View Full Version : Guess what gun this is...

Jack & Coke
03-04-2005, 01:57 AM

Duck Hunt
03-04-2005, 02:04 AM
A Qloader adapted Shocker.

What do I win???


03-04-2005, 02:06 AM
Shocker with one MEAN detent.

03-04-2005, 02:13 AM
hmm...appears to be a shocker...but im gonna throw out a guess and say its modified....maybe having a mag valve? :confused:

03-04-2005, 02:17 AM
An ugly one.

03-04-2005, 02:18 AM
Shocker modded for q-loader...

Lower right and upper left give it away :p

03-04-2005, 02:18 AM

Jack & Coke
03-04-2005, 02:31 AM
Wow... you guys are sharp!

Check out this crazy thread:



The guy who did this to his gun is brazy-u. He doesn't speak english, so his frined wrote this for him:

hi guys!!!! the pics you've seen yesterday need a little explanation.my friend Brazy-ü who did this sh##!!!/// & shocking work wasn't able to answer you caus' he doesn't speak english.
anyway he understood that most of you found his (job) discusting.
so he tryed to answer you buy pics & vids in order to show you on his point of view, the real advantage and functionality of a qpod on shocker 03.
So here is his answer!!!!

it's one year now , that he uses this system on the millenium tour
(5 rounds) and others tournaments.

he considered that shocker was at this time the best gun to receive this type of system.caus' he had mono-celular eye,it's ligth,built in in line and open bolt.

the first point about this discusting work is on the hole of the feeder who was at the beginning blocked by a little mobile window through which he could see the paint balls when the window was closed and when it was opened give a very fast and easy cleaning with neck dog-tail.

he tried to find a similar feeder that you can find on e-mag(left or right side) and changed the angle of feeding, paintballs are feeded directly on the front of the bolt.(the balls in the tube are used as retaining ball because of the forced feed loader qpod)

his shocker now use only one retaining ball , the one on the side
of feeding doesn't exist of course.(this not a retaining ball any more but a o-ring sticked into it instead of a ball)see pict.

most of the qpod loading system used on angel, timy,trix ,impulse or else use the hole on the top of the gun, he wanted to use the lower profile as possible and of course the possibility to play for a right or left handed guy.
his first idea was to feed the gun by a hole under the gun. impossible as you can easily understand on this type of gun.( but now the one who would allow that is icd fs1 so be sure that sh 03 won't be the only one to be tortured by this pig.)

now you've got a very compact gun who expose a minimum of surfaces.(see face full toulouse 04 dvd 1/4 finals div 3 cpbse black cat fr vs screaming eagle can. he is the guy who's got camera on his ear and that's because of this camera he's ben taken out .it was the only thing out of the bunker.

to reduce fsdo & paint breaking he added a bumper & a o-ring
on the bolt guide.
in case of paint in the breech there's a hole under the feeder
to evacuate paint.

anyway i agree with all who said that this guy work like pig.
but this job has been done with no specific tools.
beauty is sometimes not very important. but in this case it's a high level of sh*##§:://

he prefers efficiency to beauty (everybody can see that!!!!)

but no excuse for the stains on the carpet & sheets.

excuse me for my english if i made mistakes.

see you on a field perhaps one day!

pat & brazy-ü.

Those PBN kiddies may be really hard on him (mean comments), because of his agg hack job, but make no mistake... this dude can ball!

Check him out:


Jack & Coke
03-04-2005, 02:32 AM
Lower right and upper left give it away

You good :D

03-04-2005, 02:34 AM
its a shocker who had a bad date with the mill and a sloppy welder!!

03-04-2005, 02:40 AM
:spit_take That poor marker.

Its setting there right now, repeating quietly to itself ----> "This isn't happening. This isn't happening. This isn't happening."

I'm sorry son, but it is happening.

Someone do that thing a favor and put it out of its misery.

Good idea, poor execution.

Sorry, I just couldn't help myself.

Thank you, and good night.


EDIT: After watching the vid, I can say that he is a good player, but this just further illustrates my philosophy ---> Some were meant to play, some were meant to tech, and never shall the twixt meet. That man needs to find him a good tech, which he can tell his ideas to, and let the tech implement them, 'cause that hack job is just wrong.

