View Full Version : is this a scam?

03-02-2005, 01:03 AM
I've got an e-bay auction going on right now and some guy e-mailed me with this question:

Q: If I win the action, I will pay you through paypal. I am from Brazil and I have a confirmed address from Brazil too but I need you ship the product to Miami and the Miami’s address is not confirmed. Does it have any problem for you? Thank you very much. HERNANDO

I'd assume as long as his paypal account is confirmed then this is a legit thing... but I figured I'd ask you all just to get some other opinions.

Also I might add that its an auction for an ECU for a car and it's up to around 60 bucks... so it's not like a HUGE item that I'm selling... Oh and he's got 27 positive feedback and they aren't all from the same person or any lame thing like that. :p

03-02-2005, 01:45 AM
Could be a scam, especailly if later he says that he "owes some money to a 3rd party so do you mind if I send you a check for $1500 and you forward the rest to blah blah blah.."

He may be just trying to get around the taxes and tarrifs on international shipping, or the item you are selling is on the prohibited export list and he is trying to get around that. If it were me, I would not do it as I just make it a rule not to ship out to any foreign address. It aint worth it for the $60 bucks to go through all the customs, currency exchange, tarrfif collections, etc. But then again I am a lazy SOB in this regard.

03-02-2005, 07:23 AM
do not send off until you have recieved payment in full... if he tries something tricky... contact paypal and ebay... they'll handle it.. one guy tried to screw me over... and i reported him...

and he gave me my stuff the next day....

03-02-2005, 07:33 AM
as long as he is willing to pay first and you ship delivery confirmation it should be ok

03-02-2005, 09:51 AM
, or the item you are selling is on the prohibited export list and he is trying to get around that.

It does not sound like he is trying to defraud you, however this is a very real possibility. I would be hesitant to ship anything out of country (except to Canada perhaps) due to the very real possibility of violating an import/export law you know nothing about.

03-02-2005, 10:11 AM
If you ship to an unconfirmed address you have NO paypal protection

Don't do it

03-02-2005, 12:56 PM
If you ship to an unconfirmed address you have NO paypal protection

Don't do it

he speaks the truth.

he could pay. you ship to his unconfirmed adde. he recieves, then files a not recieved complaint though paypal. you have to provide proof you shipped to his adde. well you shipped to a unconfirmed. so your SOL.

Dont do it

03-02-2005, 01:03 PM
im a little more trusting, and if he has good feedback you like you say, then id probably go through with it.

just make sure that when you ship it out, you get a reciept that says you sent the package to that address. if he were to try to screw you over then, paypal cant touch you if you have proof that you sent it out. besides, paypal protection isnt all its cracked up to be, you can still get screwed if you send to a confirmed address.

03-02-2005, 01:05 PM
I would probably do it..

but, yes, be fully aware that since you shipped to an unconfirmed address he COULD get all his money back from you. PayPal won't protect you.

03-02-2005, 01:08 PM
just make sure that when you ship it out, you get a reciept that says you sent the package to that address. if he were to try to screw you over then, paypal cant touch you if you have proof that you sent it out. besides, paypal protection isnt all its cracked up to be, you can still get screwed if you send to a confirmed address.

wrong it is stated very plainly the you cannot ship to an unconfirmed address with paypal

03-02-2005, 02:18 PM
make sure you save all your emails from him etc etc in the event he tries to pull something. If you do decide to ship it to the miami address make sure you save the receipts get tracking info etc etc. If some of you guys dont know Paypal doesnt cover you if you ship something outside the US so even if he is confirmed your still not covered. Anyways I live 40mins away from Miami you get screwed over bro I'll help you out and get the law involved.

03-02-2005, 03:42 PM
Hey guys...

Thanks for all the advice! :)

That's a good idea to keep all the e-mails he sent just in case. I replied back to him saying that it wouldn't be a problem as long as I got the paypal payment before shipping it out to him, and as long as I don't have to ship overseas. Yet I'm going to put a delivery confirmation on the package just in case.

I looked his feedback over more closely last night after posting this thread and it's legit so I think I can trust him.

Watch... now that I've made this topic on here he won't even end up being the winning bidder! :spit_take

And if he screws me over then pumaking... I'm callin you in!!! :D

03-02-2005, 06:11 PM
Seriously, don't do it.

What's the auction for? If it's anything valuable DO NOT do it.

It could very easily be a stolen eBay and Paypal account. (You know those sites people post all the time asking if they are legit? Idiots give their accounts away all the time)

Having emails is going to do nothing if this is a scam. Paypal won't even bother looking at them.

If you shipped to an an unconfirmed address and the Paypal account was stolen, they will take the money back, guarnted.

03-02-2005, 06:19 PM
thats what I tried telling them earlier but oh well.

let us know how it works out

03-03-2005, 12:36 AM
If he paid for it....send it. Its that simple.

done it plenty of times. never had a problem

03-03-2005, 04:06 PM
Lol... yup ended up that he wasn't even the winner of the auction! Oh well! :p

Now he doesn't even have the chance to scam me! :D

03-03-2005, 05:02 PM
lol well atleast you have that going for you