View Full Version : just saw the movie troy

silent running
02-16-2005, 11:46 PM
Well, it happened again, I saw another movie that I think was great and the cridick's said it was bad. It is kind of on the order of 13th warrior if you watched that. As far as being a movie you can watch more then once. You have these fruit cakes connected to the "in group" in hollywood, anything that is not approved by the polituro gets the thumbs down. And the movies they approve are for the brain dead and they target people who squat when they pee. If you get a chance to watch it, I do not think you will be disapointed. My two cents worth.

bam wannabe
02-16-2005, 11:58 PM
i agree. i think it was a very good movie. i picked it up in like the first week it came out, my mom even watched it and liked it.

it just falls a tad short of gladiator for that kind of movie :headbang:

02-17-2005, 01:33 AM
you can't spell critic, i don't know polituro is supposed to be, and you made a derogatory remark indicating femininity. exactly the audience troy is going for. personally i fell asleep in the theater. i didn't wake up until spears started clashing.

02-17-2005, 02:29 AM
I actually preferred Troy to Gladiator. They should have called the movie "Achilles" though...
I really liked the 13th Warrior, especially the campfire "chat" scence--very excellent!!
I recommend King Arthur if you haven't seen it. It is fairly historically accurate and entertaining--which makes it kick-butt in my book. :headbang:

02-17-2005, 03:28 AM
Troy is a very good movie, as is King Arthur, as mentioned above. I bought both movies within the first week they were out. If I had to go with a favorite between the two, I would have to choose....well...hmm....

I give up....they're both really good. And throwing Gladiator in there to be rated with them would keep me here forever.

silent running
02-18-2005, 12:10 AM
you can't spell critic, i don't know polituro is supposed to be, and you made a derogatory remark indicating femininity. exactly the audience troy is going for. personally i fell asleep in the theater. i didn't wake up until spears started clashing.
You are right on the mispel, the first one maybe was deliberate, the second was a case of the hunt and peck typing error variety. Politburo, was about the communist party fixing policy, that being telling people what to think, in my opinion critic's try and control what people watch. I think it is common knowledge the hollywood types have a common idealogy, anything that does not conform to it is a threat, for both monetary and political reasons. I think myself illiterate, but not as much as the ones who are perfect at english grammer, I think they are much more illiterate. I have never been one for playing simon says, and that is exactly what our grammer is, a group of rules that contradict each other. The letter s makes the c sound, the letter c makes the k sound, give me a break. Being exposed to this at an early age makes you easily brain washed, my two cents. On the derogatory remark, the endless supply of mushy movies that do little other then after time become the norm for most people, that is derogatory in its own why. Hilters hinchmen if I am not mistaken said, if you tell a lie enough times it becomes the truth. That is true by the things we exposed to repeatedly, it moulds us into feeling something correct and anything outside that spectrum as odd, as in troy, arthur, 13th warrior, etc. Gladiator I think was a take off of the fall of the roman empire, around the early sixties movie, I think it is worth digging up if you get a chance. I do not wish to offend anyone and any precieved remark is in jest. I find I am spending too much time on the"internet". So, excuse me if I do not reply to any comments. A good day in America