View Full Version : Anyone remember this?

03-03-2005, 11:54 AM
Some years ago, I'd have to make a guess and say between 8 and 12 yrs ago, someone had came up with the idea to make a "sniper ball" paintball.

Basically the made a little plastic stabilizer fin and a cup with a paintball glued in it. I think they sold these in little cases of 5.

You had to muzzle load the sniper ball down the barrel.

Anyone remember these? Any idea what they were called, who made em, if they still make them?

Just a piece of nostalgia I'd love to get my hands on.

03-03-2005, 01:41 PM

i recal seeing them more recnt

if i recall they didnt help acuracy and were very expenisve

probly very hard to find now..

however i know toms fn303 less letha; gun uses a similar projectile...

Target Practice
03-03-2005, 01:45 PM
Yeah, I think you're talking about the the FN 303. It uses a hard plastic projectile if I remember correctly. I don't know, but Muzikman would.

03-03-2005, 01:50 PM
Do you remember when masks weren't even used yet and plain goggles were the norm?

I'd come home with welts on my forehead and cheeks

03-03-2005, 01:58 PM
i remember them in the time frame you mentioned. However i know nothing currently about their whereabouts...sorry, and good luck finding them.

03-03-2005, 02:16 PM
I remember seeing ads for those "sniper-balls" in the early-mid 90s, but have no recollection as to who made them. I'm pretty certain that 10yr old paint would be badly deteriorated.

Rinaldo - I rmember playing with shop-goggles, but we all bought the green woodstalk face masks early on. One or two split lips was enough. :argh:

03-03-2005, 02:33 PM
I would like to know too...but only if they actually help.

03-03-2005, 02:47 PM
Thanks guys.

Not sure the FN 303 is the thing I am thinking of. These were specifically for paintball and advertised as Sniper Paintballs (don't quote me, but around those lines).

Early 90's is about the era for them.

I'd be curious of finding pics or even one of the plastic fin cup things if these are long defunct, just to see if they could be easily duplicated.

They were certainly expensive...but as I recall the guy who owned the field I started playing at that time ago had got some and used them with his Mag. He was an ex Marine so he always did love jumping in some bush with his home made ghillie like suit and trying to pick off people coming down the trails. I recall only one instance of seeing the sniper ball in use...and it worked.

Other then that my memory of them are hazy.

03-03-2005, 03:36 PM
I am pretty sure I have an old APG with one of those advertisements... But it is about 500 miles from me right now. ;( If I remember when I'm home in 3 weeks I'll try to look for it.


03-03-2005, 04:04 PM
Awesome. If you can find it and scan an image I'll be happy to host it.

I am pretty sure I have an old APG with one of those advertisements... But it is about 500 miles from me right now. ;( If I remember when I'm home in 3 weeks I'll try to look for it.


03-03-2005, 04:05 PM
Ah Sniper balls...

I had some years ago.. neat but utterly pointless.. honestly they did nothing.. Plus you had to remove the barrel or jam the in with the supplied stick.. Jeff you guys makeing castle? We should be there again , shall I bring the donuts ;)

For the newbs sorta looked like this little drawing..

03-03-2005, 04:09 PM
... Jeff you guys makeing castle? We should be there again , shall I bring the donuts ;)


Spring, or Fall? Some of the guys may be going in the spring, but I haven't heard anything firm. Myself, I won't see EMR until June, I think. Fall Castle we will be there in force, again.

We should have about 18 for the Long Island game in May.

03-03-2005, 04:45 PM
Yea that looks like it.

I'd love to fool around with this idea again, especially after reviewing the FN 303's claims to improved distance with their design.

Ah Sniper balls...

I had some years ago.. neat but utterly pointless.. honestly they did nothing.. Plus you had to remove the barrel or jam the in with the supplied stick.. Jeff you guys makeing castle? We should be there again , shall I bring the donuts ;)

For the newbs sorta looked like this little drawing..

03-03-2005, 07:36 PM
I remember those when I first started playing. They were not the best idea for smaller feilds. Probably good for scenario games or woods games.

03-04-2005, 08:46 AM
I don't know who made them but here is a pic. I&I sports used to carry them.

03-04-2005, 10:53 AM
Awesome man...thanks for the pic!

I don't know who made them but here is a pic. I&I sports used to carry them.

03-04-2005, 12:15 PM
but we all bought the green woodstalk face masks early on. One or two split lips was enough. :argh:

for those who don't know what a woodstalk mask is. Here is pic of one I still have.


Those and shop googles, now that's protection :wow:

I also remember those snpier balls in adds.

03-04-2005, 01:17 PM
I remember playing with just the molded safety glasses! That's what the field had as rentals!

And I remember the sniperballs. Never actually saw one, just read about them.

Ah, the good ole days. I remember when.... ;)

03-04-2005, 01:21 PM
I remember playing with just the molded safety glasses! That's what the field had as rentals!

And I remember the sniperballs. Never actually saw one, just read about them.

Ah, the good ole days. I remember when.... ;)

Anyone remember when 10 balls was 10 dollars. then it dropped to 6.
In miami back in 89 that's what it cost.
8 years old getting welts on my cheeks from getting hit with $1 Pbs lol

03-04-2005, 02:17 PM
Anyone remember when 10 balls was 10 dollars. then it dropped to 6.
In miami back in 89 that's what it cost.
8 years old getting welts on my cheeks from getting hit with $1 Pbs lol

$1/ball! :eek:

When/where I started, in 1991 at the fringes of the civilised world, in was $3/10.

spectre184 - I still have mine, too, for some reason. :rolleyes:

03-05-2005, 12:16 PM
I remember $1.50/10 in 1989 in our area. $10.00/10. Ouch. Pick your shots carefully.

03-05-2005, 03:07 PM
I remember $1.50/10 in 1989 in our area. $10.00/10. Ouch. Pick your shots carefully.

Miami ... guess we were getting screwed because of the car we'd drive up in? No idea... I know that's what my big brother and I would have to pay... also this wasn't a field it was a jungle in the everglades and guys would go there to play because ... well it's the jungle no one's going to say anything to you.

03-05-2005, 07:22 PM
i remember the sniper balls, but i also seem to remember there being just fins as well. you could take a regular paintball and kind of suctioncup the fin to the back of it, muzzle load it and you were set.
i also remember the days of $3 for 10 balls. i also remember one day we were playing and my shop goggles were crap and i asked the field owner if i could just wear my rec-specs(those sports glasses that you would see NBA players wear wit hthe elastic strap in the back, ment to be worn for sports) he said sure, so i ran around all day with just my rec-specs on, they didnt even cover the sides of my eyes....oh the good ole days!!!!

03-06-2005, 02:12 AM
Fun Gunz INC is the comany that applied for the patent on the sniper balls. http://www.haveblue.org/tech/patents/US006609511.pdf

Check out haveblue.org under the patent link. There are a few different variations of them.

But I guess that still doesn't help you find any.