View Full Version : so who is planin on going to hunt.. er... oppose shatner *8P

11-16-2001, 08:57 PM
ok you all know the drill sound off above and leave a message down below.... so that way those that do plan on going know how many names we have to try to remember *8P

11-17-2001, 11:12 AM
im planning on making the trip hopefully... GO AO :)

11-17-2001, 03:41 PM
I just signed up today for the event and put down AO as my team name from the suggestion of the event post on this board. It is a long way off but it will be nice as the snow flys come February to think about charging around in warm weather hunting down William Shatner and his pointy eared minions for charity! Hats off to William (and Tom too of course) for tossing support towards paintball in combination with charity! It should be a blast and good PR!

We had to choose our first, second and third preference for which team to be on. The choices were Shatner's, Tom's or siding with a general to be named later. I sure hope signing up early will help me to get on the right team! Everyone knows what happens to the cannon fodder that beams down with James T. Kirk!

Hmmmmm, what if the general to be named later is Xena, warrior princess.....! :D

11-18-2001, 10:57 PM
I would love to go, but Im just too damned poor :(

11-19-2001, 03:22 PM
I'm coming and I should be bringing a crew with me. It's time that Shatner pays for his crimes against humanity.

P.S. Is anyone else referring to this event as Shatnerball?

11-19-2001, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by vf-xx
Does "friendly" fire count?

well..... yeah... and just remember

friendly fire isn't

and its amazing how people on your team just cant seem to hit your enemies... but when it comes to hitting you they are the worlds greatest snipers :D

also... i like the term shatnerball... and like wise i have not signed up for it just yet but i will be..... gotta kill the budget xmas shoppin first

11-23-2001, 07:50 AM
I will be there coming from NY. Just have to get my dad to register stupid credit cards complicate everything.:(

11-23-2001, 08:18 PM
Just to help ya'll (I am from So. Carolina, afterall) stay "in the know":

If you need to register and the credit card thing is a problem, email me JJ@SPPLAT.com and I'll email you an application(s) which you can print and mail back with a check or money order.

Those that are early registering will have the very best chance of getting the teams they choose. We will first look at experience levels to make sure we don't have one team at a decided dissadvantage. Once that has been addressed we will take into account when one registered. Those that register first will be given preference. In other words, we'll make every effort to give everyone their first choice. Recognizing that that will be impossible we will "move" those that registered the latest. I am confident that the first 300+ from each team will get their first choice.

11-23-2001, 09:08 PM
thats good to know..... i probly will not be signing up untill after xmas (gotta kill the budget on my kids first)

but i do plan on going.... even if my back and neck are acting up i can still sit at a base and do what i luv best.... throw paint at anyone from the other team tring to get close *8P

11-28-2001, 04:29 PM
By your kids Talons and bringem with you :D

11-29-2001, 01:38 PM
I am signed up for team AO to lite up Shatner. Team AO will conquer all.


11-29-2001, 05:09 PM
why would i get them talons..... i would want to get them something that works.... anyway... they will turn 7 in Jan.... so maybe in 3 or 4 years i'll know if they are interested in paintball... as it is they like pullin the trigger in our back yard.... (me holding and aiming the marker... dont trust them that much yet)

anyway if they are i see them with spyders at first.... on blue and one red.... but again that is a few years off...

12-04-2001, 06:58 PM
ohhh its trekie killin time
virus are you flying out or driving ? if you are flaying maybe we can work somthing out for group airfare a bunch of us are going

12-04-2001, 07:39 PM
i plan on flyin out there and one of the guys i work with that i got hooked on this sport is interested also......

BTW chk ur im/pm and email on this place also

12-04-2001, 08:02 PM
Please note that SPPLAT is currently negotiating deals for Airfare, Hotels, Car Rentals etc... We should have these firm early next year and will let all of those pre-registered know what is available. You will find outstanding savings for each and will be assisting in demonstrating the impact Paintball has on these company's business. We will be sure to post here as information becomes available.

12-05-2001, 11:46 AM

12-05-2001, 05:38 PM

I'm looking forward to getting more specific details on the "Shatnerball" event at Challenge Park Extreme. I've seen big games like this that were either 12 or 24 hour events and for planning purposes I'd like to know the expected duration of this event.

