View Full Version : paintball players are MESSY

02-26-2005, 08:36 PM
Anyone ever notice that some players, mainly the regulars and tourney guys never pickup their own mess?

just leaving paintbags and trash and soda cans and other random garbage around.

everyone else picks up their own trash wherever they go.....why wouldnt you throw your trash in an easily locatable trash can at a field..

this is more of a general observation from years of playing and its really getting on my NERVES :mad:

staying late to clean courtyards,and tables after groups whenw e have better stuff to do(like clean 100 guns,mask,hoppers,plugs for the next day)

i guess im just venting from all the smelly and stickey crap i get on my hands emptying trashcand and picking stuff up..


there really inst a purpose to this thread gues im jsut venting...

02-26-2005, 08:40 PM
get some bums with pokers (sp), the sticks to poke and pick up trash. look under your nearest bridge. bums on sale.

02-26-2005, 08:46 PM
It's because they feel comfortable there. You wouldnt do that in a new friends house, but you would in your own. But I see your point. They're too lazy to walk an extra 10 feet, but will play paintball all day.

02-26-2005, 09:58 PM
Actually, it's the opposite here. All the regulars and tourny-level (jerseys, highend markers, good playing skills) pick up all their stuff and usually clean sweep the area once the day's over. The kids and people who only play every now and then leave crap all over the place.

Target Practice
02-26-2005, 10:03 PM
Someone does that at our field, I ask them to pick there crap up.

02-26-2005, 10:06 PM
Someone does that at our field, I ask them to pick there crap up.
That's what I was thinking. Since you're a ref, Chrono, why don't you exercise your authority?

02-26-2005, 10:10 PM
I got after my friends to pick up their stuff. IT took me literally two secojds to grab all teh bags and boxes adn toss them in the trash.

02-26-2005, 10:33 PM
I am a slob at home, I am a slob at the field, but no one cares.

Target Practice
02-26-2005, 11:11 PM
I am a slob at home, I am a slob at the field, but no one cares.

You may not think so, and they may not show it, but SOMEONE has to clean up your crap.

02-26-2005, 11:24 PM
Better us than him.

Target Practice
02-26-2005, 11:25 PM
Better us than him.

Hah, guess so.

02-26-2005, 11:53 PM
The local indoor field if you don't clean up your crap after team practice he will charge you more next time you come. Usually we just throw all boxes and bags in a pile and throw it all away at the end of the day. Usually refs are walking around cleaning though.

02-27-2005, 03:05 AM
when i was a ref (place just opened, now closed, it was a horrible park) had to clean up everything, and the fellow refs had to help, there was no one there and we had this huge wood pile. i had to make it all nice and neat, and get all the nails out, and then it was just hard. i quit that job so fast. ifalls under the the whole place is a slobpaintball park kind of thing. you know, refs younger than me (14) and we didn't get paid, only store credit which sucked.

that is my rant.
oh yeah my point is i hate messy places like people stated above.

02-27-2005, 03:43 PM
Working as a ref I got used to cleaning up after players . newbs are in a state of shell shock usually & some of the oldtimers are just lazy. Now when I play I usually am one of the last to leave so i clean up. Field owners & staff take note of it. I usually get free play or good deals.

02-27-2005, 07:10 PM
man i used to work at CPX thats was the worse! i swear there is a garbage can to about every 1.5 tables, you dont have to go more then ten feet away to find a can, but yet players leave everything everywhere itell you its bs

02-27-2005, 08:08 PM
I agree a lot of ppl do leave trash and its not the parks job to pick it up

02-28-2005, 09:51 AM
I agree a lot of ppl do leave trash and its not the parks job to pick it up

It IS the staff's job to keep the staging area/field looking presentable. Whether you do this by frequently reminding the players to use the trash cans, or by picking up after them yourself is your own choice. I know what I choose. Very few people will deliberately leave a mess after being asked to clean up after themselves.

02-28-2005, 10:04 AM
Actually, it's the opposite here. All the regulars and tourny-level (jerseys, highend markers, good playing skills) pick up all their stuff and usually clean sweep the area once the day's over. The kids and people who only play every now and then leave crap all over the place.
thats how mine and my friends' woodsball field is.

02-28-2005, 12:04 PM
It IS the staff's job to keep the staging area/field looking presentable. Whether you do this by frequently reminding the players to use the trash cans, or by picking up after them yourself is your own choice. I know what I choose. Very few people will deliberately leave a mess after being asked to clean up after themselves.

i agree but its not a refs job to play mommy and say pickup your OWn mess likea bigboy...

good luck telling a drunk group of 25 somethings to clean their own mess up....theyl have forgotten about the mess in a amtter of minutes...

you could remind some peopel 10x a day and theyd stil elave some trash....its upto them to do it..we cant force them too..

and its the PLAYERS who say they wantthe courtyard clean YET they dont help clean it themselves.... :tard: :mad:

but w/e thanks for the replies guys :cheers:

02-28-2005, 01:49 PM
i agree but its not a refs job to play mommy and say pickup your OWn mess likea bigboy...

good luck telling a drunk group of 25 somethings to clean their own mess up....theyl have forgotten about the mess in a amtter of minutes...

you could remind some peopel 10x a day and theyd stil elave some trash....its upto them to do it..we cant force them too..

and its the PLAYERS who say they wantthe courtyard clean YET they dont help clean it themselves.... :tard: :mad:

but w/e thanks for the replies guys :cheers:

You're right, you cannot force people to be responsible. But if your field lets people play drunk, messiness is the least of your worries.

Target Practice
02-28-2005, 01:51 PM
You're right, you cannot force people to be responsible. But if your field lets people play drunk, messiness is the least of your worries.

No kidding. If you were drunk at our field, we call the Sheriff on you. Same at my last field, too.

02-28-2005, 02:42 PM
No kidding. If you were drunk at our field, we call the Sheriff on you. Same at my last field, too.

yes and on a sidenot im not sure if i agree with the owners policy on allowing people to drink
but as long as their in a private group is genereally not a problem

Slimm Jimm
03-01-2005, 04:43 PM
i love how ao can have a debate about anything, from garbage to guns.

my field no aclohol is allowed under any circumstances, maybe a drink or two for the older guys after a hard day of reffing a tourney but thats it. Garbage for us tend to be in the form of kid regulars not picking up after themselves. I normally stay for as long as i can at the field because its an hour and a half drive one way, so i have helped clean up, and i have been asked to run the field. just part of being sponsored.

03-01-2005, 06:07 PM
One tourney I gathered everyones trash and spread it convinently across the staging area....

(crappy refs) thanks Seige...