View Full Version : Is there a viking schematic anywhere? Can someone explain how it works?

03-02-2005, 08:19 PM
I"m looking to trade my e-mag for a viking and have a deal pending. I'd like to know exactly how this gun works from when the air goes in the gun till the ball comes out the barrel. Call me obsessive, but it helps when describing your gun and diagnosing a leak etc...

Thanks so much guys,

P.S. If you're up to it and know alot about vikings, my aim is mr smooches 824


03-02-2005, 10:04 PM
I'd like to thank the members of Destructive Customs for iming me MINUTES after I posted this and answering all my questions. You guys rock!


03-02-2005, 10:09 PM
You KNOW those guys rock! :D ;) :headbang:

03-02-2005, 10:09 PM
DC are good people. In fact, they are now one of the official service centers for AKA.

03-02-2005, 10:13 PM
Alan is one sexzy bizzamtch.
Gecko too.

Target Practice
03-02-2005, 10:14 PM
My Viking and my Excal run on magic, sprinkles, and rainbows.

03-02-2005, 10:17 PM
My Viking and my Excal run on magic, sprinkles, and rainbows.
Cocker elves
Mag gnomes
Viking/Excal leprechauns? :dance: :dance:

03-02-2005, 10:47 PM
I'd like to thank the members of Destructive Customs for iming me MINUTES after I posted this and answering all my questions. You guys rock!


Any chance you can post a log of it or something? I've been interested in figuring out how angels, vikings, and excaliburs work, but there's no easy source of information.

03-02-2005, 11:03 PM
Gliney: Hello
mr smooches 824: Hey
mr smooches 824: how's it going?
Gliney: this is Alan from destructive Customs, I saw your post on AO about vikings
mr smooches 824: ah thanks
Gliney: not too bad you?
mr smooches 824: I'm good friends with joey d
Gliney: oh cool
mr smooches 824: and your teamate slade
mr smooches 824: yeah
mr smooches 824: anyway
mr smooches 824: I'm very familiar with the e-mag
mr smooches 824: I know that in and out
mr smooches 824: if you have the time, could you tell me how a viking works?
Gliney: sure,
mr smooches 824: thanks so much
mr smooches 824: I'll start
mr smooches 824: Preset HPA tank
mr smooches 824: I screw in the on/off
mr smooches 824: your turn
mr smooches 824: :-)
Gliney: air travels through a line into the sidewinder regulator
mr smooches 824: si
Gliney: it is regulated to 200 lbs and sent in two dirrections
mr smooches 824: k
Gliney: 200 lbs of air is sent to the valve
Gliney: and it is sent to the scm regulator, where it is again regulated down to 72 psi
mr smooches 824: what's that?
mr smooches 824: SCM reg? and where's it located?
Gliney: an scm is a low pressure regulator mounted on the left front of the marker
mr smooches 824: like a volumizer?
Gliney: one sec
mr smooches 824: k
Gliney: http://www.destructivecustoms.com/DCSales/dcandfspmilling.htm
Gliney: right under the barrel
mr smooches 824: k
Gliney: the tube sticking out is another regulator
mr smooches 824: ok one sec
mr smooches 824: I'm looking down the barrel
mr smooches 824: the one on the left is the scm?
Gliney: and that entire left tube is a volume chamber
mr smooches 824: ok
Gliney: the 72 psi air goes through the noid and into the ram
mr smooches 824: hmm
mr smooches 824: what does the ram look like?
Gliney: I will see if i can find a picture of a ram cartrige
mr smooches 824: alright thanks again
Gliney: not a problem
Gliney: http://www.pbportal.de/files/techres/AKA-LPR-006.jpg
Gliney: that is an excal but the ram is similar
Gliney: the ram is attached to the bolt and when it comes forward it strikes the valve letting the 200 psi through the bolt and out the barrel
mr smooches 824: hold on
mr smooches 824: trying to process
Gliney: ok
mr smooches 824: you said it goes through the noid
mr smooches 824: where is that located?
Gliney: the noid is between the grip frame and body in a tray
mr smooches 824: ok
mr smooches 824: here's what I understand
mr smooches 824: I'll type the process from start to finish
mr smooches 824: hold on
mr smooches 824: preset air tank sends 800 psi to the regulator which brings it down to 200 psi. 200 psi is sent to the hammer/ram.
mr smooches 824: now when it fires I know the hammer strikes the valve etc... similar to a sheridan
mr smooches 824: but is there a sear?
Gliney: nope no sear
mr smooches 824: hmmm
mr smooches 824: how does the hammer latch on?
Gliney: the ram cartrige is your hammer, what happens is the noid flows air to it in two dirrections like a cocker ram
Gliney: so it holds it back and snaps it forward
mr smooches 824: hmm
mr smooches 824: what holds it back? and releases it?
Gliney: air presure
mr smooches 824: second
mr smooches 824: it just doesn't make sense to me
mr smooches 824: I can understand that it would be held back
mr smooches 824: but here's how i would see it
mr smooches 824: you pull the trigger and something causes the ram to push the hammer forward
mr smooches 824: I mean
mr smooches 824: there's no on/off valve like a mag
Gliney: nope
mr smooches 824: so what causes the hammer to snap forward?
Gliney: trying to think about how to explain it
mr smooches 824: take your time
Gliney: ok do you know how an autococker works?
mr smooches 824: yes
mr smooches 824: the trigger opens the 3 way
mr smooches 824: and that diverts the air to the ram
Gliney: ok think about your noid as the three way on a cocker
mr smooches 824: recocking the gun
mr smooches 824: si
Gliney: when you pull the trigger it sends an electrical pulse to the solinoid
mr smooches 824: yes
Gliney: it opens noid for a set amount of miliseconds letting air through pushing the ram forward
Gliney: the ram hits the valve and fires the ball
mr smooches 824: so the air does a little U right? Follow me on this
mr smooches 824: the noid is open
mr smooches 824: air flows through goes to the back of the rame and pushes the hammer forward?
Gliney: yup
mr smooches 824: righto
mr smooches 824: now what's the second tube for? Recharging after the first shot?
mr smooches 824: I mean
mr smooches 824: once the noid opens and closes, air flowes through to refill the chamber
Gliney: then the noid closes that air passage and opens another driving the ram back to its closed position
mr smooches 824: ah
mr smooches 824: picture of a noid please?
Gliney: ok
mr smooches 824: ty
Gliney: np
Gliney: http://airsoldier.com/solenoids/ha041e1.jpg