- What time is the event expected to start (8AM?, noon?)
- How long will the event last (12 or 24 hours)?
- I assume the event will be field purchased paint only. Can you give us an idea of expected case prices for paint at the event? Any idea what brand of paint will be used?
- Challenge park normally includes air fills with the price of admission. Do you expect free air fills at this event as well?
- If you expect thousands of people for this event as your web site hints at, have you thought of where people will be able to park that many vehicles? This many cars would exceed the current parking lot at Challenge park I think. Keep in mind, during a long scenario game like this, people like to have close access to their cars for a change of clothes, to lock up their gear during breaks, access to coolers and as a gathering point for their groups.
- Numerous videos have been made that highlight tournament paintball events. Have you given any thought to putting together a well done video of this event and making it available for sale later?

It may be that you are still working out these details but I just thought I'd ask. Fill us in when you can.

12-05-2001, 06:05 PM
The following is the questions you posted along with answers (please understand that some things may be tweaked, but this is a pretty good idea of what is planned).

- What time is the event expected to start (8AM?, noon?)

Sign in will begin at 6:00AM. First shots should be by 9:00 AM (perhaps sooner if we feel we can get the sign in done sooner.

- How long will the event last (12 or 24 hours)?

Until dark or around 6:00 PM depending on light conditions.

- I assume the event will be field purchased paint only. Can you give us an idea of expected case prices for paint at the event? Any idea what brand of paint will be used?

The event will be "field only paint". Various brands will be offered. We are allowing multiple brands to be sold with certain conditions. #1 Paint must be sold for at least .03 per ball (this will prevent one company from all but giving away paint in a publicity stunt). #2 The companies' presence will be limited to a 10x20 booth and a standard trailer. No "Show Trailers" will be permitted. We don't want this to become a competition between vendors and we will have limited room. #3 Each ball sold will result in .01 going to the charity.

- Challenge park normally includes air fills with the price of admission. Do you expect free air fills at this event as well?

Air fills for the day are included.

- If you expect thousands of people for this event as your web site hints at, have you thought of where people will be able to park that many vehicles?

Including "overflow parking", Challenge Park Xtreme can handle 1000 vehicles. We will encourage as many people as possible to carpool to the field. Any vehicles beyond that may have to park off site and the players will be shuttled to the field. The staging area will be arranged to allow as many people as possible to stage there and thus limit the amount of walking needed to get to their gear.

- Numerous videos have been made that highlight tournament paintball events. Have you given any thought to putting together a well done video of this event and making it available for sale later?

This is actually a project that Shatner is working on. As you can imagine he has much better connections with that type of skilled people than we do. We do intend to create a video highlighting the entire event that will be available for sale afterwards and marketed via many outlets inside and outside paintball.


12-05-2001, 06:47 PM
WOW 6am sign in start.... hmm... just like a regular day for me... my job goes 6am-6pm as it is....

and thanx J.J. for the info update.... i'm sure lots of us were wondering about this

now what is the closest airport to this place... i know i can fly into o'hare and its will be about an hour drive, but i'm hoping that a closer smaller airport would be a little cheaper....

12-05-2001, 07:09 PM
You may consider Midway Airport. The distance is about the same as from OHare but Midway has several "discount Airlines" serving it that OHare does not. Keep in mind that we are currently negotiating special airfares, hotels and car rental rates for all SPPLAT members attending this event.

12-05-2001, 07:16 PM
i know ya said that... but hey... i'm still cheap... gotta be... in a few years i be payin for 3 to play... and probly my twins continuing ED.... man i hope they get scolarships *8P

also thanx for the heads up on midway.....

12-06-2001, 07:48 AM
It is around 115 miles from Milwaukee to Joliet.

12-06-2001, 12:46 PM
Mancow keeps talking about the event. Having a team that is led by his webmaster and such.
Is he the third team leader? What's the story with him and this event?

12-06-2001, 07:17 PM
ok... i'm ready to go now..... all signed up... now just to wait and see what kind of deals JJ makes with the airlines/hotels/car rental places

now how about the rest of you

12-06-2001, 07:56 PM
Just received contracts today from American and Delta. I am reviewing these and should have them finalized next week. We should have some idea about airfares within two weeks. Initial discussions look like roundtrip from Boston should be well under $200.

12-06-2001, 08:46 PM
thats great..... i myself would probly fly out from either BHL (hartford/springfiled) or ORH (worcester, ma) and have got a fare under 200 right now....

but again lower prices are always better :D

12-07-2001, 03:37 PM
I'm the only one who signed up for Shatners team. Sorry Tom but if it's any consolation I did put you as my second choice.

12-07-2001, 04:14 PM
WOHOOOO... our first red shirt to go for..... :D

lets get him guyz =)

12-07-2001, 04:22 PM
Oh jeez. And I'm a big guy too. Gonna be real easy to hit me. Especially since I'm planning on dressing in trekkie costume. Maybe Vulcan or even Klingon.

Oh god but I sound like a goober.