View Full Version : Unbiased ION review here

02-16-2005, 03:16 PM
OK, around 7pm last night, the noce fed ex man tossed an ion at my house. THe packaging is preety nice, a cardboard carrying case with cut to fit foam inserts, with some cool graphics on the box. The manual is just a plain old black and white printout handbook. Came with an ION barrel cover, as well as 3 allen keys and some spare orings. Did include a battery, but, was not installed aupon arrival

First impression- not bad, it is mostly plactic (internals are not, but, what you hold/see is) but, looks much better in person than in pics online, and feels as solid as any standard marker

performance out of box- aired it up, threw on my brothers egg (it is his marker) some left over evil for last weekends tourney, and shot it a lil. Fairly fast, but, not great (will elaborate on more in trigger review) no signifigant kick, no chrono avaliable, but, the shots were very tight. Fairly quiet, definately shoots better than any other $300 marker

-plastic/rubber parts- For the most part it feels preety sturdy, and the body is quite scratch restistent, the only gripe o do have is the rubber sleve on the reg twists and dosent feel horribly solid when holding (after market reg recommended)

trigger- In my opinion, the biggest downfall of this marker thus far, it only had 2 adjustments, one which is on the trigger that adjusts post travel/length, and another which iis accessable by taking the grips off and putting an allen key through the frame below the trigger guard (hard to explain without showing). This second adjustment, adjusts the pre travel, BUT, it also adjust the magnet strength simultaneously, so, the shorter you make the pull, the heavier it gets, and if you get the pull to what i would concider a nice pull on a typical marker, it is quite heavy and hard to keep rythm on. I will be removint the magnets from the frame/trigger later today, should be nice then
edit- just got done taking the magnet out, alot nicer now, very light, not quite what i am used to but I am shue if i get used to it it will be as fast as any other trigger

board- Easy to use, two color LED's for programming, program by using the on/off and a button on the board itself, preety easy to do if you look at the manual.

firing modes- works as advertised, I have only shot it in semi mode (as i dont not intent to actually use it in any other mode, or let my lil brother use it in any other mode) but, have clicked the noid in other modes, rebound, is the same as shocker nerve, full auto and 3 round burst are self explanitory, and both capped at 10bps (semi and rebound are capped at 17)

size/weight- similar to that of a schocker.

eyes- They work well as far is i can tell so far, will try them out with a vl200 later on when i get more air

efficency- will report on once i take it out for a day of play, but, i had probalby 1200psi in my tank, which lasted for around, one pod of paint and 2 or 3 hoppers of V balls (only 100 rounds per hopper)

overall impression- not something you should drop your current marker for by any means if you already own a high end electro, but, if you are looking for a backup, or looking to get into the toureny scene, or jsut want a smaller, lighter, or faster marker, this looks like the best option by a long shot. Probably the best bang for the buck around.

Will have pics and vids up later.

02-16-2005, 03:36 PM
from the pics it looks like the MS and the board are one piece. is the micro switch removable?

02-16-2005, 03:40 PM
yep i would say the only gripe i have is the trigger.

i plan on getting a few extra "replacements" from smart parts to mess around with and use to make one out of aluminum, but for now i dremmeled a new, much weaker magnet so it would fit instead of the stock magnet. now i can honestly say i dont have a strong desire to switch. feels like a matrix trigger.

bodies are supposed to only be 30, so hopefully they will, and if so, ill buy a nice red one to take for a "field test"

i would plan on:

- .22
- .22 rodent "shot" rounds

and then for some real fun;

-10 gauge :D

the switch is removable by desoldering, like any other marker. ive been thinking about replacing it, but theres absolutely no dire need, only because its a little harder to actuate then my matrix, nothing like a spyder or anything.

02-16-2005, 03:47 PM
Out of curiosity..

Whats the inner diameter of the body.. that is is it basically tube shaped in there??

Im thinking about making an aluminum body for mine when I get it..