You might have to sift through some stuff, but it's good info none the less.

off to bed,

03-02-2005, 11:10 PM
Thanks. So it does work like I think it does... meaning the angel is almost the same thing.
I'd imagine the excalibur just works an extra ram and solenoid in there to operate the bolt forward/backward independantly of the valve. Prolly uses up some of the volume chamber, which would be why the excal is thought to be "slower" than the vikings.

Thanks for the log, helped a lot.

03-02-2005, 11:20 PM
Yeah, that is essentially right. I'll try my best here to simplify it:


Open bolt.

Air comes into the sidewinder reg. Can come from a HP or LP tank. The sidewinder regulates it down to about 200 psi. From there is goes to two places, the LPR and the valve chamber. The LPR regulates the air down further, to about 72 psi, and that air is then stored in the left-side (from the back) lower tube of the gun. When you pull the trigger, the board triggers the solenoid, which takes air from the LPR chamber via a milled-in air passage, and routes it via another milled-in air passage to the back of the ram. The ram moves the bolt forwards (the bolt has a pin that goes thru it that engages the ram), pushing a ball into the chamber. At the same time, the ram is striking the valve, which releases the air in the valve chamber (remember, about 200 psi) to flow thru the valve, the bolt, and fires the ball. The solenoid then routes the air form the lpr chamber to another milled-in air passage to the front of the ram, forcing the ram back, and bringing the bolt back with it, allowing another ball into the chamber.


Closed Bolt

Air comes into the sidewinder reg, same as above, reg'd to about 200 psi. From there the air goes to an lpr and the valve chamber, except they are on opposite sides of the gun from the viking, i.e. lpr chamber is now on the right (from the back of the gun), valve chamber is on the left. LPR again reg's the air down further to about 72 psi. The normal position for the excal bolt is in the forward position, since its a closed bolt marker. To understand the firing sequence of the excal, which is more complex than the viking, keep in mind that the excal has 2 solenoids to the vikings 1.

When you fire the excal, the first solenoid routes air from the lpr via milled in air passages to the back of a short-throw ram in the back left of the air chamber. The ram moves forward and strikes the valve, which allows air thru the valve and the bolt, firing the ball. The solenoid then sends air thru to the back of that ram, bringing the ram back and closing the valve. Very shortly after this, a few milliseconds later, the second solenoid routes air from the lpr to a ram in the right tube of the gun, again via milled in air passages. This ram serves only to move the bolt back and forwards again, chambering another ball. The amount of time the bolt is back is determined via software settings. Once this bolt has moved back again, a ball is chambered, and the gun is ready to fire again.

Please note that I left out the eye logic and such in this description.

03-03-2005, 12:09 PM
LOL, all that work for NOTHING.

Target Practice
03-03-2005, 12:35 PM
LOL, all that work for NOTHING.

Hell no, that's good info. I've been looking for something exactly like what you posted.

03-03-2005, 02:55 PM
If I am reading this correctly, one of the bottom tubes on a Viking is just a large air chamber and empty? Or am I completely wrong?

03-03-2005, 02:58 PM
If I am reading this correctly, one of the bottom tubes on a Viking is just a large air chamber and empty? Or am I completely wrong?

if looking at the back of the gun -- yeah, the left. While the SCM/LPR is housed there nothing else is .. This is also where you would attach the gauge if messing with your LPR setting.

03-03-2005, 03:37 PM
"Mr. Smooches"??? :rofl:

03-03-2005, 04:07 PM
don't rag on the smooches. I was pretty popular with the girls when I was younger and that was a pretty fitting title 6 years ago.

03-03-2005, 08:21 PM
If I am reading this correctly, one of the bottom tubes on a Viking is just a large air chamber and empty? Or am I completely wrong?

NO. The air chamber on the left houses the air post-lpr that is fed to the ram by the solenoid.

03-03-2005, 08:35 PM
Thanks. So it does work like I think it does... meaning the angel is almost the same thing.

Yep, when you get down to it, Angels, Intimidators, Vikings, Bushmasters, Impulses all work the same exact way.

I'd imagine the excalibur just works an extra ram and solenoid in there to operate the bolt forward/backward independantly of the valve. Prolly uses up some of the volume chamber, which would be why the excal is thought to be "slower" than the vikings.

Yep, there's just an extra ram and solenoid to control the bolt.

03-03-2005, 08:52 PM
Yep, when you get down to it, Angels, Intimidators, Vikings, Bushmasters, Impulses all work the same exact way.

Well, pretty much the same way. Whereas the viking used milled air passages, the timmys use those plastic hoses to route the air. And there are significant difference in build quality.

Yep, there's just an extra ram and solenoid to control the bolt.

Also interesting to note is that the two rams in the excal move in opposite directions, which helps to cancel out the motion from each other, leading to the "smoother" feel that excals seem to have.