View Full Version : I'm torn about the warp

02-17-2005, 06:46 AM
Ok well I am going to purchase my first mag in the next day or two but I am torn about the warp feed. I have read the reviews on it and it seems alright but is it really worth the money? From some of the pics I have seen it seems awkward.

Or should I spend the money on some other upgrade?

02-17-2005, 08:03 AM
If you've never used a warp before, I would not suggest buying one.

02-17-2005, 08:29 AM
get one and try it. It is your preference or not. I have 3Warps allready and i like them.

I would say it is worth the money. If you know somebody with a Warp then maybe you go ahead and try it first. You get cheap one here or on eBay.

Nobody can tell you you will ike it or not.

02-17-2005, 09:04 AM
I agree with Little Ho. However I would not buy a warp body yet. Check out the B/S/T Forum you can probably find a warp with 12V mod for around 60 or 70 bucks. It's worth checking out. I know there are plenty of people around that will tell you they would have trouble playing without their warp.

02-17-2005, 09:14 AM
its one of those parts for a gun that ppl either love or hate. I dont know many ppl that say..."well the warp feed is okay". Its always, "warps suck" or "warps rock"

I am one of the very few ppl that say its okay. I like using it for rec ball sometimes, but I stick w/ the standard no rise feedneck w/ my tournament guns.

I do like the profile though. But, w/ the warp, balls that woulda hit your hopper will now be hitting you in the gogs.

I think they are okay. They certainly make your gun unique looking.

02-17-2005, 11:15 AM
its one of those parts for a gun that ppl either love or hate. I dont know many ppl that say..."well the warp feed is okay". Its always, "warps suck" or "warps rock"

I say both. When it was working, I thought it was the best thing to ever come into the sport. Unfortunaly the one I have stopped feeding one to many time durring tournament games so I couldn't afford to risk using it anymore.

I'd use it for rec games but I've switched to vert feed on all my guns and the last thing I would do is give the Warp one more angle to have the push the balls past (vert adaptor).

Warp feed ULE body, Warp power feed body, or another gun which has been modified specificly for the Warp is the only way to go IMHO.

02-17-2005, 11:24 AM
For years I had absolutely no interest in a warp.

Then I had seen one. Oddly enough, that same day I got hit in the hopper 4 times. My cousin and his Q-loader and his teeny little profile p'd me off.

Two weeks later I picked up a used one on the B/S/T fourms. All 12v modded and all. Then I got the warp module for my xmag. I can see over the top of the gun old-skool style.

Now I dont know how I lived without it.

BUT, its not for everyone. Find one at the feild (good luck) and try it out before you get one.

Like everything else, there is a learning curve with it. I, unfortunatley, am still learning about it.

02-17-2005, 11:25 AM
well i use my Warp on a Autococker after i start playing with Mags i used it on them. All i did was cutting of the Screw on the 90* Adapter to fit it inside the Feedneck on the Cocker.
I play Woods/Scenarios the most time. And i like it. The most time you get wierd looks and questioning abotu What Loader do you have or so.

here is my Autococker as i had it with Warp:

here is my Current Mag with Warp and Egg2:

Please this are not actuall pics anymore, since i changed a few things
here is a link to all my pics i have check it out .....

My Directory (http://mitglied.lycos.de/pezipezi/America/Paintball/Marker/)


02-17-2005, 11:56 AM
I had one. I used the standard single 9v. It seemed as the battery charge changed day-to-day so would the sensitivity. My Warp was not Intelli-linked and I could not get it to reliably feed. So I sold it after about 6 months.

02-17-2005, 12:20 PM
PROs=The only thing you gain is the hopper is off the top of the marker with a warp.

Cons= They add weight, more batteries, done like swelled paint at all, now you are using two devices to do the job one and it isn't as fast.

02-17-2005, 12:37 PM
If you don't use both hands to shoot, it's nice. I liked to shoot left handed so the warp prevented this.

