View Full Version : Lense Replacement

02-18-2005, 02:29 PM
Recently there is alot of talk about safety, rules and what we should or shouldn't be doing. Does anyone think about things we can do safety wise like lense replacement? I believe it is recommended to replace atleast once a year. I replace them after excessive hits, anytime they may show damage, or yearly. I usually go through 3 sets a year on adverage. Just interested in what the rest of you are doing.

02-18-2005, 02:41 PM
I have had the same lenses in my spectras for 6 years, they only say replace them every year to cover themselves, that or sell more lenses.

02-18-2005, 02:44 PM
I highly doubt people replace their lenses every year like they are advised to. I highly doubt that people replace their lenses even if they are shot from 5 feet away. Most people wont replace them untill they can see some physical damage on the lenses themselves.

02-18-2005, 02:44 PM
I dont replace until I see cracks or they have a deep scratch/excessive amount of scratchs. Which usually is about 2-3 a year.

02-18-2005, 03:02 PM
Those things are pretty tough... I saw someone use a high-powered pellet gun on a JT lens, it didn't even break it... it put a large dent into it, but the lens warped around the pellet and actually stopped it from breaking the lens. Pretty interesting. If someone had been using it, the force of that thing hitting them would have probably hurt their ears and ripped the mask off, but it wouldn't have touched their eyes.

I like to replace mine about once a year just because. Of course, mine are usually scratched up by then anyways.

02-18-2005, 04:00 PM
I tell ya. The spectra lense that I'm most familar with are very good, but I still take no chances with my eyes. Almost lost one years ago in a non paintball related accident and was blind for some time. Not fun at all!!
I witnessed this last year a team member using a Raven Googles and had a lense fail. Cranked it right in the center. Thank goodness the thermal inner lense stopped anything from happening! Everyone chrono'd well under speed and the googles were pretty new, but that one hit did it.
All I'm saying is be careful out there. For 20 or so bucks once a year at least is better than risking loosing your sight.

02-18-2005, 04:24 PM
I replace mine once or twice a year. If I see even the smallest crack they are gone, but I mainly replace then cause I scratch mine up a lot and it is real hard to see.

I have also seen someone playing without a worry in the world with his lens cracked right down the middle. Don't know how he could go on playing but he did.

02-18-2005, 06:17 PM
The thing about changing the lenses every year because it might break i dont really do it since getting a hit on a lense is the most rarest hits i ever get.

I always change them each time they are too scratched. Damn profiler lenses they scratch too easily.

02-18-2005, 08:47 PM
shoot i go through lenses like crazy i think every 1-2 months maybe 4 at max i have a new lense ofcoarse i play 1-2 times a week so my lenses see alot of abuse but as soon as i start see signs of scratches caused bye a paintball i buy a new lense they are only 15 bucks for me so its not a major expense any way!! i also have a bunch of old lenses i never use im gonna go shoot one with a .22 pellet gun ill let you know what the damage is!!
most likley ill start a new thread with pics as well!!

02-18-2005, 09:20 PM
ok three shots with a .22cal pellet rifle last i remember the pellet moves at 1150 fps but thats a guess off of memeory to say the least.. also pointed pellets!!

1shot from 26 feet barely left a mark

2shot from 15 feet small but barely noticable dent

3shot from 3 feet cracked the lense in half down the center in bewtween where the first and second shots were located!!

this is amazing i thought that atleast i would get some penetration but it just deflected all but the last shot and i have a feeling that area was weekend from the lense being kept in my bag for so long!!

02-19-2005, 03:17 AM
Ok, at least once a year. More often if you find any cracks. I actually found a few cracks in my Spectras that were shot at close range. I had that lens for only a year.

Yeah it gets expensive at over 20 bucks a lens, but it sure is worth saving your eyes. Cheaper than the medical bills and without eyes, paintball is worthless.

02-19-2005, 04:01 AM
I have 2 Profilers, 2 Clear Lenses, 2 Smoke Lenses, 1 Amber Lense

And I have a Smoke Lense for my Proflex that got stolen :(

Can never have too many... I have them cleaned, wrapped in shrink wrap and individually divided with foam inside my Empire Bag...

02-19-2005, 05:35 AM
I have 2 Profilers, 2 Clear Lenses, 2 Smoke Lenses, 1 Amber Lense

And I have a Smoke Lense for my Proflex that got stolen :(

Can never have too many... I have them cleaned, wrapped in shrink wrap and individually divided with foam inside my Empire Bag...

smart man.

02-19-2005, 11:25 AM
I had a lense fail on me once, not a good deal! The lense was only a couple months old and showed no signs of wear. Fortunatly I only revieved a cut nose and not a lost eye. :ninja: