View Full Version : Virgin Atlantic Global Flyer is a GO!

02-28-2005, 08:14 PM
yep, not much than 12 minutes ago, did the virgin atlantic global flyer, (piloted by steve fosset) take off. after standing in the cold for close to an hour and a half, waiting for the winds to act just right, steve gave the flyer full power and off they were. it was quite interesting to whitness, and in 80 hours, we will know if the flyer was a sucess!

www.globalflyer.com for more info.

02-28-2005, 08:20 PM
yep, not much than 12 minutes ago, did the virgin atlantic global flyer, (piloted by steve fosset) take off. after standing in the cold for close to an hour and a half, waiting for the winds to act just right, steve gave the flyer full power and off they were. it was quite interesting to whitness, and in 80 hours, we will know if the flyer was a sucess!

www.globalflyer.com for more info.

Burt Rutan is a genious. I am honestly surprised that the government doesnt use that guy.

02-28-2005, 08:46 PM
he really is a genious, his designs are amazing, first civilian to build a formidable space craft?. and now this? the coolest thing about the launch, was the scaled conposites starship that took off before it taking photos

02-28-2005, 08:48 PM
That whole White Night carrier plane is just amazing, it looks like nothing else made.

03-01-2005, 02:38 AM
its true, its amazing that it even flies, but its such a genious design. for some more interesting burt rutan work, go to www.scaled.com

some of his stuff is just outrageous, yet oh so cool.

the global flyer, i gotta say is one of those. it was insane getting to look at it, all carbonfiber and fiberglass, 83% of its weight was fuel. i mean, crap! thats a buttload of fuel! and for landing, which will be baisically on empty, the thing can glide so well, that it needs parachutes to slow it down. its a crazy plane.