02-17-2005, 01:00 PM
Hi again,
i have all my Warps Intelliefeeded and i have both Mods (12V and Bigcell).
I like the Big Cell because the Battery last longer. The 12V Mod is nice for speed, but a regular Warp can feed up to 16bps with the Bigcell maybe 1-2bps more.
With the 12V Mod i can feed fast. A friend of mine have trouble sometime, the Balls get mashed in his Warpbody. But it is mainly Paint releated. I had no problems at all so far. I was just shooting 3500 Round last weekend in around 4-5H. And the Marker ripps. Iam talking about the mag pictured above.

I like my setup and i will not miss the Warp.

So long hope to see someone from here in Ga this Weekend in the first Band of Brothers Game for this Year.

Country D
02-17-2005, 01:41 PM
I think the warp is the best thing since sliced bread. You can fire around bunkers and the gun hardly shows. The problems come in with the added weight. The only feeding probelms I have had were from not turning on the warp or the hopper.

Creative Mayhem
02-17-2005, 02:14 PM
Aside from the playing benefits(low profile, shooting at wierd angles, etc) It does take some getting used to, and its not for everyone. I would suggest you try one out first, or just buy one and see for yourself. I personally LOVE my warps, I have one on bothe my minimag and my Xmag, and I don't know if I can play without them ;)

02-17-2005, 04:55 PM
Talk about mixed reviews ;) , I think I will play without one for awhile and maybe pick one up at a later time. It jsut seems like it might be one more part that could go wrong in a critical situation. Thanks for the input though. :cheers:

02-17-2005, 04:59 PM
I'm probably better off spending the money on a barrel or something. Is there a particular upgrade that is a "must have"?

02-17-2005, 05:01 PM
I'm probably better off spending the money on a barrel or something. Is there a particular upgrade that is a "must have"?

i would save up for a barrel kit, sometimes they really do make all the difference

02-17-2005, 05:12 PM
i would save up for a barrel kit, sometimes they really do make all the difference

Yea that's what I'm thinking I can always pick up a warp at a later date. After I determine if I even like the mag or not.

02-17-2005, 06:35 PM
I had one, its something you really have to try and see for yourself, it didnt work out for me, but, i ended up making money selling it, so, no complaints. I think it could be much more beneficial to a back player than a front, would keep your profile really small, but, for a front, hard to snap with IMO (bulky)

02-17-2005, 06:51 PM
I've used a warp a few times. To me, it makes the marker's weight seem unbalanced but its a matter of getting used to it. I like it, since it has the low profile of a Q-loader but the paint capacity of a hopper, since it uses a hopper. Great for backmen, but I don't and will not own one unless the marker I use has intellifeed capability just incase...

And airgun has some great deals on warps now. If you're getting a warp-bodied ULE custom from them, you can add on a warp-feed for half the sale price. It's like 40$..

trains are bad
02-17-2005, 07:24 PM
don't get a warp. I like having hoppers to shoot at. ;)

ALWAYS intellifeed! I have never had a problem with intellifed warps.

02-17-2005, 07:27 PM
ALWAYS intellifeed! I have never had a problem with intellifed warps.

Neither have I. It's nice knowing there's going to be a ball in the chamber when you pull the trigger.

02-17-2005, 07:31 PM
I used a warp for about a year before i got rid of it. Frankly i would really never go back to one again because i think the cons are greater than the pros. I rarely get hit in the hopper so its not that big of a deal for me, and my really wasnt that reliable anymore so i got rid of it.

02-21-2005, 03:16 AM
I'll never play paintball without it. I can never go back to traditional loading methods. I like the low profile and haven't gotten a hopper shot in 3 years.

02-21-2005, 11:59 AM
I do like the profile though. But, w/ the warp, balls that woulda hit your hopper will now be hitting you in the gogs.

did anyone even notice? :cool:

02-21-2005, 01:32 PM
It allows me to see over the top of the gun better. It's also a lot easier to move your head out of the way instead of your hopper.