it works fine when you work the kinks out it weighs about 5 1/2 lbs with paint i dont mind because i can buncer some one if i need to i will send pectures later :shooting: