View Full Version : CFOA, Atlanta Ga.

50 cal
02-26-2005, 07:49 PM
I went today as something to do on a Saturday. I will say it had about some of the worst reffing I've seen in some time. Saw one guy take a hit on the pod as he took it out of his pack. The player dropped it instantly, but the ref was standing right there and was watching. He did nothing. A bunch of people standing on the sidelines were kinda upset about that one.
Saw a bunch of guys get hit in the back and turn to shoot the guy that ran past them and nail them. The first guy was taken out and a few one for ones called. That was sad. Saw that one a bunch.

I think they just found some kids that played a time or two and threw them out there.
I thought CFOA had higher standards for refs than that.

02-26-2005, 08:03 PM
yea thats why most of the paintballers in GA goto paintball atlanta(where i work/the place on insomniac, and blue collar tv). you went to ultimate paintball...they get the refs we don't want to come back. i have heard about some bad things there, mostly reffing/orginazation problems, causse the players are the ones incharge as far as where/when/how to play.

02-26-2005, 09:25 PM
I play at GA paintball 2.0. :) That's the best place around here in my opinion.
Paintball Atlanta was flooded with noobs all the times that I've been, and most of their fields are woods which I cant dig. Not to mention it sure is nice having a proshop on site if your gun goes down and you need parts.

Then again I havent been to Paintball Atlanta in like 2 years and It's probably changed :p

02-26-2005, 09:33 PM
this weekend is the last week of 12 years that we will be at the old field. we are moving down the road. the new field will be a eaqually tourney/woods ball style field. we have x-ball, airball, speedball, hyperball, a pallet field, and 2 woods ball fields for now.

anyway....back to the thread topic...

02-26-2005, 11:42 PM
2 words - Knight's Crossing in Commerce.
I've played at Atlanta Paintball, GA2.0 (great for in-town short-notice pickup games), Wildfire Snellville (reffing definitely not their strong suit), and they can all be hit & miss as far as reffing goes, IMO. Meaning I've had good & bad experiences at all of those places. All those places have a preponderance of young first-timers, parties, etc - nature of the beast, I guess. Reffing is pretty good at APB, actually, in the grand scheme of things, and the field sizes/variety is quite nice. At least you get crowds lg enough to play somehting besides elimination speedball, once in a while. My main complaint at APB is the price. $107/case???? :eek:

Knight's Crossing is worth the drive. Best is if you can go when some of the "home field" scenario teams are practicing.

Mcdkid - where are you guys moving to?
anyway ... back to the topic.. :p

02-27-2005, 08:41 AM
guys stay on topic. As far as the refing goes i have played cfoa on and off for the last 3 years and here is how the reffing goes..
the reffs are not from the home feild for the most part, the reffs are made up of the cfoa teams . The teams are givin the chance to ref once in the season and for that they recive 100 points. often 1 or 2 of the home teams will reff only if they are playing in the series. They allow the rookie division to reff as well as the other 2 divisions. Since they are here for the points some of the guys dont care , not all. We had an issue last year and went to Larry( who runs the show) and he has done his best to correct it. But there is always going to be people out there to either hurt the chances of a opposing team or just dont care and those few instances show up more than the good.but in general the cfoa does have high standards, just some things slip through the cracks.

02-27-2005, 10:37 AM
Well, to all you guys sour graping about reffing.......don't see you guys attempting to do it! Reffing is and can be a tough job. Its impossible to see everything, and even harder to make some calls on things you do see. Everything happens so fast, and there is no instant replay.
I feel there needs to be a reffing organization put in place. I mean you don't see football teams reffing themselves....

Our "home field" team went and played on Saturday. Evidently there is some good competition. They only won 2 out of 6 games. The 4 that were lost were hard fought, but they just got whittled down. Good luck to the rest of the competitors.

02-27-2005, 12:23 PM
Well, to all you guys sour graping about reffing.......don't see you guys attempting to do it! Reffing is and can be a tough job. Its impossible to see everything, and even harder to make some calls on things you do see. Everything happens so fast, and there is no instant replay.
I feel there needs to be a reffing organization put in place. I mean you don't see football teams reffing themselves....

for the past 4 years i have spent most weekends reffing....i have room to complain. lol

02-27-2005, 06:50 PM
i was not griping.just pointing out how the cfoa runs things. i have reffed and at the cfoa events and your right it is hard but some people do use it to there advantage. i also run a feild i week a month and i know full about reffing.

50 cal
02-27-2005, 08:27 PM
I have done quit a bit of reffing on the tournament scene. Actually quit a bit. When you have some that just won't get into the game and ref it like it needs to be done, they need to be pulled. I would rather work short handed than have a very piss poor crew working under me.
I have done that too. Told a tourney director that a few that are working need to be serving drinks at the concession stand instead of out on the field.
I've had to work my rear off because of what I said too.
Instead of throwing a bunch of people out there to work the tourney circuit, they need at least a bit of guidance as to what to do in certain instances.

Toxic Dave
02-27-2005, 09:08 PM

You don't have to deal with Tito do ya? That dude's my man!!


02-27-2005, 11:07 PM
how do you know tito?

me- so tito, what do you do with customers who try to walk out with stuff?
tito- i'll cut dem man, i'll cut dem up good.


02-27-2005, 11:11 PM
A guy local to me got his gun stolen there....nice dm4....hope he gets it back

Toxic Dave
02-28-2005, 09:25 AM

The company I work for (gen-e/ x-ball direct) sponsors Team Xtreme so we ended up hanging out events. They are a super cool group of guys, heck they brought us PBJ every day at World Cup!! Anytime I see something truely ghetto I call Tito and ask him about it.


02-28-2005, 10:28 AM
:ninja: Aparently.... A lot of guns were stolen :ninja:

50 cal
02-28-2005, 06:16 PM
:ninja: Aparently.... A lot of guns were stolen :ninja:

The way people leave them lying around, the unscrupulous would have a field day. I saw Matrix' lying around like crazy. I had to tell my stepson to bag his up. It was lying right in a walkway. Cell phones too. Saw top of the line Treo's lying around a bunch of places.

Didn't hear about a bunch of guns getting stolen though. I was just there on Saturday.