View Full Version : The best mech and electros for the money, PERIOD!

03-04-2005, 10:36 AM
FYI if anyone is looking for a new rig:

I have never seen new EVO's this cheap before. 700 bucks for a mech evo is a great price, unless someone has a better price hidding somewhere else. Just thought I would post this up considering the number of threads searching for the best mech.



they also have freestyles for 500 and b2k4's w/ pds for 370

03-04-2005, 10:45 AM

I'm taking donations to the "Get a new Evo" fund.

:shooting: --------------- :dance:

03-04-2005, 10:56 AM
I can't imagine buying a mechanical cocker for $700.

03-04-2005, 10:59 AM
I can't imagine buying a mechanical cocker for $700.


03-04-2005, 11:49 AM
An RT Pro is a better mech than an Evolution or any other mech cocker. Much cheaper than that Evo too, even with the reduced pricing.

03-04-2005, 11:50 AM
An RT Pro is a better mech than an Evolution or any other mech cocker.


03-04-2005, 12:04 PM
actually, you are horribly wrong. the EVO cocker, is amazing. it is the cream of the crop. no doubt about it. these cockers, are great, and better than the rt pro. many cockers are actually better, or on par with the rt pro, so your statement is more ignorant than anything else.

03-04-2005, 12:05 PM
actually, you are horribly wrong. the EVO cocker, is amazing. it is the cream of the crop. no doubt about it. these cockers, are great, and better than the rt pro. many cockers are actually better, or on par with the rt pro, so your statement is more ignorant than anything else.

If you're going to say that, back it up with facts on why it's better :)

03-04-2005, 12:13 PM
I have literaly NEVER shot a mechanical cocker that I would say was significantly "better" than an RT-Pro.

There have been plenty that had enough differences that it would be like comparing apples to oranges so I don't bother.

I still stand by my comment that there's no mechanical cocker that "worth" $700 IMHO.

03-04-2005, 12:19 PM
I have to agree and will take it a step further
there is no mechanical marker the is worth $700

although when ptp comes out with there air assisted trigger i think you will see a bunch of mech going for $700. till then not worth it.

03-04-2005, 12:37 PM
Didnt mean to start a chest beating contest, however I wanted to give AO a headsup if anyone is in the market for either one

03-04-2005, 02:10 PM
actually, you are horribly wrong. the EVO cocker, is amazing. it is the cream of the crop. no doubt about it. these cockers, are great, and better than the rt pro. many cockers are actually better, or on par with the rt pro, so your statement is more ignorant than anything else.

Ummmm.... no. Tell me, is it lighter that the RT Pro? Faster than the Rt Pro? Cheaper than the Rt Pro? Have any non-chop capability built in at all to it? It's more efficient than the mag, but other than that you don't have much on your side there. But, if you really like cockers, $700 is a great price for it as they usually retail waaay above there as GT said before. I saw the best mech marker statement & just went off a bit, in retrospect probably shouldn't have done that. I apologize to GT for mucking up the thread :(

03-04-2005, 03:28 PM
Ummmm.... no. Tell me, is it lighter that the RT Pro? Faster than the Rt Pro? Cheaper than the Rt Pro? Have any non-chop capability built in at all to it? It's more efficient than the mag, but other than that you don't have much on your side there. But, if you really like cockers, $700 is a great price for it as they usually retail waaay above there as GT said before. I saw the best mech marker statement & just went off a bit, in retrospect probably shouldn't have done that. I apologize to GT for mucking up the thread :(

well, being a cocker (the origional no chop mechs) it can be setup to not chop, also cockers are pretty quick, and quite easy for any one to shoot quick. if you remember, rtpros used to cost 650 to 700, and that wasnt with all the jazz that they come with now... in retrospect, evo cockers used to be 1400 mech. same with freeflows. honestly, the rtp is no better than the evo, but it may be more value for your money.

03-04-2005, 03:45 PM
Best bang for your buck?

mech: Probably either an RT pro or a CCM Series 5. Both are great markers for great prices.

electro: The Adrenaline impulses went down from $1000 to $500. I'd say you get your money's worth with one definately...

Thats my opinion...

03-04-2005, 04:16 PM
freestyles are easily the best electro for the money. under 700 for he bolt, breakbeam eyes, and just above 2 lbs..

03-04-2005, 04:20 PM
freestyles are easily the best electro for the money. under 700 for he bolt, breakbeam eyes, and just above 2 lbs..

omfg .. screw x-mag I'm buying that evo x. wow.

03-04-2005, 04:41 PM
omfg .. screw x-mag I'm buying that evo x. wow.

You know that a mech cocker can not come close most electros (excluding cheaper ones), and those evos (unles you want to spend $1000) are electro.

03-04-2005, 04:50 PM
You know that a mech cocker can not come close most electros (excluding cheaper ones), and those evos (unles you want to spend $1000) are electro.

I assume you ment "aren't electro."

03-04-2005, 04:53 PM