View Full Version : pb2xtrmes...

02-27-2005, 07:07 PM
This may be old, but anyways..
I picked up the march issue of pb2xtremes and it's all about how paintball came to be where it is today. Starting with the 2 mid age people shooting eachother in the waist with a towel, and starting off the sport with the first bounce and first cheatings.(which were leaving paintballs in the middle of the feild..You were only allowed 50 or so..) And I stumbled upon Tom Kaye a few times. In pictures, Quotes and one page article. And for some reason he was always smiling (yes I know they say smile for the camera) but it seemed that he had a love for the sport no one else had. And I am guessing that is why he made AGD:).. To the topic of my thread, if anyone has read this magazine, did you feel sort of proud"ness" to be within the first 30 years of paintball? Considering it has many to come. Because we were / are in the rapid growing stage. And more importantly, to be within Tom Kayes years of paintball? Because it seemed no one (except that dave guy with the veiwloader 2000..) else made something that would revolutionize the sport. After that little read, I gave a better appreiation to my mag with it's hpa tank.

-And if I spelt anything wrong, I don't care... :D

Creative Mayhem
02-27-2005, 07:31 PM
I haven't read it yet, but I consider myself lucky to be an owner of several mags, including the minimag I have had since my beginnings in this sport back in '91.