View Full Version : welcome back, RRFireblade.... wtf?

03-01-2005, 03:53 PM
anyone else getting this?


it says im logged in as RRFireblade....

i look at my flagpull:


last login: 03/01/05
0 new newsposts

the real kicker, is i dont even remember signing up at all....

03-01-2005, 03:56 PM
Hey, get out of my account you habberdasher!!

Guess they don'r use cookies? WTF? You got in from my post link I guess.

03-01-2005, 03:58 PM
Hey, get out of my account you habberdasher!!

lol, im going to email them, you really shouldnt be able to do that :rolleyes: i would take down you like now :D

next time, someone might make posts under your name, that wouldnt be pretty :nono:

edit: i tried doing that again, didnt work. if there was more to the url, i would say thats the case, but i dont know. :confused: :confused: