View Full Version : Tumbling Paintballs...and Me

02-26-2005, 01:11 PM
Well... Im sure this has been tried before... but anyway... I got a case of paintballs down at my local store... When I opened up my bags to fill my pods I noticed that neary all of the paintballs were severly misshapen. (Well not severly but there were alotta dimples, flats spots ect)

Anyway this isnt the first time this has happened to me in my paintball career... I had found out on acciden that if you leave paintballs out on like a towell or something/someplace dry they can reform better (kind of round out) not to a perfect circle but they get better.... But unfortunatley this can take like a day.... a day I do not have... So I decided to think on what could help my paintballs round out better...A rock tumbler... :rolleyes:

So I decided to tumble my paintballs knowing that, thats a tumbler's job.. round things out/ make them smooth... So I said what the heck... I threw about 300 of em in there and let them spin for an hour...

The result...It worked! again t the paint is PERFECT.... but it took out many dimples and flat spots...I was left with much rounder paint... I saw probably a %40-%60 difference...

Now I do not believe that all paint is eligable for this operation... only really in bad-extremly bad paint could be used... otherwise you wont see much of a difference at all...

If this helps anyone then my job is done... If not oh well I just wasted 10 mins typing...
But I will say these are my beliefs... not everyone will have the same expperience as I did or some will just say Im carzy

02-26-2005, 01:19 PM
About the worst paint I've seen was a box of Stingers... worst. paint. ever. Most had *huge* flat sides and resembled squares more than spheres. Had I not opened 2 bags before realizing the problem, I would've just taken the case back. Glad it worked out.

02-26-2005, 01:22 PM
It is a good idea, but how many paintballers have rock tumblers? I guess I could try sticking them in the dryer on no heat.... :rolleyes:

02-26-2005, 02:15 PM
Well.....Its not that your a paintballer with a rock tumbler...you could just be someone that plays paintball...rec/rogue....but like traveling paintballers/ teams...a tumbler probably wont be in their gear case

02-26-2005, 02:52 PM
About the worst paint I've seen was a box of Stingers... worst. paint. ever. Most had *huge* flat sides and resembled squares more than spheres. Had I not opened 2 bags before realizing the problem, I would've just taken the case back. Glad it worked out.
me and my freidns went up to a new feild and thats what they had for paint, all of our bags of paint had massive dimples, I just took a pic of my left overs from that day ( I went just this week) The pics are of the best ones from the the one pod I have left
The paint didnt seem to shoot to bad of the feild though, but out wit a bit of target practice at my house I was getting about a 2' grouping with either on of my mags



I tell ya, zap and brass egal paint may be considerd bad, but atleast its round ( from my experiance)

02-26-2005, 03:57 PM
^^^ :eek: ^^^

I wouldn't have paid money for those things.

02-26-2005, 04:06 PM
it doesnt like rub off the shell or make it brittle or anything?

02-26-2005, 04:07 PM
Hell no, you turn around and get your money back. Those are unsat! :mad:

02-26-2005, 06:59 PM
OMG my paint wasnt even (well its was close to) half as bad as those...I dont think tumbling would help those... :eek: :eek: :eek:

02-26-2005, 07:36 PM
me and my freidns went up to a new feild and thats what they had for paint, all of our bags of paint had massive dimples, I just took a pic of my left overs from that day ( I went just this week) The pics are of the best ones from the the one pod I have left
The paint didnt seem to shoot to bad of the feild though, but out wit a bit of target practice at my house I was getting about a 2' grouping with either on of my mags



I tell ya, zap and brass egal paint may be considerd bad, but atleast its round ( from my experiance)

What the??? :tard:

What you have to do is, “Open” the box before you hand the guy behind the counter your money... I always open my paint to see what I'm getting before I pay... Not worth opening it up later outside and then trying to explain that the paint you paid $55.00+ for came like that and you want a refund...

Never buy paint Blind unless they have a buyback guarantee...

02-26-2005, 08:35 PM
Tumblng paint is a very old idea. When I started playing people use to make tumblers out of 5 gallon buckets. To this day i still roll my paint in their bags for about 5 mins before using it.

Pyrate Jim
02-26-2005, 08:47 PM
Gawd, the things that come back to haunt you.
We were tumbling paint back in the eighties. The oil-based stuff would look as bad as those pics but rolling it in a coffee can would make a big difference. The problem was settling of the paint. As it sat in the tube on a shelf the heavier pigmants would settle inside the paintball and would cause the ball to be lop-sided. If the ball was heavier on one side(due to settled paint) it would fly all over the place. Rolling or tumbling would shake up the fill so it would be more consistant inside the ball.
Another trick was to roll the balls between two sheets of plywood to press down the high spots. Worked O.K. for a couple ten rnd tubes at a time but I wouldn't try it for an amount that todays hoppers can hold.

It's less of a problem with todays paint, since it doesn't generally sit on a shelf all that long. But you can get bad paint sometimes

02-26-2005, 09:33 PM
Im glad everyone likes my paint :tard:

I wanted moeny back, but all of the cases of the same brand of paint where like that, and that place does sell alot of paint. so I dont know it was so bad I saw about 6 cases of the stuff and all where like that, I know it was only the stingers to, I saw a bunch of other paint and it was fine, and that includeing stuff like zapp primer.

02-27-2005, 03:21 AM
i thought of putting paint in some kind of tumbler to keep it from settleing over time, didn't think it would help round it out though.

02-27-2005, 12:47 PM
Hey, i dont know if this applies to everyone but i got a box of stingers the other day..i just went cheap for rec... they were not dented at all, if i can get some pics on here i will try, but they shot fine for me...

02-27-2005, 01:12 PM
Yeah, I got to test out a case of stinger for my friend's field who were thinking of using it for field paint since its cheap. They were perfect and some of the most consistant paint I've shot. Yours must have been old or something.

Anyways, great idea! I have a tumbler, and this gives me new use for it. The problem is the bad paint I always get is field paint. Meh.

My worst paint has been Hurricane. Out of 3 cases (and I checked the dates.very fresh), all of them were not even near round, and they all chopped like a mofo. I also got a bad case of Menace that would occasionally be totally unround and paint was settled to the bottom. Ick. I'd be shooting, then one would randomly curveball. I hit my teammate with one curveball right in the side of the head from fairly close range. Oops. It was like shooting a talon with a cracked barrel using 5 year old blue streak.. My third worst was bluestreak. It was very consistant and round, but the shell was hard and greatly hurt everybody I shot, and nothing would break. If something did, the fill is very light blue (almost unseeable) and runny.

02-27-2005, 11:04 PM
The fill settling on the bottom (this has been said) can also be fixed by tumbling