View Full Version : Magic the Gathering!!

11-16-2001, 08:52 PM
Anyone else addicted to this form of cardboard crack? I cant stop buying it! My pastor says its sent from Satan to corrupt us! I say its just a game. What do you think!:p

11-16-2001, 09:08 PM
its just a game......

if it teaches anything.. it gets ones brian thinking about different stragities that your current hand and what you and your foe have in play.... which does have a use in real life....

11-16-2001, 09:32 PM
i used to play it all the time.. havent kept up in recent years. sometimes i break out ye old ice age/5th ed cards and play my brother tho

11-16-2001, 09:59 PM

do you think we could be twins seperated at birth?
maybe we are the same person cloned?
maybe our dad REALLY got around?


i play magic too...it ROCKS!

11-17-2001, 01:06 AM
We could be long lost twins. Or not, but its crazy how people freak about that game. I was shown the game 2 years ago at the Springfield Open in Springfield MO. My team mates were playing and I watched them play for hours. They showed me how to play, and now I cant stop. I wonder if they payed as much attention to the paintball games as they did to playing magic, if we would have done better at the tourney. We will find out this year!:D I think we may have been cloned, but who did they clone you or me? which was the prototype? Man... my head hurts now!

11-17-2001, 08:09 PM
yeah. i gave it up after Ice Age to play paintball. I have an Unlimited Royal Assassin and Icy Manipulator, a Revised Shivan Dragon and Royal Assassin. Cant forget the Vesuvian Doppleganger. Ahh those were the days. man i had 3 or 4 royals, not that useful after Ice Age but i loved em. i am such a freakin geek. Anyone have Alliance Cards? i liked that set.
i have a buttload of cards. one of those 5k boxes with a few 800 boxes laying around. I wonder if i could sell em for an Emag. thatd be great.

11-18-2001, 02:00 AM
I have a lot of cards...and 7 decks, never did play much though.
I felt a lil geeky It is a cool game though

11-18-2001, 03:11 AM
Magic is tight... My bro was part of the first edition wave. I inherited his cards when he moved out. Now I have some kickass decks I can use...

11-18-2001, 09:23 AM
Any of you ppl addicted to magic wanna trade stuff for more magic cards??? I have lots including a almost complete set of weatherlight and Homelands. I am just wondering, mostly i'm interested in a jt flex 7 mask mag parts and a impulse so let me no. Or if you want money.

11-19-2001, 12:12 PM
hehe ah good ol magic, use to play a couple years ago, it kinda got boring when most of the players in my area moved and there was onbody to play with. I'll occasionally break out a deck and play with one of my friends who also use to be into it.

11-20-2001, 06:52 PM
to this day i think ive spent about as much on paintball as i did in magic:D