View Full Version : Paintball moms

02-20-2005, 09:54 AM
so i went to the field yesterday (boston paintball), overall it was a pretty good day of play (besides the #%&$@#$ tourny player that wiped 5 shots when he was in the open... dont get me started on him). i even met a fellow AOer, Alpha (after 3-4 people came over to ask me if i had an angel frame on my mag, he came over and asked me if i had a logic frame or chimera :rolleyes: ) but one thing i noticed that was pretty interesting. i generally go paintballing on wednesdays at team night, or at other fields/team practices. but when i went to boston paintball on a weekend, there were a TON of new players, like around 10-14, all renting. and when they went on the field, their parents lined up against the glass to watch and sometimes even shouted out or talked together. it was pretty funny, ive heard some people on AO mention paintball parents but i usually play with older people or on team days so i guess ive never seen paintball parents before. i actually watched the rental games and they were hilarious, my friend has a picture on his camera phone of EIGHT rental players lined up at the back right laydown (ill post it up if i can get it from him). they just stay there the whole game, never really do anything, and occasionally popped up over the bunker to look around and lob a few balls.

oh yeah and there was an ion there on the wall, but i wasnt able to try it out.

on a side note, when we arrived at the field, my friends and i just started cracking uplaughing. they installed a... wait for it... PIZZA VENDING MACHINE. im serious here. ive never even heard of one before. it was about three times the size of a normal vending machine, and you put in $6 and it cooks a frozen pizza for you. i actually didnt try it (again i weigh paint vs food, paint wins) but my friends did and they said it was pretty good. what i thought was really funny was when i told two of my friends about the pizza machine, one who is local and another who lives in spain. the friend who lives locally responded with "LOL thats awesome!!!" and the friend who lives in spain responded with "LMAO!!! hahahahaha, stupid fat people!!! sorry but... seriously thats sad."

02-20-2005, 10:26 AM
weird.......paintball parENTS.......weird.

02-20-2005, 11:02 AM
Paintball Moms and Dads contribute to the future of the sport. And this is because unlike soccer, football, baseball, etc. Paintball is a sport that can continue past “school age” leagues like most other sports. But before folks point out “pro” and “minor” leagues for those sports, I will point out that the majority of players do not continue on to those levels……. While paintball is totally different.

And it is always easier to participate in an activity that the parents support, as well as wives. So I am constantly trying to strengthen the “support” element of the game. If you can get the non-players involved in a positive way, it is more likely that not only will they put up with the sport, but they can actually look forward to it. For me and my family, paintball is not just about the game itself, it is a social event/situation.

So thumbs up for Paintball Moms and Dads, as well as Wives/Husbands. :headbang:

02-20-2005, 11:19 AM
oh yeah i also thought it was funny how there happened to be 3 mags there (me, my friend, and alpha) it wouldve been 4 if ken came... but the new players seemed to think our mags were the best markers ever... i over heard some rental kid saying to his friend "have you seen those mags?! theyre shooting like 20 bps!!"... meanwhile the guy with his timmy is walking by.

Recon by Fire
02-20-2005, 02:53 PM
Hey, some of those paintball moms are eye candy for us older players! LOL I see it quite often and I must say that I am pleased to see p[arents take their kids out to play. Even better when the parents join them.

02-20-2005, 11:46 PM
Paintball moms have helped this sport big time.

My mom drives 4 hours per day about twice a month to take me to a field, and sometimes she even pays my entry fee. When I first stated playing my mom would never say anything during the game, but after it was over she would tell me what I did wrong.

All in all, paintball moms = :headbang:

02-21-2005, 03:28 AM
LOL. There are "soccer moms", so why not paintball moms? My dad was totally cool with me playing paintball at age 16. My mom was kinda against it, saying it was violent.

02-21-2005, 04:30 AM
yeah paintball moms are great. The best is when they play as your back player... like on my team.

http://www.pbase.com/rgunn4/image/39691212/large.jpg (http://www.pbase.com/rgunn4/image/39691212/large.jpg)

I'm the second from the left. On the far right is our team captian, Larry AKA Mulletman, and next to him is his wife who rips her new Empire Timmy as our back player. She has saved my butt in many games. For a mom in her 30's she's not too bad. lol :D

Recon by Fire
02-21-2005, 10:35 AM
Unfortunately not all paintball parents are good, like many other little league sports: A while back I was at the field and was getting pretty irritated with this kids dad who was there watching his son play. The kid was probably 10-12 years old and just not a great player. The kid was trying to play and have fun with his friends though. Meanwhile his father would be screaming at him on the field and berate him in the staging area because of his poor performance. The father was real you know what. This guy acted far worse than any brat punk I have ever seen at a paintball field.

02-21-2005, 11:42 AM
I think it is great that parents are involved with their kids activities. There my be some parents that go just abit far in some cases, but they have the best intentions. I really get a bang out of seeing parents playing or just supporting their kids. Really wish my own folks supported my bother and I in that way, but they did it in other ways.