View Full Version : Rest In Peace National Hockey League

02-16-2005, 05:22 PM
Could this be the end? Could we be seeing a completly new league next year? What is going to happen to the NHL? :( :confused:

Eric Cartman
02-16-2005, 06:10 PM
Some of the smaller teams will be hurt by this and lots of people who work at arenas and nearby sportsbars will feel the crunch, but the league will go on the same as before with disgusting greed being shown by both the players and the owners. Fans in the major hockey towns will continue to pay out ridiculous prices for tickets and the players and owners will continue to get rich.
Could this be the end? Not a chance!

02-16-2005, 06:17 PM
it wont be the end of the league but i think it will hurt it. They should have canceled the season a long time ago because there was no way ether side was going to give in. i like hockey for the most part but this is a big turn off. i would rather watch darts

02-16-2005, 07:17 PM
Well there is a 6 million dollar gap between both sides of the cap, players and owners. Hopefully by next season it will be finished and nhl will be on again. In the mean time, ive been watching ahl and college hockey a lot. Im guessing ahl will start being played more if the nhl can't reach an agreement.

02-16-2005, 07:35 PM
Its not a 6 million gap.

Its 6.5 between the leagues hard cap and the players soft cap. Its something like 10 - 11 million between the leagues hard cap and the ceiling of the players soft cap.

Multiply that by the 30 teams, and its between around 200 - 300 million. Not a small amount of money by a long shot.

02-16-2005, 08:04 PM
Some of the smaller teams will be hurt by this and lots of people who work at arenas and nearby sportsbars will feel the crunch, but the league will go on the same as before with disgusting greed being shown by both the players and the owners. Fans in the major hockey towns will continue to pay out ridiculous prices for tickets and the players and owners will continue to get rich.
Could this be the end? Not a chance!

owners getting rich HA. In majortily all sports the owners generally loose money( acording to guy being interviewed on radio today, the guy has owned like 3 out of 4 of atlanta pro teams at some point.) For the NHL the owners were loosing money and the players kept asking for more and that is what started this whole thing but atleast from what i have heard.

Eric Cartman
02-16-2005, 08:31 PM
owners getting rich HA. In majortily all sports the owners generally loose money( acording to guy being interviewed on radio today, the guy has owned like 3 out of 4 of atlanta pro teams at some point.) For the NHL the owners were loosing money and the players kept asking for more and that is what started this whole thing but atleast from what i have heard.

OK I can see that, but my viewpoint is that any professional athlete making even 1 million dollars per year is ludicrous. Even 500,000 is ludicrous. Here in Toronto, the only way that anyone I know ever goes to a game is if they get seats through some company. I've only ever been to games when I get tickets from one of our suppliers. Average Joe hockey fans simply can't afford tickets, but the seats are always full. The Leafs always sell out no matter how poorly they may be playing. As long as this is the case, nothing is going to change.

I'm not foolish enough to believe it will ever happen, but I'd love to see player's salaries come down to reasonable levels and ticket prices come down to the point where an average guy can afford to take his kids to a few games each year.

Why do people buy teams if they only lose money?

02-16-2005, 10:01 PM
They have the money to loose and they enjoy owning a team, i guess, the guy being interviewed didnt really give a straight anwser to that. I mean playing paintball for many people is jsut a constant drain on money till u get to the sponsored level ( which few do). But i understand how u feel I can see the annoyance of living in a town where hockey is so popular it is hard to get a tix, I live in Atlanta and I personally thing hockey is the best sport to go and watch but it was never hard to get tix for the thrashers casue there is jsut not a whole lot of intrest here i guess.

I think u are right about salarys needing to come down.

Lukly here in Atl we have a hockey team that is in like the Eat coast hockey league or something wierd like that THe Gwinett Gladiators and i plan on starting to go to their games soon.

02-28-2005, 05:19 PM
This is just a case of the millionaires figting the billionaires. I hope for the sake of hockey they will reach an agreement, but it may end up being too late. As BeaverEater said some of the minor pro and college teams are getting more television time, but there's still the problem of losing the fan base. A lot of people have given up on hockey with this, and the fan base is so small with a sport like hockey that this may prove to be very costly. I would not be surprised if the NHL never returns. On a related note did you hear about the rule changes. Instituting the tag up rule, instant icing, getting rid of the red line and widening the blue lines. wow.

02-28-2005, 05:54 PM
i dont know, but i really miss my Bruins games :cry: :cry:

02-28-2005, 10:02 PM
What do you think the poor Mascots are doing.... Has anyone seen Icebergh?? I miss my beloved Icebergh....

Here in Toronto, the only way that anyone I know ever goes to a game is if they get seats through some company. I've only ever been to games when I get tickets from one of our suppliers. Average Joe hockey fans simply can't afford tickets, but the seats are always full. The Leafs always sell out no matter how poorly they may be playing. As long as this is the case, nothing is going to change.

Sadley that is not the case here in the Burgh, I can name soo many games that I have gone to where the seats were half full (if that). Yet its still going to cost you at least 90 bucks for a ticket. You would think that they could half the price of the tickets to encourage more people to go and that way they would be able to get people in there who would buy snacks and what not??? :confused: But alas, I am just a poor fan with a Icebergh addiction.

ps: My birthday tradtion of going to a hockey game and getting trashed has been ruined, thanks alot NHL, I have to settle for a Paintball rally in Cali and Vegas Trip this year :shooting: