View Full Version : A Fork in the Road

02-20-2005, 01:31 AM
Almost 2 years ago I purchased my first mag. It was beautful. I upgraded, bought a y-grip, new on/off valve, barrel, and many other things. After about a year of putting money into it, paintball changes (somewhat). Everyone is using high speed electronic guns that can beat out mechs easily. You can even buy electros for under $200.00.

Then the introduction of the hAIR trigger. I was amazed. A mech that can shoot as fast as an electro. I take a little break from paintball, hoping by the time I return the hAIR trigger or something like it will be released by now. But it seems like it hasn't.

Now I am stuck with the decision, upgrade my mag as much as possible, or buy a new gun, an electronic one. I was anti-electronic for the longest time, but it today's day and age, it seems like the only way to go. I might just have to convert.

02-20-2005, 02:09 AM
Do whatever you want... :)

If you do go electro... I recommend the Ion for starters... Grab a Hybrid Hedlok2, New Barrel, New ASA/Drop, New Reg... about 450 total... you're set... :)

02-20-2005, 02:15 AM
honestly dude being able to shoot ropes as i have heard its a matter of if you can hit hwat you are shooting i have an xmag a ule emag and a z gripped rt i play with them all bu ti prefer to use the rt the goame isnt about how fast you can shoot its about having fun alot of people have forgotten that

02-20-2005, 04:05 AM
What do you play? Tourney? Go electro. Rec? Using the Mag you might be a bit outgunned once in a while, but should be ok mostly. Just play smarter.

Target Practice
02-20-2005, 04:27 AM
Personally, I've made the switch from AGD to AKA, and I love it. I still keep my mini and micromags around, and they still get play, but the Viking and the Excal are my big boys. No tuning, no fiddling, just air up and go. It's refreshing.

02-20-2005, 05:26 PM
I'm looking for a electro for under $500. What does one recommend? I want a gun that is easy to fix, reliable and has lots of aftermarket parts. Please no impulses.

02-20-2005, 05:36 PM
Emag, hey, what do you know? I have one for sale in my signature.

but on a serious note, for about $500 you can find an emag, or a nice BKO or the like. But in my experience, I have found that the emag is the way to go. They are easy to maintain, they shoot fast enough for me, and they are simple machines. If you want to stay in the mag family (who doesn't) go with an emag.

Big Weapons
02-20-2005, 05:39 PM
You can get some pretty nice bushmasters for under $500.

02-20-2005, 07:06 PM
Why be anti-electro? That's like being anti-computer, or anti-phone. ;)

I HIGHLY recommend an Evil Omen. at $329 new, they're hot and cheap. They have PMI's quality and extremely awesome support, and they are as simple as can be. With a CAM anti-chop system, you don't have to worry about chops. They are light, small, fast, upgradeable, efficient and easy to maintain.

Just like 'mags, they have a bad name because some morons can't seem to tune them.

02-20-2005, 08:15 PM
I would suggest a bushy, probably a bko for your price range.

02-20-2005, 09:53 PM
If you must electro:
hyperframe in the classifieds?
B2k5 is going to be unreal!

02-21-2005, 10:01 AM
new, electro: b2k5
used, electro: emag
new, mech: urs
used, mech: mag

but if you like the mag but want the speed of electro go with a devil mag. holy crap that thing rips, and it rips hard. its like 950 with ule body, lvl 10, x valve, vert frame, predator 2, and all that stuff. truly amazing. so i say just go buy a devilmag frame.