02-16-2005, 03:58 PM
"First impression- not bad, it is mostly plactic (internals are not, but, what you hold/see is) but, looks much better in person than in pics online, and feels as solid as any standard marker"

Hmm...My ION is mostly Alum with a Plastic shell. I hold an Alum frame .
I like it so far...not keen on the wiring being so small...but ...guess thats the $285 part;) :cheers:

02-16-2005, 04:10 PM
Nice review man. I hope it works out for your bro. I'm not planning on buying one untill the next few runs. SP will get the kinks out of them by then.


02-16-2005, 04:25 PM
"First impression- not bad, it is mostly plactic (internals are not, but, what you hold/see is) but, looks much better in person than in pics online, and feels as solid as any standard marker"

Hmm...My ION is mostly Alum with a Plastic shell. I hold an Alum frame and trigger.
I like it so far...not keen on the wiring being so small...but ...guess thats the $285 part;) :cheers:

the trigger is not aluminum, or if it is, they have me fooled, I thought the frame was plastic too at first though, so, i may be wrong, yeah, trigger is plastic (just checked) anyway, the frame swtill feels like plastic even though it is aluminum, so, might as well be plastic.

note- i updated the trigger review, without the magnet its preety nice

02-16-2005, 05:02 PM
Theres a biiig difference between "plastic", and polymer. On a molecular level they are the same basically, but polymer is a stronger version of plastic. Plastic is easily bent and malleable, polymer(which the Ion uses), is strong. Heck, someone lifted a car on a winch, attatched by the polymer frame of a mag!

02-16-2005, 05:11 PM
Theres a biiig difference between "plastic", and polymer. On a molecular level they are the same basically, but polymer is a stronger version of plastic. Plastic is easily bent and malleable, polymer(which the Ion uses), is strong. Heck, someone lifted a car on a winch, attatched by the polymer frame of a mag!


its also the arrangement of the molecules. essentially why diamonds are so strong

theres a great thread on shocker owners with pics of all the specific parts

02-16-2005, 06:35 PM
glad to hear the honest review...

I don't plan on getting one (ion), but it is (IMO) good to see a reasonably priced very capable marker.


Jack & Coke
02-16-2005, 06:49 PM
Theres a biiig difference between "plastic", and polymer. On a molecular level they are the same basically, but polymer is a stronger version of plastic. Plastic is easily bent and malleable, polymer(which the Ion uses), is strong. Heck, someone lifted a car on a winch, attatched by the polymer frame of a mag!



02-16-2005, 07:07 PM
Thats not a car, thats a Miata.. :rolleyes:

Jack & Coke
02-16-2005, 07:20 PM
Thats not a car, thats a Miata.. :rolleyes:

lol :)

You know what... about 10 years ago, I knew this dude doing custom car work. He shoehorned a Chevy V8 engine into a Miata! He said the acceleration was just crazy because for that power, the car was soooo light. :wow:

02-16-2005, 07:26 PM

Thanks, I knew I just saw that. I remeber seeing the pic when first posted too.

02-16-2005, 07:43 PM
lol :)

You know what... about 10 years ago, I knew this dude doing custom car work. He shoehorned a Chevy V8 engine into a Miata! He said the acceleration was just crazy because for that power, the car was soooo light. :wow:

yep.. they are called "monster miatas".. and are pretty scary. Same thing with Fieros (and im sure a lot of other small cars).
My brother and I have a old Porsche 914 with a shoehorned Buick 3.8 V6 in it. same company makes the kits for adapating the engines. some people put a 350 in the 914s too.. plumb crazyness!

we now return you to the previously non-hijacked thread. :)


02-16-2005, 11:45 PM

I know of at least one company already working on extremely sick triggers for the ION.

02-16-2005, 11:50 PM
When my store opens, we will carry lots of Ions!

02-17-2005, 12:25 AM
You realize it was Tom that did that? That's his car... haha :D

I plan to pickup an Ion if I have some cash...

02-17-2005, 02:23 PM
Hehe...Ok ...I goofed on the trigger part...lol. But Im right on the ALum everything else...d'oh .lol.

Ive seen Miatas with the Ford 5.0 engines in them as well...lol...silly but very cool .

02-17-2005, 02:30 PM
there is a rumor of a few ls1 miatas running around. the scary fast miata's are fe3's.