View Full Version : Huge Problem< So Pleeese Pleeese Help!!!

11-15-2001, 08:35 PM
ok, i traded my pro team micro emag for an angle, i had it for less than a month and used it 3 times, it was working fine exept when the battery died the TS counter would go to 0, i thought nothing of it and sent out my gun to the guy im trading with, the guy who now has it starts compaining the first day he gets it about how much he doesnt like it and is emidietly trading it ect. so today he starts saying that its toataly screwed and the board is meesed and is readin like 560 then 900 and now (when i was talking to him) it says 178 and the battery is only lasting a hour after charging it for 2 hours. so what could he have done for this to happen, or what could i have done w.out knowing or soemthing. also,how much do yuou think this will cost to be fixed....thank you

11-15-2001, 09:37 PM
It's not your problem. The only thing you need to do is tell him to send it to PTP. Unless you signed some other kind of agreement on the sale, he takes all responsibility for what happens to the gun once he handed over the money and you handed over the gun. I know it might seem like you're not coming off as a nice guy about it, but the only thing you can do is tell him to send it to PTP and have it fixed. There's a problem with the board or somewhere in the connection that is causing the TSC to reset itself and the low battery charge is probably a bad battery pack. Non of this can be fixed by you telling him what to do. It needs to go back to the manufacturer.