Like my dad used to say: "There are two ways to do something; the right way, and the way you chose to do it." :rofl:

Jack & Coke
03-04-2005, 02:48 AM
heh... did notice how stained and messy his bed was? must be his work bench...

funny quote from that thread:

Originally posted by BigSteve

shoulda got a mag


03-04-2005, 03:40 AM
I like this quote better

Originally posted by BANANA!!!
Looks like you voided your warranty.

03-04-2005, 07:49 AM
I've never worked on a gun, but damn that is a messy job.

03-04-2005, 09:02 AM
Im pretty sure Ive met him and his shocker at Germany last year. He was chopping paint like crazy. And thats one hell of a mess hes made with his gun, although kudos for trying :)

03-04-2005, 09:15 AM
:headbang: Love it total Ghetto hack job :headbang: Start calling it the ghetto gat.... :shooting:

Evil Bob
03-04-2005, 09:21 AM
Someone ought to find a pretty qloader equiped warp breech Xmag pic and post it to that forum thread, make him and his tech friend go "wtf were we thinking??!!"

-Evil Bob

03-04-2005, 09:42 AM
its a shocker who had a bad date with the mill and a sloppy welder!!

what mill? hack saw or rotorary?

Jack & Coke
03-04-2005, 10:05 AM
what mill? hack saw or rotorary?

I think the word you're looking for is "hammer".

03-04-2005, 10:17 AM
Reminds me of the good old days when everyone made their own mods. Function > Form :)

03-04-2005, 02:39 PM
For those of you with subscriptions to FACEFULL, the Jan. issue included a DVD of the 7-man World Cup in Toulouse and for part of one game, the guy who built it has a helmet cam....and you can be he was using that shocker. It seems to work really well in the DVD and definitely cuts hit profile in half.

Jack & Coke
03-04-2005, 04:07 PM
For those of you with subscriptions to FACEFULL, the Jan. issue included a DVD of the 7-man World Cup in Toulouse and for part of one game, the guy who built it has a helmet cam....and you can be he was using that shocker. It seems to work really well in the DVD and definitely cuts hit profile in half.


Temo Vryce
03-04-2005, 10:19 PM
Well I can tell that pretty much everyone that has said that it's ugly or has a bad welding job has never seen anything braized before. It's not the neatest kind of welding there is but it has it's uses.

03-04-2005, 10:21 PM
i bet it would look nicer if he polished up that weld job that looks like ABC gum holding it together. and made the rest of the custom parts cleaner looking.

03-04-2005, 11:06 PM
Man, the guy did one mean looking job. That looks like the feedneck was JB Welded on or a big ole batch of epoxy.

I really like that set-up, very interesting and looks super fun to play with. Think of using that on a Ton Ton Shocker.... cept better looking. That would be kick ***.

And you know what makes me mad, all the PBN kiddies ragging on this guy for doing something the way HE wants to on HIS gun. Its not like Shockers are rare, or that they are poor. These kids need to get a life, not him.

I say props to the guy, makes me wanna buy a Shocker, kinda, again.

03-05-2005, 01:32 AM
Yeah I thought was some type of glue. I can see SP coming out with something like a warp body coming out very soon now.

I like that guys brazil pendant. I wonder if I can get one made Guam. that would rock.

:headbang: individuality :headbang:

Jack & Coke
03-05-2005, 03:17 AM
I like that guys brazil pendant. I wonder if I can get one made Guam. that would rock.

http://www.aloha2go.com/hawaiianbrand/catalog/catalog-pic2/pend-laced-guamseal.JPG http://www.aloha2go.com/hawaiianbrand/catalog/catalog-pics/chamorro-guamcohook.JPG http://www.aloha2go.com/hawaiianbrand/catalog/catalog-pics/chamorro-chamorrobamboopend.JPG

http://www.aloha2go.com/hawaiianbrand/catalog/catalog-pics/pend-guamhook-88871.JPG http://www.aloha2go.com/hawaiianbrand/catalog/catalog-pics/pend-guamhook-88771.JPG http://www.aloha2go.com/catalog/catalog-pic2/guam-lgturtle.JPG

hafa adai ;)