View Full Version : So.. uh.. I just got back from guitar center...

02-20-2005, 05:03 PM
I'm really happy. Before this I used a crappy yamaha I got for christmas of 2003. Now I have something decent to play. :)
It's a faded gibson SG special. I got it for 600 + tax. The amp is a VOX AD30VT and man is it sweet.

Edit: Almost forgot, thanks RRFireblade for giving me the advice on buying a guitar. You rawk. :)
All I can say is...



02-20-2005, 05:41 PM

Pure <3

What are you playing?

02-20-2005, 05:54 PM
I dont like SG's.

Go for the Les Paul.

bam wannabe
02-20-2005, 07:40 PM
i personally like fender stratocasters

but yes that is a nice guitar, wouldnt mind having one myself

02-20-2005, 08:25 PM
Whats the SG version above the one that you bought??

Oh ya nice guitar, i had a gibson les paul for a while but had to trade it in when my car died.

02-20-2005, 08:50 PM
Coolness, love the natural finish. Great choice,well done!

That guy should hold you for a while and I do speak from experience. :D

Here's his grandpa,all original 1962....


02-20-2005, 09:33 PM
Coolness, love the natural finish. Great choice,well done!

That guy should hold you for a while and I do speak from experience. :D

Here's his grandpa,all original 1962....


Now that is a really cool guitar.

You have me by 2 years, I have a 1964 Martic Acoustic, plays like a dream.

02-20-2005, 10:14 PM
What are you playing?
Whatever I feel like :p
Usually alternitive rock, indie, whatever..

I dont like SG's.
I was testing one of these against an epiphone les paul custom and this one won. I liked the les paul custom too though :)

Whats the SG version above the one that you bought??
No idea. www.gibson.com heh

Thanks again fireblade. Nice guitar ;)

I really like this amp too. I had already picked this one out just by reading reviews and such and then when I got to the store I told him I had around 200 to spend on an amp and he immediately pulled this one out. That was a good sign :D

Sounds great. Couldn't be happier :D

02-20-2005, 10:16 PM
Nice guitar; my guitar player is thinking of buying a Gibson SG.

Right now as far as a bass goes I'm playing an Ibanez BTB 5-string, but with some luck I will have a Warwick thumb pretty soon.

EDIT: Get us some recordings!

02-20-2005, 10:18 PM
:wow: :hail: :wow:
i can only dream of owning one of those (right now)

i play a strat rip-off :(

02-20-2005, 10:19 PM
Nice Axe!! I always wanted an SG. The natural finish is awesome.

02-20-2005, 10:31 PM
I'll make some recordings but my mic is really crappy. Is there like an adapter I can buy to downsize the big guitar cable into my mic slot in my sound card? :p

Yeah I've been saving up for a while.. I used christmas money and money from a race framed cocker I sold. My mom paid for the amp but I told her I'd come up with the money to pay for it. If not I think It's going to be a birthday present which kind of sucks because my birthday is 2 months away and I wont have any presents :p

I have a strat rip-off.. I thought it was a piece of crap but actually it sounds kind of nice with my new amp. Still plays pretty bad though.

I like the finish too. It was this dark brown color or a 'cherry' color. I like this more :)


02-20-2005, 10:46 PM
Is there like an adapter I can buy to downsize the big guitar cable into my mic slot in my sound card?

if it is a guitar jack (right name= 1/4" stereo jack) and not a mic jack then the answer is yes. i have a few. (the jack on the soundcard is a 1/8" stereo jack) you can pick thm up at walmart, you may have to buy a coil extension cord with it though.

mic jack is very different it looks like this on the end:
| __
| /o o\
| |o i o|
| \___/

(is round) (kind of like a ps2 port for you keyboard or mouse, only bigger)

02-20-2005, 10:49 PM
You can get a 1/4" to 1/8" jack to plug straight into your computer, but you will lose sound quality. Miccing your amp works much better.

02-20-2005, 10:58 PM
You can get a 1/4" to 1/8" jack to plug straight into your computer, but you will lose sound quality. Miccing your amp works much better.
Meh, I'll try it.

My mic cost like $5 on ebay, but maybe I'll get around to recording some stuff tommorow.