View Full Version : Emag valve help. unreal reactivity....

Scott Hudnall
02-27-2005, 05:42 PM
Okay, built an "Emag" project this winter, just got the components all together and aired it up for a dry-fire. It's an Emag valve with double o-ring, Intelliframe, no electronics, Emag rail, RTPro sear, Emag battery housing (empty....), all in black, looks like the real thing at first glance.....but it's all mech.

Here's the problem. there is unreal reactivity in the trigger pull. Touching and holding the trigger only so slightly causes full auto until released. It's hard to pull off a single shot, usually get 2 or 3 per quick pull/release. One thing I do like is the slight slight tap of the trigger.....and it fires......as close to a mouse click as I've ever fired with a mech.

I've only got 2 HPA tanks, both with pre-set output, both at 800psi (yeah, I've checked it).

I don't know what the velocity is set at.....don't have a chrono and haven't put any paint through it yet.

What can be done to decrease the reactivity to make this simply semi-auto, one quick pull + one shot???

obviously, someone's going to post...."get an adjustable tank and decrease input pressure."

Are there any other solutions, however?

(additional info: L7 bolt, blue bumper .... guess I could change to the clear/rubbery bumper, got 2 of those).

Also, would switching to the ULT on this Emag valve allow me to adjust the reactivity better?

Thanks in advance.

02-27-2005, 07:23 PM
You probably have the emag on-off pin. You will need a standard retro valve on-off pin.

Emag pin = .712"
retro on-off pin = .750"

A pin that is too short will have excess reactivity.

Scott Hudnall
02-27-2005, 10:21 PM
Okay, that makes sense!!!

and it sounds familiar.....think I might have seen that on the forums in the past.

Thanks. That's the kind of advice I was looking for.

02-28-2005, 05:32 PM
Yup yup, he's right. Same thing happened to me.

Dont throw that pin away ;) ;)
