View Full Version : Thinking about a workhorse need input

02-22-2005, 08:41 PM
After a hiatus I have thought about getting back into playin a little. I had originally just thought about getting a rec marker but am now also looking at the other end.

I DO NOT care about super fancy milling, crazy annos, or who shoots it. I DO care about speed, eyes and reliability.

I am kinda thinking about a GZ timmy or maybe a DM3. Just saw the Ion it looks promising as well.

What else is out there? Whats going on with the Angels with eyes, the BMs, Vikings?
What would you guys do to make it a machine? Boards, etc? How would you go about it?

Duck Hunt
02-22-2005, 08:47 PM
Viking or Mag, the ONLY way to go. If you want a fast mag, check the workshop for some tinkerer's posts about turning a mech mag into a electro mag.

http://www.exarin.com the Morlock board. Fast, FAST. Can run ANY gun, tiny....TINY.


02-22-2005, 08:57 PM
I *heart* my viking. Shoots a case off 1 fill, no kick, amazingly fast, not really big or heavy, +-1 consistency :eek: , and i have never had to do ANY matinance other than throw a few drops of oil in the asa and dryfire. Now, it did take some fine tuning and breaking in to get it perfect, but, right now, it is definately my favoite marker I have owned or used extensively (which includes timmy's, E-cockers, trixes, angels, shockers, imps, ect). Currently, the only other markers I really want to try/am seriously interested in getting are some sort of freestyle, or an Ironman matrix (like trixes, but, most are a tad bulky). As far as a workhorse though, the viking without a doubt, I have put well over 10 cases through mine, not had ANY problems, and only 1 chop (but, this was running after eye delay of 0ms with a revvy, so, really my fault) not something I can say about most markers I have owned.

02-22-2005, 09:00 PM

unles ur stoopid rich i wouldnt jump back in sepnding tons of $

you might end up quitting again or just not play enuff to warrant an expensive marker

i suggest the ion i havent heard a bad review yet other than the trigger options being somewhat limited.

that or a bko

also a mag i s a great gun should you decide to quit throw it in your closet whip it out 2 years later, oil then go play :) ;)

02-22-2005, 09:03 PM
It may be wrong to say here ;) but I don't want any mags or cockers.

I was looking at Vikings before I quit playing may look again. If only I could find a upgraded black one.

I've owned about everything: Timmies, trix, angels, emags, Ecockers, etc. The timmy and trix were before the board craze hit so they weren't quit as hot as they are today.

Keep 'em coming guys

Edit: Not made of moeny but I enjoy quality and spend well on my toys...

02-22-2005, 10:21 PM
It has a lot to do with where you play, and how you will be shooting.

My suggestions are based on being able to use Nitro and you shoot "moderately" fast with one exception. I want to point out that this is based on MY experiance with these markers.

First I want to mention the B2K. Great slower electronic. Mine didn't have eyes, and HAD to have regs to be consistant. After that it worked well all the time. Only problem was w/o the eyes, if you did try and shoot fast and broke a ball, you might as well have walked off the field...

Impulse with Vision is a super reliable, plenty fast, and lots of aftermarket parts (new and used) readily available. It goes w/o saying. This marker has been around for a while and for good reason.

Matrix. ANY Matrix. Super good marker. Easy to work on. Loads of parts available everywhere. Insane fast, and with break beam eyes it never chops. What is also really nice is that on top of being reliable, the DM3's are falling out of fashion and can be picked up for near nothing. There is no difference in performance between one of these and ANY top end marker, its too good a deal to be overlooked. ONLY bad thing I can say....be near a good air source.

02-22-2005, 10:48 PM
Get an old style timmy for sure. You can find, gz and classics for 400 if you look hard, spend 100-200 more and get a 2k2, or a Z timmy with a clamshell frame and lots of upgrades. I've owned tons of guns and right now I own a lasoya and 2k2 timmy. Just got the lasoya so I can't say much about it, but the 2k2 I've had for 4 months(long for me). It always work, it rips and is amazing. I highly suggest timmys.

02-22-2005, 10:50 PM
I'd say go for a used angel or something.

Vikings and mags also make great workhorses.

02-22-2005, 10:59 PM
A Viking/Excal or E/Xmag sound perfect for you. :)

02-22-2005, 11:03 PM
Viking for your needs. The true combination of a workhorse and a performance machine.

02-22-2005, 11:36 PM
viking is highly overated, they kick, they are blocky, and they dont really ballance that well. i liked mine, but my toxic matrix treated me better. trust me, the dm3 is a better marker, to be had for cheeper. reliable as all getout, average efficiency (viking efficiency with an evolve bolt) and if there is ever a leak, its one of a few orings. Great trigger, great eyes, great all around marker. I highly reccomend any thing matrix, as it has been the best marker to me to date. my sfl e-mag was ok, my angel speed was a bust, and my viking wasnt anything near what it was cracked up to be.

02-22-2005, 11:56 PM
blah blah blah toxic matrix blah blah blah

yum :)

02-23-2005, 12:13 AM
viking is highly overated, they kick, they are blocky, and they dont really ballance that well. i liked mine, but my toxic matrix treated me better. trust me, the dm3 is a better marker, to be had for cheeper. reliable as all getout, average efficiency (viking efficiency with an evolve bolt) and if there is ever a leak, its one of a few orings. Great trigger, great eyes, great all around marker. I highly reccomend any thing matrix, as it has been the best marker to me to date. my sfl e-mag was ok, my angel speed was a bust, and my viking wasnt anything near what it was cracked up to be.

I can't help but wonder if yours just wasnt set up right. The balance and the blockiness are subjective, but the kick on a viking isnt really that bad unless the lpr or dwell is set wrong. Hmmm. BUT, to each their own ;)

I have to agree with most of the others on here:

Workhorse electro-viking. Ive been shooting them almost 2 years, and they are the most dependable things out there IMHO. They are also stupid fast, hyper efficient, and easy to maintain. Seems to fulfill all your requirements. Go to the PBN AKA BST forum for all your viking needs.

Workhorse mech-mag, no question.

02-23-2005, 12:47 PM
I can't help but wonder if yours just wasnt set up right. The balance and the blockiness are subjective, but the kick on a viking isnt really that bad unless the lpr or dwell is set wrong. Hmmm. BUT, to each their own ;)

Mine had issues as well. Was never a big fan of the 04's. Of I were to get another vik it would be a an 03 or ealier.

02-23-2005, 02:13 PM
I can't help but wonder if yours just wasnt set up right. The balance and the blockiness are subjective, but the kick on a viking isnt really that bad unless the lpr or dwell is set wrong. Hmmm. BUT, to each their own ;)

I have to agree with most of the others on here:

Workhorse electro-viking. Ive been shooting them almost 2 years, and they are the most dependable things out there IMHO. They are also stupid fast, hyper efficient, and easy to maintain. Seems to fulfill all your requirements. Go to the PBN AKA BST forum for all your viking needs.

Workhorse mech-mag, no question.

to start off, mine was not setup correctly, i finally got it setup(which was really annoying because AKA desnt let you do it, unles you buy a 50 dollar toolkit) and i still wasnt impressed. It was fast, yea, relatively small, yea, but i dunno... it just didnt fit. the matrix was still a superior marker in my mind. fast, easy to maintain, easy to setup, and the only kick that those markers really have is the ball comming out of the barrel.

not having kick, really spoiled me, nothing bothered me more with my mag, or any ram drivin gun, than the amount of barrel rise they created, even dry firing.

02-23-2005, 02:18 PM
Hey there,

I'm a bit biased, but if you're looking for speed, reliability and eyes, I deal Custom Intimidators from AIM.

I can accomodate great pricing, and the entire gun will be totally-custom. Selectable body style, anodizing, reg style, frontblock angle, selectable ASA. Heck, I can probably throw in a 6-piece barrel kit if the price is right =)

If you're looking for mags, I recommend Rogue or Tuna, though you need to remember that mech mags use L10, not Eyes.

Vikings and Excals have always gotten rave reviews. While I've never shot one, I'd look into one of those as well. Same thing with Matrices and Angels, though I HAVE shot both. Shockers are nice as well. Bushies...

Okay, so pretty much all mid-range to high-range guns are nice :p

I still vote for the Intimidator, of course :p

02-23-2005, 03:51 PM
Z timmy or 2k2, nice weight, shoots as fast as anyone would need, pretty efficent and holds its resale pretty well so you won't loose too much money if you decide to sell.

Chris at Tech
02-23-2005, 05:12 PM
Viking or Bushy...

02-23-2005, 07:14 PM
:headbang: Ule mag :headbang: Then if it doesnt get the job done send it in to be deviled.

02-23-2005, 07:29 PM
Ended up getting a pretty good deal on a GZ. Now it just needs to show up. Thanks guys

02-24-2005, 07:27 PM
good, thats what i was gonna recomend. now just 05 it by buying that new frame and stuff, and it will be the tightest marker uve ever shot. thats in my opinion, havent shot a viking yet so dont know yet, do i?